组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-07-03
根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语。(每小题1.5分,共9 分)
根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。(每小题1.5分,共9 分)
阅读理解。(共35 分)

Historically, most cars have run on gasoline (汽油), but that may change in the future: cars can also run on other liquid fuels (液体燃料) and electricity.

Gasoline is from oil. The energy in gasoline comes from hydrocarbons (碳氢化合物) Gasoline provides great power for cars. However, it causes environmental problems, like air pollution and temperature rise. So gasoline can't be the best fuel.

Another choice is electricity. Electricity cars can be as efficient (效能好的) as cars using gasoline, And they produce less pollution. But electric cars themselves are more expensive. Good news is that the cost has been lower and there are more and more places for the cars to get electricity ever since 2010.

The other choices are other liquid fuels. Many of these can be stored in the same places as gasoline, and used in the same cars. They can also be friendly to the environment.

One way to make such fuels is to get CO2 from the air and put it in water. Through chemical reaction, hydrocarbons can be created. However, these fuels take up more space.

Another way is to make such fuels from plants which take in carbon from the air. These fuels are greener in use. But not all of them can be as efficient as gasoline.

For a fuel to be the best, people have to be able to afford it. Unluckily, almost every green technology is more expensive than that of using gasoline. Governments and car producers are doing everything they can to cut down the costs. In the end, the best fuel will be both affordable for car users and green for our planet.


A study has been done at a university. Scientists divided a class into two groups, They made each group take notes different ways. The first group took notes by hand, The second one did it on the computer. The of the study was to find out which method would help the students learn better. The scientists thought Group Two would win. But to their surprise, Group One did a better job. Since you take notes by hand, stick to it!

Good notes can  to less stress (压力) when test time comes around. Then how can you improve your note-taking skill? The following advice can help you.

Firstly, try to get yourself ready  class begins. Be familiar (熟悉的) with the material that you are going to learn. Make sure you have your notebooks and pens on the desk.

Secondly, take notes wisely while listening in class. Many students become  taking notes and they may fail to follow the teacher. So it is important to know when to take notes. And remember to write down the key words and use shorthand (速记法) if necessary.

Thirdly, check your notes after class. You can add some details (细节) yourself first. If there is still something missing, compare your notes with  . Do it with those who take notes carefully. These checks will also   your chances of understanding what you've written

Try the advice above. When you can take notes  than before, you will find your lessons easier and more enjoyable.
