组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库

人教版(2019)选择性必修二高中英语Unit 3 Food and Culture Section D Using Language (Ⅱ) & Assessing Your Progress同步练习

日期: 2024-09-18

Many of us love summer because it's the season when vegetables are in abundance. Fresh vegetables have almost all of the nutrients that our body requires.

Fresh cabbage is an excellent source of natural vitamin C. It also contains an adequate number of minerals. Sweet carrot is notably rich in antioxidants (抗氧化物), vitamins and dietary fiber. Onion is a rich source of chromium (铬), a mineral that helps cells respond appropriately to insulin (胰岛素) levels in the blood. As for me, tomato, juicy and delicious, is a wonderful gift to the world. Besides, it contains very good levels of vitamin A and vitamin C, and antioxidants, which are scientifically found to be protective against cancers.

Eat at least 5-7 servings of fresh vegetables every day. Seasonal vegetables should be encouraged. Whenever possible, go for organic farm vegetables to get maximum health benefits. Organic ones tend to be smaller but have rich flavour, possess some good concentration of vitamins and minerals and are loaded with numerous health benefiting antioxidants.

After shopping your choice of vegetables, the first thing you need to do is to wash them thoroughly, especially leafy green vegetables. Soak in salt water for a few minutes, and gently wash in cool water until you are satisfied with the cleanliness. This way you insure they are free from dirt sand and any chemical sprays. If you need to store them, then place inside plastic wrappings in order to preserve their nutrition for short periods until you use them. However, the best way is to use them early while fresh because, firstly, certain vegetables have a very short period of life and secondly, the health benefiting qualities of vegetables declines with time.


There was a thick forest on the side of a mountain. Many kinds of animals lived in the forest. A deer was eating grass and leaves with her two young ones. The young ones wandered happily here and there. The deer followed her fawns(幼鹿)into a cave. The deer was frightened because it was a tiger's cave. There were bones of dead animals all over the cave. Fortunately, the tiger was not inside the cave at the time.

The deer was trying to lead her young ones out of the cave when she heard a loud roar. She saw the tiger at a distance coming towards the cave. It was dangerous to go out of the cave now. She thought of a plan. The deer raised her voice and shouted, “My dear young children do not weep. I shall capture(捕捉)a tiger for you to eat. You can have a good dinner. ”

The tiger heard these words and became frightened. He thought, “Whose is that strange voice from the cave?A dangerous animal is staying inside to capture me. I shall run away to escape death. ”The tiger began to run away from there as fast as possible.

A jackal(胡狼) saw the running tiger. “Why are you running in great fear?”the jackal asked. The tiger said, “My friend, a powerful and fierce animal is in my cave. The young ones are crying for a tiger to eat. The mother is promising to capture a tiger for them. So, I am running away. ”

The cunning jackal was now sure the tiger was a coward(懦夫). It said, “Don't be afraid. No animal is fiercer or stronger than a tiger. Let us go together to find out. ”

But the tiger said, “I do not want to take a chance. You may run away. I will be left alone to die. So, I will not come with you. ”

The jackal said, “Trust me. Let us knot(打结) our tails together. Then I will not be able to leave you. ”The tiger agreed unwillingly to this proposal. So the jackal tied their tails in a knot. Now they walked towards the cave together.

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