组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-07-03

Each of us has dreams and goals for our future. What makes us study and make progress each day is closely connected with our personal dream and goal.

But why do you have dreams and goals, you still end up with nothing? What separates successful people from the dreamers is their persistent (锲而不舍的) action. When you learn your lessons in school, you must work hard and not give up. You will often find some of your lessons very hard. Try and keep trying, and you'll be sure to successfully deal with any difficulty you meet with. If we have a hard lesson today, let us try our best to learn it well and then we shall be prepared for a harder one tomorrow.

This is the famous formula (公式) for success:

Dream > Believe > Achieve

Most people have what they want (Dream) and think they can realize their dreams (Believe). And then they do nothing. They just imagine their dreams can come true. When they get tired waiting and lose a lot, they get bored. They say angrily how terrible their life is.

I personally believe that if you really want to achieve your dreams and goals in life, you have to add one thing to your success formula:

Dream > Believe > Act > Achieve

For me, act is the most important thing for success and that's to Take Persistent Action (Act). If you say, "I can't do it" and give up, you can never do anything valuable. However, "I'll try" creates wonders. Let's remember that there will be obstacles in our life. We must face them bravely and solve them. Success is not something that falls down from the sky. Most successful people made their dreams come true because of their persistent action.

Please remember: Action is the bridge that connects our dreams and goals to reality.


What will the world of tomorrow look like? Many people today believe that technology is going to help solve some of the most difficult problems we have on Earth today. New technology may solve old problems, and it may also create new ones. No technology is perfect. Each has advantages and disadvantages, as these three examples.

When we dream about the future, many of us think that we will be able to fly to the skies in our own personal flying car. We could fly at 480 km per hour, avoiding traffic lights and busy roads. However, if the cars become popular, there will be problems with traffic control.

3D printing is another new technology for the future. 3D printers are already used to make life-size models of car parts, and man-made body parts, such as ears. As we move into the future, 3D printing will change the way we make things and the way we treat sick people. The disadvantage is that such a machine is very expensive.

Finally, people are trying to build a robot suit(套装). This is an electronic suit. It allows people to lift heavy objects and walk a long way. It might help people walk again after an illness or an accident. However, one disadvantage at the moment is cost.

Looking ahead, it is easy to imagine a future. We will be able to fly to work, print out a new pair of shoes or lift a car above our heads. Although there are some problems to solve before all of this is possible, we can certainly dream of a world. In this world, technology makes people's life easier and safer. It can solve some of the most difficult problems we have today.
