组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-18

Hello, everyone. My name is Helen. This is my school. There are five buildings in my school. The science building is my favorite. I like science very much.

Hi, I'm Tony. I like my school. There are many trees in it. I like my classroom, too. There is a computer on every student's desk. And on the walls there is a map of England.

Welcome to my school! I'm Linda. This is my classroom. There is a computer on the front desk. On the walls there are some pictures and a map of the world.

Hello, my name is Jack. My parents are farm workers and I go to school on their farm. There isn't a sports hall in it. But there is a big playground. We can do many sports on it.

Good morning, Mr. Smith. I'm Carla. Welcome to my classroom. That's my desk. There are many books on every student's desk. They're from the school library.

A.     Welcome to Newnham School. This is our classroom building. The red building behind it is the library. There are lots of books in it.

B.     What's the classroom in Goldington School like? Oh, there are many books on every student's desk. The students there like reading. The books are from the school library.

C.     Brooklyn School is in a farm. There are five buildings in it, but there isn't a science building. The science labs are in the classroom building.

D.    Ferndown School is for farm workers' children on Ferndown Land. Children love the big playground in it. They do many sports there after school.

E.     This is a photo of Greenway School, my daughter's school. In the photo you can see the classroom on the left. There is a map of the world and some pictures on its wall. A computer is on the front desk.

F.     There are five buildings in Lincoln school. Look! That's the science building with ten science labs. Students like doing experiments there.

G.    Westfield school is in the middle of the city and there are many trees in it. The classrooms are great. There is a computer on every student's desk.
