组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-07-04

    Twenty years ago, I drove a taxi for my life and sometimes I had to work at night.

    One late night, I got a telephone call a neighborhood. When I arrived there at 2: 30 am, the only building was dark except a single light in the (five) floor window. So I walked up and knocked at the door.

    Just a minute, "answered a weak voice. After a long time, the door opened and a small woman(stand) in front of me. Next to her was a small box.

    Quickly I took her box to the car and then returned to hold her. She kept(thank)me.

    When we got in the car, she asked, "Can you drive me through the blocks?

    " it's too late now, "I replied.

    "I don't mind," she said slowly. "I'm in no hurry. The doctor says I don't have much time to live…"

    I (quiet) turned off the meter(计费器), For the next two hours, we drove through the city and passed the building where she had once worked, the neighborhood where she and her husband  had lived  ,and some other places. Assun was rising, we stopped in front of a low building. Two young(woman) were waiting there. They were both the nurses who would look after her.

    "How much do I have to pay?" she asked.

    "Nothing, "I replied. I was sure I would never forget this(pain)experience.

    She looked surprised, "You gave a woman who is dying a little moment of pleasure, "she said.

"Thank you".

    Sometimes people may not remember exactly what you did or said. However, they'll always remember how you make (they) feel. And they'll never forget it.

阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。

    Ray was thought to be a strange boy. One day when he was flying his kite, he said to himself, "Did anybody ever try to fly a kite at night? I think it must be very fun. But the kite can't be seen in the dark, what if I tie a light to it? That would be really good. I  (try) it tonight."

    As soon as it was dark, he   (take) his kite and lantern, and went to a large field about a mile from his home. He tied the lantern to the tail of his kite. The lantern  (make) of paper. The kite flew higher and higher. He tied thestring( 线) to a tree, then he stood there, staring at his kite. Itfloated( 飘 ) high up into the air. How wonderful! While Ray  (enjoy) his special kite, some people in the village also saw it.

"Look! A light (fly) in the sky," one person said. "It can't be a light," said a man.

    "Perhaps it's a bigfirefly(萤火虫) ," said another.

    "Maybe it's acomet(彗星),"said another man. "How strange!" said a boy.

    "Let's find out what this strange light  (be)." the last one said. Then they went to the field.

    While this was taking place, Ray, who had gotten tired of standing, was sitting behind a tree. He   (see) the men as they came, but they didn't see him. When they reached under the light, and saw what it was, they looked at each other and said while laughing, "There is nothing unusual    (happen)! This is just a trick of some naughty boys', but it (fool) us all, let us keep the secret." Then they laughed again and went back to the village.

    When the men had gone, Ray thought it was time for him  (go), so he went home, too. When his mother heard what he had done, she hardly knew whether to laugh orscold(责备), but just told him to go to bed.
