组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19

Plastic snow falls from the sky.

    When you think of the Arctic (北冰洋), you may imagine an icy land of white snow. And some people may imagine it as the last really clean place left on Earth. In fact, we have polluted the deepest oceans with plastic rubbish, and now, CNN says, "It's the Arctic's turn."

    German scientists have recently foundmicroplasticsin Arctic snow. Microplastics are pieces of plastic smaller than 5 millimeters. Sadly, the scientists found 1,800 pieces of microplastics per liter (升) of snow. That may cause terrible air pollution.

    How is plastic pollution reaching the Arctic? According to scientists, "It's clear that most of the microplastics in the snow come from the air. They fall off plastic objects and are moved by the wind. They mix with ice in the air and fall to the ground as snow."

    Are they bad for us? We do know that our bodies cannot take in "large" pieces of microplastics. However, if the plastics are small enough, they can find ways into our bodies and stay there for a long time, which can be bad for our health.

    Microplastics have also been found in rivers and oceans around the world. Research has found that they flow over long distances and into our oceans, damaging ecosystems (生态环境) along the way. When we wash clothes with plastic fibers (纤维), they start in our wastewater. The wastewater then flows into rivers and out to sea. They are eaten by sea animals there. If people then eat these animals, it means that we're eating the plastic as well.


    Are robots going to take over the world? This was one of the biggest fears people had about the development of technology. But since then, those fears have been largely replaced by COVID-19. Now, more and more people are beginning to regard robots as a useful solution for social distancing problems.

    Robots have been used for years, even though you might not connect these tasks with robots. ATMs in banks are common examples of everyday robots. There are many companies using robots even before the pandemic (疫情). Robots have also been used for tasks considered dangerous.

    Among COVID-19 conditions, new robots are being tested in many fields. At McDonald's and other fast-food restaurants, robots are being tried as waiters and even cooks. Restaurants are using robots to send their food safely to homes of old people because they're at high risk from COVID-19. Disinfection (消毒) robots have been developed to fight against COVID-19 in Qingdao, Shandong Province. They can replace human beings in carrying on the responsibility of disinfection. These newly developed disinfection robots have been put into operations in the quarantine wards (隔离病房) of some hospitals.

    The arguments against robots include the loss of human jobs and the idea that machines could control our lives. But now that COVID-19 has changed the world, more people will likely be accepting robots. The situation now is showing us how technology can be used to improve the world.


    Thanks to the ancient Silk Road, the lands of Italy and China have been connected for more than 2,000 years. Tourists from China and every corner of the world come to visit Italy every year. Here are four famous cities of Italy.

Rome Coliseum

    Rome is the birth place of science, culture and of course, art in Europe. It is the perfect combination (结合) of the modern and the classical. When one walks around the city, one can see many museums. Of course, Rome is also considered as the fashion (时尚) center of the world now.

    The Rome Coliseum is today considered one wonder (奇迹) of the modern world.

    Pisa is a small city. It is famous for the leaning tower of Pisa. If you think that Pisa has only one leaning tower, you may just be wrong. This city has three leaning towers. Home of the famous scientist Galileo, Pisa is also known for its universities because the city is home of some of the most important universities in Europe.

Leaning Tower


    Florence is one of the most important provinces around Italy. Shopping here, you'll find David, the most famous statue (雕像) of Michelangelo. If you are planning to spend a couple of days in Florence, you likely will not want to lose the chance to see and enjoy Arnolfo Tower, it will be open on Sunday and Monday from 9am to 6 pm.  (closed in case of rain) .

    Venice is a city over a hundred islands. You can visit most interesting places of the city by walks or by the famous gondolas. Art exhibitions, film festivals and famous carnival (狂欢节) make Venice a place that can be visited any time of the year.


下面文章中有五处需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E 和 F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。

    Walk into a store in East Asia, and you may see a cute little cat sitting there greeting you. It is not a real cat. It's made of ceramic, wood, plastic, etc. It's also known as a " welcoming cat", " lucky cat" or "money cat". Whatever its shape, size, or color, it is believed to bring good luck to the owner.

    It is said that the tradition of making maneki-neko started from Japan over 1, 000 years ago and spread to nearby countries.  Here is the most popular one. A rich man was sitting under a tree on a rainy day. He saw a cat in a temple greeting him. He felt it was funny and went to see the cat up close. As soon as he left the tree,it got struck by lightning(被闪电击中) .The cat saved his life.  The cat then became connected with wealth.

    Maneki-neko comes in different colors. The most popular maneki-neko is white with dark spots because this is thought to be the luckiest. The color white is a symbol of happiness andpurity(纯洁) while black scares away evil spirits(邪灵).  For example,if you're looking for good luck in your love life, you should get a pink maneki-neko.

     Many people believe that it s necessary to have one for their business and their personal lives.

A. The cat is called maneki-neko.

B. There are many traditional folk stories about the cat.

C. Other colors are used to help make wishes come true.

D. It's clear that maneki-neko is more than just a cat toy.

E. Everyone must have a maneki-neko.

F. The rich man felt lucky and gave the temple lots of money.


Brian, a 7-tear-old boy, likes to have meals while watching TV. He doesn't pay attention to his food. Sometimes he forgets how full he is and eats too much.

Paul is an engineer. He is so busy that he always eats in a rush. For him, eating is like a task rather than something enjoyable.

Ben's parents work late at night and they can't get up early to cook breakfast for him. He sometimes goes to school without breakfast.

Mr. Black has a habit of having an extra meal before going to bed. He thinks it helps him sleep well at night.

Carla doesn't like drinking water. She likes Coke instead. She drinks at least five bottles a day.

A. In general, kids and teens that eat breakfast have more energy and do better in school. Without breakfast, people can get can get tired. So, try to make time for your breakfast.

B. Some drinks like Coke and fruit juice are usually high in calories and sugar, which can cause weight problems. Besides, they may also bring you bad teeth. Stay away from them and drink water instead.

C. It is important to have good habits of having meals, especially for children. A bad eating habit may cause serious health problems. For example, eating in front of the TV or computer often leads to mindless overeating.

D. Drink water in a healthy way. The water you drink helps get rid of the waste of your body. But too much is as bad as too little. Stop drinking water 30 minutes before a meal and wait for 2 hours after a meal.

E. Listen to your body. Ask yourself if you are really hungry and need more food. It actually takes a few minutes for your brain to tell your body that it has had enough food. Stop eating before you feel full.

F. Busy people always rush through their meals, forgetting to enjoy the food and feel the taste of what is in their mouths. Take time to chew(咀嚼)your food and enjoy mealtimes.

G. Don't eat too much before going to bed. Your body needs a long rest at night, including your stomach. Don't give it too much burden.(负担)
