组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-07-05




"What worries you, Tom?" asked Mrs Bell. He had a1in his hand and tears(泪水) in his eyes.

"Our teacher asked us to recite(背诵) the poem ‘Little Jim'. The student who can recite it2will get a prize. But I don't think I can do it well." said Tom.

"Why not?" asked Mrs Bell.

"The boys say that I can't," said Tom in a3voice.

"Don't mind what they4. Let them see that you can do it," said Mrs Bell.

"But I don't think I can," said Tom. "The poem is so long and difficult. I may not try5 the prize, but I want to try my best to recite it, because the boys laugh at me. They call me ‘Slow Tom'."

"Well, dear," said Mrs Bell, "Look at that snail on the wall. How slow it is! Watch it. You will see it will get to the top at last. So just try a few lines each day, and you may6the prize in the end."

Tom thought that though he could not catch up with they boys, he might run a race with the 7. So he decided to try it.

At last, the day came. The teacher called up the boys to recite the poem. After five or six boys had recited it, it was Tom's8. Most of the boys laughed at him because they thought he could9. But to their surprise, Tom did not10miss a word. His heart was full of joy when the teacher said, "Well done, Tom!" After the rest of the class had tried, the teacher said Tom had done best and he gave Tom the11.

"And now tell us12you could recite the poem so well," said the teacher.

"A snail on the wall taught me how to do it," said Tom.

     There was a loud13when Tom said this. But the teacher said, "Don't laugh! We can learn a lot from things such as snails. How did the snail teach you, Tom?"

"I saw it crawl up the wall bit by bit. It did not stop, but went on and on. And I thought I could do the same. So I recited it bit by bit, and did not14."said Tom.

"Well done, Tom!" said the teacher. "Now boys, let us give a good cheer for Tom and the snail on the wall." The classroom rang with a great15. Everyone was glad that "Slow Tom" won the prize at last.




When your town has winter, the earth's axis(轴) is pointing away from the sun. Your town doesn't get as much light or heat from the sun. The days are shorter and colder.

Winter and summer happen because the earth is tilted(倾斜) as itrevolvesaround the sun. The northern end of the earth's axis points towards the sun in summer. You have more hours of light in summer. Your part of the earth is towards the sun for more hours each day. When the part of the earth where you live is towards the sun, you have hotter days. In winter, when your part of the earth points away from the sun, you have colder days.

You have learned about winter and summer. There are two more seasons in the year. One comes after winter and before summer. The other season comes after summer and before winter. Can you name them? That's right. Spring comes between winter and summer and autumn comes after summer but before winter.

The four seasons are spring, summer, autumn and winter. Spring and autumn are apposite seasons. Which season do you like best?

You have thought about the four seasons of the year. Each season is different. The seasons are made by the northern end of the axis pointing towards or away from the sun.

Your part of the world gets more heat from the sun when the northern end of the axis points to the sun. When the axis points away from the sun, you get less heat. Now you know why winter is colder than summer. The axis is pointing away from the sun in winter. It is pointing towards the sun in summer.


If you walk through a park in the morning or in the evening, you might see a lot of people doing these slow and beautiful movements—Carry the tiger over the mountain and White crane spreads its wings. In fact, they are doingTaichi.

Taichi is an ancient martial art(武术). It is a common kind of exercise in China. More than 100 million people in over 150 countries practice Taichi at present. Recently UNESCO(联合国教科文组织) has added Taichi to its Intangible Cultural Heritage List(非物质文化遗产名录). Many taichi fans were happy to hear of it. "This will make taichi more popular around the world. Hopefully, more people will become healthier by practicing it." said Chen Bin. He is a Taichi master from the village of Chenjiagou, Henan Province. This village is the birthplace of Chen-style Taichi.

It's true that doing Taichi is good for our health. It can make us walk and move more freely, and it can also make us stronger. During slow movements, we can focus on (专注) our hands and feet. We can control them better. Slow movements also help us to take deep and long breaths.

Taichi also focuses on the harmony(和谐) between yin(阴) and yang(阳). It shows how the ancient Chinese people saw the world. The world is full of yin and yang: dark and light, soft and hard, female and male. But they don't oppose(对立) each other absolutely(绝对地). As we see in the picture, a white spot is in the black area and a black spot is in the white area. After a dark night, the sun will rise. Leaves fall in autumn but grow in spring. Everything keeps changing — that is how we should see the world.

Taichi carries traditional Chinese philosophy(哲学), such as being in harmony with nature and using softness to beat hardness. It has become a symbol of Chinese culture.


Dr. Dolittle lived in a small town called Puddleby. Everyone in the town knew him. The dog and children ran after him.

He lived in a small house, but he had a large garden. He kept many animals in his garden. His favorite animals were Dab-Dab, a duck; Jip, a dog; Gub-Gub, a baby pig and Polynesia, a parrot. He also kept some fish, rabbits, cats, a squirrel, a cow and a baby cow, a horse, chickens and so on.

Dr. Dolittle didn't have many patients. Most people didn't like all of his animals, so when they were ill, they went to a doctor in another town.

"But you don't have any money, "his sister told him. "You need patients."

"I have a patient, " Dr. Dolittle answered, "The cat's-meat-man. He's the man who sells me meat for the cat."

"He doesn't pay you enough to live on, " his sister told him.

"Then I'll sell everything I have," he said.

And he did. He sold most of his furniture. He also sold most of his clothes. Then he had enough money to buy food for himself and his animals.

One day, the cat's-meat-man said to him, " Why don't you stop being a doctor for people and become a doctor for animals instead? I'm sure that you know a lot about animals — more than most vets. You wrote a wonderful book about cats. I'd send all the people with sick dogs or cats to you."

When the cat's-meat-man left, Polynesia, the parrot, flew onto the table. "He's right, Doctor," Polynesia said. "You should become an animal doctor."

"There are a lot of vets," Dr, Dolittle said.

"Perhaps there are a lot of vets. But you'd be the best vet of all. I'm not the only animal that can talk. All the animals can talk. Each kind of animal has its own language. I'll teach you mine if you like."

"Yes, please," Dr. Dolittle said. He opened a drawer (抽屉) and took out a notebook and pencil. "Will you teach me the parrot's ABCs first?" he asked.

Polynesia agreed to teach Dr. Dolittle parrot language. Later that day, Jip came into the room. Polynesia said, "He's talking to you, Doctor."

"I don't think he is," Dr. Dolittle said. "He's just cratching(挠) himself."

"Dogs talk with their ears, their noses, and their tails," Polynesia told him. They don't always make a noise. Do you see how he is moving his nose now?"


"He is telling us that it has stopped raining, and he wants to ask you a question."

Every day, Dr. Dolittle learned the languages of the animals. When people found out he was now an animal doctor, they brought their sick pets to him.

One day, a horse said to him, " You're a much better animal doctor than the vet. You knew I couldn't see well, and you made glasses for me."

The horse was very pleased. He could see very well. He told all his friends how clever Dr. Dolittle was, and they told all their friends. Soon, many animals came to see him. He had a different door for each animal, and he wrote the name of each kind of animal above each door. HORSES, COWS,...

Before long, every animal that lived in or near the town became the doctor's patient. He was very happy, and he liked his life very much.

(Adapted fromThe Story of Dr. Dolittle)
