组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19


An Adventure(冒险)of a Mouse

I am a little mouse and I live with my mum, brothers and sisters in the cave(山洞)all the time. So I took a bag and put things that I thought I'd need to have along the way. Such as a toothbrush, some clothes, and, of course, my lucky bottle cap(瓶盖).

My Uncle Louie had found the bottle cap on his travels long ago. He was running from a fierce(凶猛的)cat. That's when Uncle Louie found the cap was so “lucky". He used it to slide down(滑下)a hill. At the foot of the hill, rushing water(湍急的水流) began to carry him away. So he could take the boat through the water. I listened to Uncle Louie tell me the story many, many times. One day, he gave me the lucky cap in surprise.

With that, I said my goodbye to everyone. Then I left the cave that I lived in for so long. Outside the sun was shining(闪耀).Birds were singing high in the trees. All of a sudden my ears caught the sound of something unusual. The sky darkened like night. The wind blew, strongly. I quickly looked for cover. There was none. Then it hit me. My bottle cap! . I placed it over my head just before one of the ice balls fell onto the cap. Scared, but not hurt, I sat still for some time. Then I smiled. The lucky cap had saved the day and my life!

A. I have carried it with me since then.

B. I wanted to explore (探索)the outside world.

C. Luckily, he used the bottle cap as a boat.

D. I reached into my bag and pulled out my lucky cap.

E. The next thing I knew, ice stones began hitting the ground.
