组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19

When Maria was a high school senior, she was on track. You know the one: Graduate on 1 time, spend four years at college, get a job.

"I just woke up one morning feeling empty," Maria explains. "I didn't know 2 I wanted to do, or who I wanted to be. 3 at the very last moment, I decided not to go to college." She signed herself up for a gap year program 4 included outdoor survival classes and service learning, and headed off to India, at a time of civil war across the border in Nepal.

The war created nearly a 5 orphans(孤儿). She says, "I was really shocked 6 the way women and children were living. I had never seen 7 like that."

She continued to travel throughout the region, meeting kids and listening to 8 stories. Then she made up a life-changing decision-to live in the Kopila Valley, asking her parents to send her the $5,000 she saved up for years. The money went towards 9 land on which she built a children's home.

"I wanted to give these kids a childhood similar to the one I had, 10 family and love," she explains. A couple of years later, she opened a school. The school now has 340 students and a high school 11 soon.

The next stage of Maria's work? A women's center. "A lot of women in my community were really having terrible lives." Maria says. The center has become a source of light for women. The girls and women 12 much through the school and the center.

There's now a program that attracts volunteers, and the effect in Kopila is 13 just a beginning." When I was 16, I didn't have any idea where life 14 take me." She says," Now I wake up every day loving my work and thinking I have the 15 job in the universe."


Long ago there lived an old fisherman who made his living catching fish. He never had more than two small fish to sell at the market.

One morning, a great 1 with bright silver feathers settled in the tree above him. The fisherman knew this was the Kaha, a bird that sometimes appeared to help the poor. "I see you work for very little reward," the Kaha said. "Every day I will bring a large fish to your house." As the days passed, the honest Kaha kept her 2. The fisherman sold the fish and came home with plenty of food.

One day, the Shah's messenger made an announcement, "Find the great Kaha for Shah and receive fifty bags of 3!"

The fisherman thought, "If I had the gold, I would be rich!" He told the Shah's messenger about the Kaha and requested people in 4 the bird. He asked for four hundred men to help him.

That evening, the four hundred men 5 among the trees as the fisherman prepared a big meal. When the Kaha landed in a tree, the fisherman said," Come dine with me, dear friend. I wish to express my thanks."

The Kaha, touched by the fisherman's kindness and flew down to join him.

Immediately, the fisherman grabbed the Kaha by the feet and cried out to the 6 to help him. Kaha spread her wings and began to fly up with the fisherman. A man caught the fisherman by the feet, but the bird rose 7. A second and third man grabbed onto the first until soon four hundred men hung by one another's feet.

8, the fisherman could just hardly see the river below. Then he let go of the great bird.

The men and the fisherman 9 from the sky and dropped in the river.

It was many weeks before the fisherman had healed. Every day the old fisherman looked up at the sky for a sign of the beautiful 10 bird, but the Kaha was never seen again.


There once lived a bird and her two new-born babies in a forest. One day, there was a big storm. There was thunder, lightning and rain and the wind blew down many trees. The tall tree in which the birds lived also came down. A big, heavy branch hit the nest and killed the mother bird. Fortunately for the baby birds, the strong wind blew them away to the other side of the forest. One of them came down near a cave where a gang of robbers (强盗) lived. The other landed outside a wise man's ashram a little distance away.

Days passed and the baby birds became big birds. One day, the king of the country came to the forest to hunt. He saw a deer and rode after it. It ran deep into the forest followed by the king. Soon the king lost his way.

He rode on for a long time till he came to the other side of the forest. Very tired by now, he got off his horse and sat down under a tree that stood near a cave. Suddenly he heard a voice cry out, "Quick! Hurry up! There's someone under the tree. Come and take his jewels and his horse. Hurry or else he'll slip away." The king was amazed. He looked up and saw a big, brown bird on the tree under which he was sitting. He also heard faint noises coming from the cave. He quickly got onto his horse and rode away as fast as he could.

Soon, he came to a clearing which looked like an ashram. It was the wise man's ashram. The king tied his horse to a tree and sat down. Suddenly he heard a gentle voice announce, "Welcome, Sir. Please go inside and rest. The host will be back soon. Come and make yourself comfortable." The king looked up and saw a big. brown bird. He was amazed. "This one looks like the other bird outside the cave," he said to himself.

Later the wise man came back. "Welcome, Sir," he said to the king. "Please come inside. You look tired. Rest for a while. Then you can share my food."

The king told the wise man the story of the two birds and how each had behaved so differently though they looked so alike." The forest is full of surprises," he said.

The wise man smiled and said, "After all,one is known by the company one keeps. That bird has always heard the talk of robbers. He talks about robbing people. This one has repeated what he has always heard. He welcomes people to the ashram."


In a small town named the Run Run Town, everybody likes to run fast. They run and run, and "Wham!"—it is unavoidable that they will knock into each other.

