组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19
完形填空(每小题1分,共10 分)

    Once my mother told me a story about the antelope(羚羊) and the lion inAfrica. When an antelope wakes up every morning, the first thing it thinksabout is, "I must be able to run1than the fastest lion, or I will bekilled." At the same time, a lion wakes from its dream. Thefirst thing it thinks about is, "I must be able to2 the slowest antelope, or I will be hungry."So, almost at the same time, the antelope and the lion get up and start runningtoward the rising sun.

   This is life: full of3. Whether you are an antelope or alion, you must go ahead when the sun rises. For students, it is just the same.If we don't study hard, we will fall behind the other students.4, I did not know what the word "exam"meant. Later, I knew an exam was a kind of competition. In competitions, therewere5 winners and losers. As I grew up, I began tounderstand what competition is about. In one's life, there must becompetitions, so people can6.

   Eachtime I saw little children playing games, and heard their7, I wished I were that age again.However, I remembered my parents' words: "You must work very hard in orderto have a good future." So I picked up my8 and began to study hard again.

   However,I was still not sure what competition really meant. One day, I took part in an English-speakingcompetition. When I went on the stage ( 舞台), I saw otherstudents9 mekindly. I suddenly knew that competition was not always as cruel as my teachersand parents told me. Sometimes it could be10 . I learned a lot from realizing this fact.Now I understand more about competition.


    Traveling is one of the most important parts of my life. Last January, I went to visit Paris for the first time. My hotel was in the north of Paris, so I started my city walk from that area. After walking for an hour, I finally reached the well-known Eiffel Tower (艾菲尔铁塔). To tell the truth, it didn't look as fascinating as I had expected. It seemed to be nothing but a tall thing made of brown iron. I just took some pictures and then walked away.

    While I was sitting to rest, an old man's voice caught my attention, "Bonjour" ("Hi" in English)!"I turned around and saw an old French man. He might be my grandfather's age. I replied with "Bonjour!" He couldn't speak much English, so we talked in English and French, and used body language. Traveling alone made mealertwhen strangers came to me. I tried to avoid talking about any personal information and even thought about running away. Luckily, not all strangers are dangerous. This man was friendly. He was hanging around in the city center for the weekend. Finally, he became my tour guide and took me to lots of interesting places. We said goodbye when it became dark.

    When I was about to go back to the hotel, something shiny in the dark sky drew my attention. It was the Eiffel Tower! The ugly iron Eiffel Tower suddenly became a diamond (钻石) in the dark night. It was truly amazing. Up to now, I have visited Paris three times. And still, whenever I go to Paris, I find something interesting that makes me go back again and again.


    What do you think Salman Rushdie, Bill Clinton, Paulo Coelho and Fyodor Dostoyevsky all have in common? They are all writers, you might say. Yes, and all of them are also members of a new club: writers of books that British people cannot finish. In a recent survey of 4,000 adults on books, there were some interesting findings

    32% of the people said they couldn't finish Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J.K. Rowling. Another book was James Joyce's 1922 novel Ulysses, which has more than 1,000 pages. Surprisingly (出人意料地), Louis de Bernières' novel Captain Corelli's Mandolin was also included. The book has sold more than 2 million since 1994, but not many people seem to be able to finish it.

    There were more interesting results in the survey. 55% of the people said they bought books for decoration (装饰) and they had no plan to read them. A spokeswoman (女代言人) from a publishing house said,"It seems that people buy some books just to make their bookcases (书架) look good, rather than actually buying a book that they want to read," she added. "People are buying books because they think they will be good for them, rather than because they think they'll enjoy them."

    The findings said many people found it hard to make time for reading. Main reasons for this included: feeling tired (48%), watching TV (46% ), and playing computer games (26%).

    But who really cares? The book industry is happy because people are buying books anyway. And readers are happy because they can decorate their bookcases and make a good impression (印象) on others.


    Have you heard of "Buy Nothing Day"? Do you think you can't spend a coin on that day?

    This holiday encourages people to stop buying things. It began in the 1990s in Vancouver, Canada. It was the idea of a man named Kalle Lasn. After working for many years in advertising (广告业), Lasn began to question the ways advertisers influenced people to buy things.

    Lasn knows that people need to buy things. They have to buy things to eat, live and even enjoy life. But Lasn believes that many companies encourage people to buy far more than is necessary. He thinksithurts people and culture.

    Lasn tries to help people understand some of the wrong values and ideas behind advertising. The main value he fights is the idea, "You must buy more to be happy." Encouraging people to celebrate "Buy Nothing Day" is one idea he came up with.

    "Buy Nothing Day" is celebrated on the fourth Friday of every November. Lasn chose this day for a very important reason. It is one of the biggest shopping days of the year. Advertisers call this day Black Friday. The first "Buy Nothing Day" was celebrated in Canada in 1992. Many other countries also have growing problems with too much consumption (消费). Now, over sixty different countries, including the USA, the UK, Germany, France, Japan, are celebrating "Buy Nothing Day".

    Some people doubt if "Buy Nothing Day" can really change culture. It is only one day, they say. Other people say that consumers should not just buy less, but they should buy better. These people encourage consumers to buy things made in environment-friendly ways. But "Buy Nothing Day" does get people thinking about the negative ( 负面的) influences of buying too much.

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