组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

人教版(2019)选择性必修二高中英语Unit 4 Journey Across a Vast Land Section D 同步练习

日期: 2024-09-19

Finding a mountain goat resting on a cliff(悬崖)might thrill many of the millions of tourists who visit Wyoming's Grand Teton National Park every year, but park officials say it might be time for the bearded animals to go.

The problem, according to the park, is that Grand Teton's 100 or so mountain goats threaten about 80 bighorn sheep. The bighorn sheep numbered as many as 125 just a few years ago. The strong goats spread disease and compete with bighorn sheep for food. Unlike small-sized bighorn sheep, Grand Teton's mountain goats aren't native to the park. They were introduced to the park in the 1960s.

Grand Teton spokeswoman Denise Germann said, "We've got a management responsibility to protect the native species. After hearing from the public on the proposal (提议)in January, park officials expect to decide as soon as mid-February on what to do about the mountain goats. "

The goats are reproducing rapidly. Now might be the best time to reduce the animals before they're too many to bring under control, according to the Park Service.

 One wildlife biologist who studies bighorn sheep praised the proposal. "Mountain goats' original habitat is nowhere close to where they've been introduced in the U. S. to provide hunting opportunities, " said Rob Roy RameyⅡ, with Nederland, Colourado-based Wildlife Science International, Inc.

"Wildlife managers should get rid of mountain goats not only in Grand Teton but elsewhere to help struggling bighorn sheep. Unfortunately, state wildlife agencies sell non-native wildlife viewing opportunities to the public, " Ramey said. "This is not a zoo in the wilderness. It should really be for native wildlife. "

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It was 8 a. m. Kathy, a 25-year-old nurse, had just finished a 12-hour night shifts at a hospital. She was tired, but glad to be sailing along highway to where she lived. Although the local government had posted a snow alert(预警), the calm grey sky convinced Kathy the drive would be safe. "I figured I'd be in bed in an hour, " she says.

Snow began when she was halfway home. Listening to the radio, Kathy learned the highway was closed because a tractor had slid off the road. She texted some friends and her mom, and tried not to sleep as she waited.

After a couple of hours, however, conditions worsened. Strong winds began rocking Kathy's car. She couldn't see anything outside, and snow was drifting up her doors. "It was, "she says, "a total whiteout and rows of cars and trucks. "

Late in the afternoon a police officer came and asked if she was in any difficulty. She said she was fine. She asked the police officer if there was any way to get past the trucks. "No, ma'am, " he answered. "You're not going anywhere. "

Once as it got dark, Kathy began to worry. She texted his brother Cris, telling him to drive snowmobiling buddy(雪地汽车)to get to the highway and find her.

As Cris rode slowly alongside the rows of cars and trucks, people would roll down their windows and ask for help. "I was the first person they'd seen in six hours. " He explained he was picking up his sister. He told them, "Nobody's coming and I can't take you. "

Near 10 p. m. Cris reached Kathy. He directed Kathy to pull her car onto the shoulder(紧急停车带)and asked her to get into his snowmobiling buddy.

As they headed for home, the fun started. About five kilometres into the journey, Cris made a mistake. What he thought was a shallow ditch(浅沟)turned out to be a deep trough(水槽). Instead of coming out the other side, they just kept going down. They were trapped. And feathery snow was over their heads.

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