So begins The Run Run Town, a Chinese picture book written by Yadong and drawn by Maike. What happens after every crash is a playful rendition of the idea of "combination" (joining things together), which, as the author points out, is important in everything from the beginning of life to written language, human imagination, science discoveries, and inventions.

Some of the "combinations" in the picture books are really fun. A lady knocks into a dolphin. Guess what we get? A mermaid! In the Run Run Town, even mountains are restless and don't like to stay still. When a fire-breathing dragon knocks into a walking mountain, a volcano is born.

Some of the "combinations" come from Chinese language and culture. Why would the crash of a cat and an eagle produce an owl? Because in the Chinese language, "owl" is "mao tou ying" or "cat-headed eagle." Steamed bread and meat balls knock into each other, and delicious steamed buns are ready to be served.

Other "combinations" are based on science. A spot of blue and a spot of yellow rush to each other and create a spot of green, reminding us of Little Blue and Little Yellow by Leo Lionni. A young man and a young woman run towards each other, and, on the last page of the book, a happy nuclear family of three is born.

What would you imagine if you are asked to add a picture or two to the book? When I tried to answer the question myself, I found it difficult to come up with impressive invention ideas. So instead I will share a creature I have found elsewhere.

The Classic of Mountains and Seas, a Chinese classic book that first appeared as early as the fourth century BC, describes imaginary beings, gods, and deities. There is a Chinese version of a "mermaid" "in The Classic of Mountains and Seas: people in a country called "Diren" are described as having human faces, the bodies of fish, and no feet.

Next time when you see those magical beings in The Run Run Town, you will be able to understand how they come to be.


Weighing about 280 grams (O.6 pounds) and probably made from 84% gold, the gold mask is one of over 500 objects uncovered from six newly discovered "sacrificial pits (祭祀坑)" according to the China's National Cultural Heritage Administration.

The finds were made at Sanxingdui, a 4.6-square-mile area outside Chengdu on March 20. Some experts said the objects might shine further light on the ancient "Shu" state, a kingdom that ruled in the western Sichuan basin until it was captured in 316 BC.

More than 50.000 ancient objects have been found at Sanxingdui since the 1920s, when a local farmer accidentally dug up a number of ancient objects at the site. A major breakthrough happened in 1986. With the discovery of two sacrificial pits keeping over 1,000 objects, including well-protected masks.

After a long break, a third pit was then found in late 2019, leading to the discovery of the other five pits last year. Experts believed the pits were used for sacrificial purposes, explaining why many of the objects were burned as they were dropped in the sacrificial pits.

Follow-up field research began in March 2020, and five more sacrificial pits were uncovered. The biggest among the six pits. the No. 8 pit, is 19 square meters. The smallest, No. 5, covers 3.5 square meters and is where the most recent gold mask was found.

Sanxingdui is regarded as one of the most important historical sites in the world, because of its size, age and the ancient objects found in it. Sanxingdui is believed to have sat at the heart of the Shu state. The site has deepened experts' understanding of how human culture developed in ancient China."  These ancient objects show the Sanxingdui site had a close connection with Central China, butitalso marks an ancient culture (in Sichuan) with strong creativity," said ChenXiandan, a member of the research team.

The latest discoveries at Sanxingdui have aroused great public interest. From March 21 to 25, a two-hour programme on the Sanxingdui site was shown each day. People could see workers use different kinds of tools to bring back the ancient objects with great care in the new pits. On social media platform Sina Weibo, three out of the top 10 most searched topics on March 21 were about Sanxingdui.


In an art studio in Wuhan, Hubei province, a delivery worker busily packed 1,500 original Chinese ink drawings and works.  He hadn't left his studio for two weeks.

But these works represented only a part of Rong's large project to say thanks to the medical workers who helped Wuhan defeat COVID-19. They are the most recent batch of art in a project, which he will spend three years completing

 He sent them around the country to thank the medical workers.

Rong draws cows and mice with the Chinese characters "shi shu bu yi" (meaning not easy) and "niu zhuan qian kun" (meaning to bring about big changes). "I want to express my thanks to the medical workers who helped Wuhan last year," Rong said. "Wuhan could not have recovered so soon without their sacrifice and hard work."

The artworks include beautiful postcards, notebooks and stamps. Some of Rong's works were donated to the National Museum, local museums and art centers to add to their collections.

To show support for Rong, a large delivery company, BEST, contacted him to say they were willing to deliver the works free of charge.

"" said Wu Guojie, manager of BEST's Hubei branch.

A. Since Spring Festival last year, he has produced more than 8,500 drawings.

B. They were all produced by Rong Zhengmao, a national senior artist.

C. We hope to use this chance to express our thanks along with Mr. Rong,

D. Around 7,000 pieces were sent last year at a cost of about 30,000 yuan.

E. Many of them came from faraway places, including Xinjiang and Heilongjiang
