组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19
听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。
听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。
阅读理解,阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

Wanda Smith always wanted to be a school teacher but sometimes meeting life's demanding realities could mean a dream delayed. A mother of three, Smith also cared for her mom. While squarely shouldering her family responsibilities, she took jobs as bus monitor and custodian (门卫) for Brenham Independent School District in Texas. The hours were tiring, but rather than let her dream die, at age 37, with the support and encouragement of her husband, she added night classes to her schedule. Nine years on, she finally graduated with a bachelor's degree from Sam Houston State University. She was a certified teacher at last.

Smith's story came full circle when she was hired as a first-grade teacher back at Brenham Elementary School. "When I stand in front of my classroom — my classroom — I am living my dream," Smith said during a TODAY show. During the pandemic ( 流行病 ), as some of her students struggled to meet the demands of distance learning, Smith stepped up to the challenge. Noting that many of the kids she teaches came from single-parent families, she began delivering packets of schoolwork to them at home. It's no wonder Smith's kids adored her. In a special surprise ceremony, they shouted their praise and held up big colorful signs declaring their devotion.

The sentiment was echoed by Brenham's mayor, Milton Tate Jr. , who officially declared  May 4, 2021 as "Be the Best You Can Be" Wanda Smith Day. The phrase was also carved on a commemorative schoolyard bench, and in addition, a scholarship for up-and-coming teachers at Sam Houston State has been established in her name.

Smith's life is an example as well as an inspiration. By always striving to be the best she could be, with hard work and perseverance, she graduated from cleaning classrooms to leading classrooms.


The Chinese philosopher Confucius said long ago that "Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without." Playing a musical instrument has many benefits and can bring joy to you and everyone around you.

A good musician knows that the quality of practice time is more valuable than the quantity. In order for a musician to progress quicker, he or she will learn how to organize his or her practice time and plan different challenges to work on, making efficient use of time. Thus, learning how to play an instrument helps you to learn how to be organized and to manage your time wisely.

Team skills are a very important aspect of being successful in life. Playing an instrument boosts your teamwork skills as it requires you to work with others to make music. In band and orchestra settings, you must learn how to cooperate with the people around you. Furthermore, in order for a group to make beautiful music, each player and section must learn how to listen to each other and play together.

Playing an instrument comes with its responsibilities. Maintenance and care are very important in keeping an instrument in good working condition. Each instrument has different procedures to keep it functioning properly. In addition to being responsible for maintaining one's instrument, there are other aspects such as remembering music events like rehearsals and performances, and making time for practice. Thus, learning an instrument increases your sense of responsibility.

Playing music by yourself requires you to concentrate on things like pitch, rhythm, tempo and quality of sound. Playing in a group involves even more concentration because you must learn to not only hear yourself, but you must listen to all the other sections and play in harmony with the rest of the group. Therefore, learning a musical instrument sharpens your concentration skills.


A demonstration mission to test an idea to clean up space debris ( 碎片 ) was launched Monday morning local time from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. ELSA-d, which stands for End-of-Life Services by Astroscale, will be carried out by a "servicer satellite" and a "client satellite" ( 客户卫星) that launched together. The mission will exhibit technology that could help capture space junk, the millions of pieces of orbital debris that float above Earth. The more than 8,000 metric tons of debris threaten the loss of services we rely on for earth-bound life, including weather forecasting, telecommunications and GPS systems. The spacecraft works by attempting to attach itself to dead satellites and pushing them toward Earth to burn up in the atmosphere. The mission, which will be run from the U. K. , will carry out this catch and release process repeatedly over the course of six months.

Space junk has been a growing problem for years as human-made objects such as old satellites and spacecraft parts build up in low Earth orbit until they decay, deorbit, explode or crash with other objects, breaking into smaller pieces of waste. According to a recent report by NASA, at least 26,000 of the millions of pieces of space junk are orbiting along at 17,500 mph, and they could "destroy a satellite on impact". More than 500,000 pieces are a "mission-ending threat" because of their ability to impact protective systems, fuel tanks and spacecraft cabins.

The development of other cleanup technologies has been in progress for years. In 2016, Japan's space agency sent a 700-meter chain into space to try to slow down and redirect space junk. In 2018, a device called Remove Debris successfully cast a net around a copy satellite. The European Space Agency also plans to send a self-destructing robot into orbit in 2025, which the organization's former director general has referred to as a space "vacuum cleaner".

These efforts could prove increasingly important as private space ventures like Space X continue to fill low Earth orbit with a huge number of satellites in a mess.


If you're a sports enthusiast, you know the weight that home field advantage has on the performance of a team.  What gives any team an upper hand when they're playing at a home venue?

