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日期: 2024-09-26

Red Packets in Chinese Culture

Giving Hongbao (red packets) is a tradition in China. Traditional red pockets are often decorated with gold Chinese characters (汉字), such as 1 and wealth.

How red packets are used

During Chinese New Year, 2 is (are) put inside red packets which are then handed out to younger generations by their parents, grandparents, relatives, and even close neighbour and friends.

The 3

Red represents luck and good fortune in Chinese culture. That is 4 red packets are used during Chinese New Year and other celebrations.

How to give and receive

Giving and receiving red packets is a 5 act. Therefore. red packets are always 6 and received with both hands.

Someone who receives a red packet at Chinese New Year or on his or her birthday should not _ 7 it in front of the giver. _ 8, things are different at a Chinese wedding, where the guests usually give the red packets to the attendants and sign 9 names on a large scroll ( long piece of paper). The attendants will open the packets at once, _10 the money inside, and record it on a register (登记簿) next to the guests' names.

The amount (数量)

The amount of money is relative to your relationship to the person who receives —the11your relationship is, the more money is expected. Anyway, it is not the amount of the money that matters, but the care and love you hold for others .

What not to gift

Certain amounts of money are to be 12. Anything with a four is not god because four sounds similar to13in Chinese. Even numbers(偶数), except four, are better than odd-as good things are believed to come in 14. For example, gifting $20 is better than $21.

The money inside a red packet should 15 be new. Folding the money or giving dirty or wrinkled bills is in bad taste.

Hongbao is a symbol of love from others, as well as a sign of good luck.


Derek Redmond

It was the Olympic Games in Barcelona in 1992; the semi-final of the 400 metres. The sun was shining and the crowd were ready for a great race. The British athlete Derek Redmond was a top runncr: he had a very good chance of winning a medal.

The race began. At first, Derek was running well. Then, after about 150 metres, he felt a pain in his leg. He fell down on one knee. He had a bad injury and couldn't carry on. The other runners went past him and finished the race.

After about five seconds, Derek got up and started to run again, on one leg only. Some organizers tried to stop him but he kept going. The crowd

stood up and started to clap. Then another man came onto the track—Derek's father, Jim. His father put his arm around him and said," Derek, you don't have to do this." Derek replied," Yes, do. I have to finish." And so together they walked the last 50 metres and crossed the line.

When he finally crossed the line, Derek was crying and 60,000 people were cheering him Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner

In the summer of 2010, mountaineer Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner was almost at the top of a mountain called K2 in Nepal. She was trying to climb the 8,61l-metre mountain for the fifth time and this time she was climbing with her friend Fredrik Ericsson,

It was about 7 o'clock in the morning and it was snowing a little. The two climbers were getting ready to go up the last 400 metres. Fredrik was trying to tie some rope but he slipped and fell past Gerlinde. He fell 1,000 metres and was killed.

___▲  K2 was now a very sad place for her, and she thought perhaps she would never climb the mountain.

But here was something very important that she wanted to do: K2 is one of 14 mountains in the world that are 8,000 metes or higher, and her dream was to climb them all.

So in August 2011 she went back to Nepal and K2, and tried again This time, she got to the top. Her dream was complete


Narrator: There once was a beautiful princess whose favorite amusement was a golden ball. One day the princess tossed the ball too high, and it landed in the well. As the princess cried over he lost treasure, she heard someone ask a question.

Frog: Why are you so sad, beautiful princess?

Narrator: The princess looked around and saw only a frog.

Princess: My favorite golden ball fell into the well.

Frog: I can retrieve it for you, but first, you must agree to one condition. You must promise to take me home and be my friend.

Narrator: The princess didn't want to be friends with a frog, but she promised anyway. When the frog brought her the ball, the princess snatched it from him and hurried home!

Frog: What a selfish princess. I'm certain that she has forgotten her promise. I'll just hop over to the castle to remind her. ,

Narrator: The frog hop-hop-hopped through the grass and knocked on the heavy door of the castle.

Princess: What are you doing here, you bumbling frog?

Frog: Dear princess, I am here to remind you of the promise you made.

Narrator: The princess slammed the door in the frog's face with a big BANG

King: I heard a door slam. What's happening? If you made a promise you must honor it.

Narrator: The princess was angry but obeyed her father. So, the king, the princess, and the frog enjoyed dinner together. It was mutton stew, the cook's specialty.

Frog: I was hungry, but now I'm full. Thank you for dinner. Kindly show me to my bed now. Narrator: The princess did as she was asked, but the frog looked sad!

Frog: You have welcomed me into your home, but I can tell that you don't want to be my friend Narrator: The princess's face went red, for what the frog said was true. She bent down to kiss the frog, but ended up kissing a prince.

Frog: I am a prince who was turned into a frog, and your kiss turned me back. Thank you, dear friend!.

Narrator: The prince and princess were wonderful friends from that day on and lived happily ever after.


Homestays are becoming more and more popular, and people around the world are offering their homes as hotels. Homestays offer cheap places to stay, and the chance for guests to see the area like a local. They are very popular with people who want to stay in another country to stud or on holiday. We asked three families who run homestays to tell us about where they live.

The Atal family

Our family home is in a small village in the north of Pakistan, in the Himalayan mountains The village is quite small and very quiet. The mountains are extremely beautiful. You can go for long walks and swim in the rivers but there are no shops, cinemas or cafes.

Kate and Julian Foxton

Our two-bed house is by the sea in the south-west of England. It is about five minutes' drive to the nearest village of Portreath. There are lots of beaches, rivers and forests and it is very quiet We spend a lot of time reading books, watching films and going for walks. Our area is great for spors like surfing, kayaking and mountain biking. However, the houses here are expensive, which can be a problem for local people. There are no buses or trains here, so it can be difficult to get around without a car。

Chafic and Aline Halwany

Our home is near the centre of Beirut, Lebanon, one of the largest cities in the Middle East There are lots of cafes and restaurants, which open late at night. We love it here because it's so friendly and you can always find what you need—lots of people come to stay to learn Arabic and French. However, it can be noisy at night, and there is quite a lot of traffic during the day.

Homestay holidays -A home  from home




The Atal family


◇It's in a small and quiet village in beautiful mountains.

◇People can  and swim there.

◇There are no shops, cinemas or cafes.

Kate and Julian Foxton


◇It takes a short  to the beaches, rivers and forests by car.

◇It's a good place for  like surfing, kayaking and mountain biking.

◇Houses here are not .

◇It's difficult to get around  a car.

Chafic and Aline Halwany


◇Lots of cafes and restaurants  at night.

◇You can always find  you need.

◇There is much  at night and lot of traffic during the day.

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