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日期: 2024-07-07
听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有一个或几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题1.5分)

Named after the "quest for heavenly truth", Tianwen 1, China's first Mars probe (探测器), has given us impressive pictures of the red planet. The first high-resolution (高分辨率的) pictures of Mars taken by Tianwen 1 were made public by the China National Space Administration (CNSA) on March 4.

"These are the first close-up pictures of Mars' surface taken by China, " said Bao Weimin, a scientist of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The pictures were taken at different distances from Mars. The two black-and-white pictures were taken by the high-resolution camera on Tianwen 1 when the probe was about 330-350 kilometers above the Martian surface. As for the color picture, it was taken by Tianwen 1's medium-resolution (中分辨率的) camera when the probe was about 5, 000 kilometers above the red planet. It shows Mars' North Pole.

The high-resolution camera can take both color and panchromatic (全色的) pictures. Panchromatic pictures, which are black and white, are the clearest, having the largest amount of data for scientific study, said Liu Tongjie. The medium-resolution camera, can only produce lesser clear pictures. Scientists put the panchromatic and color pictures together to form a clear and beautiful color picture, Liu added.

Tianwen 1, the country's first independent Mars task, was sent up on July 23, kicking off the nation's planetary exploration program. The probe entered its preset orbit above Mars on Feb 24 and is looking for a landing site on the planet's largest plain. The probe is expected to land on the red planet sometime between May and June.

根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余 选项。

I travel a lot. Each month, I pack up my suitcase to hit the road, whether it could be by plane, train, or automobile. I always find myself with the same problem—how to stay healthy while traveling?

⒈ Move around.

Though only about 1 in 4, 500 airplane passengers develop a blood clot (血块), you should still make efforts to move around on the plane, just standing in the aisle or by taking a walk to the toilet. Have a layover (中途停留)? Instead of sitting, make sure to walk around the airport. Taking a road trip? Make plenty of stops to move around. Whether it is working out at your hotel, taking hikes, or giving up public transport to walk, you'll feel much better if you get in some activity.

⒉ Prepare snacks smartly.

Though these seem like a convenient choice, they're not the healthiest. I like to pack snacks that are within my calorie budget for the day and 100 calories or under each. When traveling and buying food, I try to choose fresh fruit and vegetables. Is fast food the only choice if you're very hungry? Stick to something simple and whatever you do, don't supersize.

Because of low humidity on planes, many of us can find ourselves feeling thirstier than ever. Drink more water. Make sure when traveling on day trips to carry water with you at all times. As a result, you will eat more healthily throughout the day.

A. Eat, eat, eat.

B. Drink, drink, drink.

C. Here are some practical tips.

D. Once you get to your location, don't forget to do exercise.

E. Water will also help you to be able to stay full between meals.

F. While at the airport or on road trips, you'll pass countless fast restaurants.