Crowd Effect

Crowd effect is one of the main causes behind home field advantage in sports. Imagine that you're walking into a stadium surrounded by people cheering for you.  Now, imagine that you are a member of the opposition. You have no support from the crowd and are basically on your own. One might argue that professional athletes are expert at staying focused and not letting such things affect them, but that isn't really the case.

Judge Bias

 All the cheering of the fans can pressure the referee into being more tolerant towards the home team. Meanwhile, the number of attacks on referees by angry fans cannot be overlooked. In an attempt to avoid making the crowd angry, referees tend to have a small bias in favor of the home team, leading them to call fewer fouls on them, give them more free kicks, etc.

Travel Effect and Familiarity

Traveling long distances puts athletes under physical and psychological stress. This is especially true in the case of inter-continental matches, during which athletes must travel into different time zones, leaving them defenseless against jet-lag. On the other hand, the home team stays in its comfort zone, without having to undergo any disruption in their regular schedules.

Is There a Home Disadvantage?

The massive crowd support that the home team enjoys does come with a side effect — performance pressure. The crowd greatly motivate athletes to perform better and achieve greater success.The athletes' focus may get shifted from success to a fear of failure, thereby making them overcautious.

A. The cheering will greatly boost their confidence.

B. They applaud and celebrate every shot you take.

C. However, it may sometimes have the opposite effect.

D. Home field advantage is caused by many factors affecting athletes.

E. Therefore, the home team gets an upper hand over the visiting team.

F. It has been consistently found that players win more often when playing at home.

G. The massive crowd support that a home team gets often puts the judges in a tough spot.

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

A series of massive thunderstorms had damaged our area recently. Heavy rains, high winds and lots of lightning had caused flash flooding and 1 trees. I had spent the afternoon picking up branches out of my yard. Then, just before I was getting ready to walk my dogs, the2came on my television and phone that another storm was3our way.

I took my dogs outside 4. Huge clouds were rolling in while thunder 5 over the hills. The darkness seemed darker and scarier than usual 6 I knew what was on the way.  That was when I saw it: the really7 light, up high, at the far end of the meadow ( 草 地 ) behind my house. I smiled. The first of the fireflies (萤火虫) had appeared for the summer at just the time I needed to 8 its light. Soon a few others were blinking their lights as well. It 9 me how far their light traveled in the darkness of the night and how they didn't seem 10 at all by the approaching storm. I spent an extra few minutes 11my fireflies and taking in their message of12before heading in to get ready for the storm. As I did, though, I noticed that the darkness no longer seemed so 13 and that my fear had been replaced with14.

Life does have its share of15, some caused by nature and some caused by us. We can't go through life being scared of them,16. We are here to share our love. We are here to 17our light. We can ride through the storms, 18after them and make this world a better place. Take a(n) 19from the fireflies. Let your light shine. It may seem tiny, but you will be amazed at how far it can be seen and how20it can drive the dark away.

写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

As a country music song goes, "She's a wild one with an angel's face. " That is my younger sister,Lulu. When I think of her, I think of trying to tame awildhorse.

It is hard to find words to describe my relationship with Lulu. "All-out nuclear warfare" could not interpret it quite exactly. The irony is that we are very much alike: we share the hot-tempered and fast-forgiving personality.

Speaking of personalities, the Chinese Zodiac ( 属相) describes Lulu and me perfectly.

People born in the Pig Year are "stubborn" and "tough" and often "fly into anger," although they

 "never harbour a grudge (记仇)" as they are honest and warm-hearted. That is Lulu and I exactly, with an age gap of twelve years.

I had my first face-off with Lulu when she was about five. It was afreezingwinter afternoon in New Haven, Connecticut.Mum and Dadwere at work. Babysitting Lulu at home, I decided that it would be the perfect time to introduce Lulu to the piano as I was in the learning process myself. Excited about working together — with her brown curls, round eyes, and China doll face, Lulu was desperatelycute– I put her on the piano bench, on top of some comfortable pillows. I then demonstrated how to play a single note with a single finger, and asked her to do the same. A small request, but Lulu refused, preferring instead to smash at many notes at the same time with two open palms. When I asked her to stop, she smashed harder and faster. When I tried topullher away from the piano, she began yelling, crying, and kickingangrily.

Fifteen minutes later, she was still yelling, crying, and kicking, and I had had it! Avoiding her blows, Idraggedthe screaming demon (恶魔) to ourback door, and threw it open. The wind chill was six degrees below zero, and my own face hurt from just a few seconds' exposure to the icy air.


1)所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;

2)至少使用 5 个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;



Paragraph 1:

But I was determined to teach the little wild one a lesson.


Paragraph 2:

Lulu's teeth were clicking repeatedly together because of cold, but she shook her head again.

