组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-18

    Japan is one of the leaders in the scientific world when it comes to lifetime. As its population grows older, scientists and researchers look for new ways to keep them alive. A research team in Japan has worked to develop a man-made, robotic tail that could help old people keep their balance*.

    Students and searchers at Keio University of Japan have made a new invention called Arque. About 1 meter long,itclosely follows the movements of a seahorse's tail*. Junichi Nabeshima is a researcher and graduate student at the school's Embodied Media Project. "When a person is going to fall towards one side, the tail moves to the opposite side to help him keep balance. For example, if a person is going to fall to the left, it will move to the right," Nabeshima said.

    The advantages are that the man-made tail could not only help the old, but also younger people who may have some problems with their balance. Here's how it works. The tail uses air to move four man-made muscles* in eight different directions*.

    But sometimes it begins to work several seconds after it feels the human losing balance. So the tail is still at the test stage, and researchers are trying to find other ways to make the tail move better.

    The researchers are also studying ways their invention can help the working population. For example, they're looking for ways to help factory workers who often do heavy lifting and carrying.

    A robotic tail is far from the first inventions developed for the human body. Scientists have created robotic arms and hands that use muscle memory to pick up things. Mechanical legs have been developed to help people who lost legs.


    Scientists are not alone in the fight against the virus, as new technologies are giving them a hand. They help scientists find treatments (疗法) for the virus, as well as control the infection (传染).

    Big data(数据)

    Our smartphones send data to telecom companies around the clock, telling these companies where we have been. Chinese telecom companies are supplyinglocal governments with this data. By tracking(追踪) how many people are coming and going out of Wuhan, telecom companies can send warnings to areas that are being visited by large numbers of people from Wuhan.


    Drones have played an important role in disinfection (消毒) and preventing cross infection in crowded places like hospitals, railway stations and airports. Police officers use drones to give warnings. For example, if people gather in large groups or do not wear masks, drones will warn these people.


    Robots are good helpers. They are used at hospitals to offer medical advice, send drugs or meals, act like guides, perform disinfection and take patients' temperatures. This not only greatly reduces the work for medical workers, but also reduces(减少) the risk of cross-infection. Robots have also been used in public places like train stations and airports to check temperatures.


    Supercomputers analyze (分析) the genetic data (基因数据) of the virus and help scientists learn more about the virus in order to make vaccines (疫苗). Chinese companies like Ten cent have opened up their supercomputers to scientists, helping them find treatments for the virus.


    In the 1930s, Dan West was farming in Spain. It was wartime, and people were getting very hungry. As he handed out cups of milk to children, an idea hit him. "These children don't need a cup. They need a cow." This was the start of Heifer International.

    Send Some Cows

    Do you think a nice gift is a bike or a CD? Heifer International gives different kinds of presents. Its presents might say "quack" or "moo." Dan West asked friends in the United States to give gifts of heifers (小母牛), or young cows. Since then, Heifer International has given animals to four million families. It gives people the chance to feed themselves.


    Heifer International wants the people they help to help others. For one project, the group sent chickens to some children in Asia. The children looked forward to the day when they could help others. Nine-year-old Julie said, "I want other girls like me to take care of chickens and their families. I want to share and give many away." Julie knew she had totendto her chickens well so they would make new eggs and healthy chicks. She took good care of them, and they gave birth to strong, healthy chicks. Julie then passed on the gift of chicks to other families.

    Let Children L earn

    Because of Heifer International, children can spend their days in a schoolhouse instead of working in the fields. They can use the money they get from their animals to pay for school. Heifer International has changed many people's lives for many years, thanks to a kindhearted farmer named Dan West.
