组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-20
听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。(共15 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分22.5 分)
阅读理解,阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共 10 个小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 25分)

Many of the sports in ancient Egypt are still practiced today. In fact, many of the basic elements of sports, like rules and uniforms, were first used by Egyptians. The sports had important functions in society. Some were played for fun and fitness. Others were played to make stronger warriors(武士) and leaders.

The first group of sports, mostly for fun was those like rowing, hunting, and the high jump. Hunting and fishing could be enjoyed by the kings and regular people. The same was for rowing. Rowing needed strength. Teams of people got into boats and followed the commands of a leader. He would give regular,sharpcalls to tell them when to row. This technique is still used for rowing teams today. Another popular game was tug-of-war. This was a game where two teams had to pull each other over a line. If team fell forward, they lost. This game is still played today in the country.

The second group of sports prepared people for the army and the temple. These included boxing, horse riding, running, and archery(箭术). They were ways to work on skills for fighting. They were also ways to work on mental and spiritual power. Running a marathon was a good example of this. The king would run to show he had the mental strength to guide his country. Hockey was another Egyptian game. Players held tree branches with a bent end, just like modern hockey sticks. They had to hit a ball made of leather that was brightly colored.

These sports were a part of Egyptian culture. They kept the people happy and fit. The basic rules were created thousands of years ago. They are still seen in some forms today.


We've heard many stories of individuals across the world who've adopted a zero-waste lifestyle, but it's not often that we come across an entire community trying to become waste-free. The residents(居民) of Kamikatsu in Japan take recycling so seriously that they actually hope to become the nation's first zero-waste community by 2020.

Kamikatsu has no garbage trucks, so residents need to compost(制成堆肥) their kitchen trash at home. They also have to wash and sort the rest of their trash into 34 different kinds, and bring it to the recycling center themselves where workers make sure the waste goes into the correct bins. It obviously took some time for the residents to get used to this rule, but they eventually managed to adapt to the strict changes and they are now seeing them as normal.

Kamikatsu has turned recycling into a new process—there are separate bins for different types of paper products. Even plastic bottles and their caps go into different bins. Many of these items are resold or repurposed(赋子新的用途) into clothing and toys. The labels on each bin let the residents know exactly what happens to their trash.

Reuse is highly encouraged in Kamikatsu—they have local kuru-kuru shops where residents can exchange used items with new things at no extra cost. Businesses are also encouraged to participate in responsible waste management.

A Kamikatsu resident said, “It can be a pain, and at first we were opposed to the idea. Now I don't think about it. It's become natural to separate the trash correctly.”

All the recycling facilities in Kamikatsu are managed by a Zero Waste Academy which also regularly hosts groups of local schoolchildren and foreign visitors, educating them on the benefits of a zero-waste lifestyle.


Nowadays children have televisions in their homes, pads in their backpacks and computers in the classroom. It seems impossible to separate them from digital equipment. . Establish rules around screen time early on. Before giving your child their first smartphone, make sure that both you and your child learn about digital responsibility, signs of cyberbullying(网络暴力) and coping ways. . Basic, but important ones, can include not responding to texts from unknown numbers and never sharing their personal information online or with anyone they don't know.

. When establishing rules on technology with your child, remember they will feel more willing to follow rules when you do, too. Telling your child to avoid screens, if you are addicted to one, is likely to result in tension and frustration. As a parent, it's important to be a good role model for your child, not only with regards to technology but within everyday life.

Stress the value of physical play. I understand that we can't keep children from enjoying screen time. . Try to replace screen time with physical activity, and even give your child some gifts they enjoy if they reduce their time on digital equipment.

A. Lead by example.

B. As result, their study and health suffer.

C. Make rule for the whole family to agree to.

D. But we can find a happy medium where we enable kids to be kids.

E. Here, as father of four, I'd like to share my thoughts with parents.

F. This shared information helps your child fully understand and respect rules.

G. In this way, they rely less on technology and seek happiness from creative play.


Heather West, 27, left “disabled” by a rare brain illness, plans to do a three-mile charity walk to encourage other patients.

Miss West fell ill with flu last year. She 1 from the flu but a month later she 2 suffering headache and poor balance. Her doctor gave her some medicine, but her condition didn't 3 and ten days later her father took her to the hospital. However, her condition got 4 : her speech slowed, her eyes couldn't look in one direction and she had 5 in walking. By the time the test results came out showing great 6 to her brain, she had become oblivious(无知觉的). Doctors told her parents it was a rare brain illness and 7 them she could die.

8 , her father said his daughter was very strongwilled and that she wouldn't 9 her life. For six weeks, he read to his daughter, though there was no 10 that showed she could hear. To the doctors' 11 , the 27yearold made a recovery, which is 12 —it affects just eight in a million people each year, and nobody has recovered. 13 Miss West improved. Her eyes, which stared in different 14 , got better. She learned to communicate by 15 her finger to say “yes” and putting it down to say “no”. Doctors 16 it would take her
weeks to learn to walk again, but Miss West 17 it nearly half the time. “She was always 18 and that was what helped her through,” said her father. Miss West, who will do the Race for Life in aid of Cancer Research on Sunday, 19 , “Walking the three miles will be a big 20 and I hope it will encourage others.”


Billywas 15 years old then. He grew up in a very poor neighborhood. No one in his family had gone tocollegebefore. Actually, few people around him had received higher education. They allstruggledto live a good life. Therefore, Billy knew nothing about colleges or scholarships and he never thought he would go to college one day. Although he was asmartboy, he didn't study hard al school and often got into trouble with other teenagers in his neighborhood.

One day, while Billy was walking on the playground, a boy of his age started making fun of him. Then that boy pushed him hard and Billy fell onto the ground. Billy became so angry that he stood up and beat that boy. So a fight began.

It happened that Billy's English teacherMr. Smithwas walking nearby. He immediately ran to the boys to stop the fight. Billy was a bit worried because he knew his teacher was very strict with students. He was afraid his teacher would punish him. However, to his astonishment, his teacher didn't do that.

"Billy, let's have a talk," said his teacher.

Billy, not knowing what his teacher wanted to do, was very worried. But he nodded. So they went to a bench nearby and sat down. After they sat down, Mr. Smith began, "Billy, I know you're a smart boy, but you're wasting your life now. Why don't you study hard to go to college so that you canchangeyour life and have a brightfuture?"

Hearing that, Billy didn't know what to say. He had never thought about it. Billy was in silence. Mr. Smith continued, "I know you may have never thought about going to college. But everything is possible. When I was at your age, I was atroublemakerjust like you and never thought I'd be able to go to college, either. It was all because of thesupportand encouragement ofMr. Howard, my math teacher in high school."






Paragraph 1

Then, Mr. Smith began to tell Billy his story.

Paragraph 2

Billy was greatly touched by Mr. Smith's story.
