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日期: 2024-09-17
听小对话,选择正确的选项。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分)
听较长对话,选择正确的选项。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分)
听独白,选择正确答案。(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)
完形填空。(每小题 1 分,共 12 分)
阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。

"I am going to the store, Uncle Moti," Mina said. "Do you want to come along? You have not seen much of the neighborhood yet."

Uncle 1 his head. "No, thank you," the old man said. "It is just too loud and crowded  for me. I2 the peace and quiet of our village. I feel afraid out here, like a frightened(受惊吓的 ) 3 ." Mina sat on the sofa next to her uncle. "Tell me about the village, Uncle Moti," she said. "Would I like it there?"

Uncle laughed. "You would find it boring 4 — the loudest sound is usually birdsong. All the people know each other. The shopkeepers know all their customers. We stop and talk or go to the tea shop and have tea. Everyone there is 5 and smile to everyone else."

"Sounds really nice," Mina said. "6 I think maybe it is not different in every way. I  really wish you would come with me, and I could 7you why I say that." Uncle sighed (叹气) and got up, "OK, Mina, I will go with you."

Out on the street, Uncle looked very8. Mina took his hand.

"Look," she said, "there is my friend Nate, and down the street is my teacher, Ms. Sanchez." Mina waved to Nate, and called hello to her teacher.

Then she led her uncle to a store. The sign on the door read "David's 9 Shop". She  greeted the shopkeeper. "Hi, David, this is my uncle Moti, who has come here to 10." Uncle smiled. They went in and sat at a table. They ordered tea, and Uncle sighed 11.

"Well, I see what you were trying to show me," he said. "This neighborhood is your 12. Now it will be mine too. It has friends, kind shopkeepers, birds, and even a tea shop…"

阅读理解。(共 27 分,其中第11题每小题 1 分,其余每小题 2 分)

Mary was so tired after her day in the garden that she went to bed early. Before she went to sleep, she thought about Colin and decided to go and see him after breakfast the next morning. A terrible sound woke her up in the middle of the night. It was Colin. He was crying and screaming. Then Colin's nurse came in. She looked worried.

"He's having a tantrum(发脾气)," she said quickly. "No one else can do anything. Only you can make him calm. He and his family all like you. Can you come?"

Mary was angry but she went. When she got into Colin's room, she ran to the bed. "Stop!" she shouted. "Stop! I hate you! Everybody hates you."

"I can't stop!" he cried and cried. "I can't!"

"You can!" shouted Mary. "You're just having a tantrum!" She stamped her foot.

"I have a lump on my back," shouted Colin. "I'm going to be a hunchback (驼背) and then I'm going to die." And he began to cry again.

"Let me see your back!" said Mary.

The nurse, Mrs. Medlock and Martha were all looking very worried. Mary looked carefully at Colin's back.

"There are no lumps on your back!" she said at last.

"Do you think I can live to grow up?" he asked the nurse in low voice. "Yes, if you keep calm and go out in the fresh air," the nurse replied.

"Perhaps … perhaps I can go out with you, Mary," Colin said. "Dickon can push my wheelchair. I really want to see Dickon and the fox and the crow."

Colin was quiet now so the nurse, Mrs. Medlock and Martha went to bed and left Mary alone with him.

"Did you find the door to the secret garden?" he asked her. Mary looked at his tired face.

"Go to sleep now," she said, "We can talk tomorrow."

--from The Secret Garden


California is burning! Wildfires have spread(扩散) across the US since October 23rd and smoke has filled its skies.

The fires have got lots of people's life into trouble. Take the Kincade Fire in northern California for example. Itforced200,000 people to move away within one week. The state's largest power company(电力公司) cut power to about 206,000 homes in order to stop more fires from breaking out, Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) News reported.

California has seen man wildfires in recent years. Nine of the ten biggest fires have happened since 2000, including five since 2010, according to The New York Times.

Why is this? California has the perfect wildfire conditions, Park Williams, a US climate expert, told The New York Times. It has dry air and high temperatures from spring through late fall. At the same time, seasonal winds blow across the state every year, causing the wildfires to spread quickly and last for weeks.

Global (全球的) warming has also made the fires worse in recent years. It has dried out the state's trees and other plant life, causing them to burn more easily.

__________ Burning campfires and cigarette butts ( 烟头 ) or other human activities can all easily cause wildfires. For example, one fire started last year when a car got an accident. The car's oil tank was hit broken, starting a fire.

Lightning strikes (雷击) and volcanic eruptions (火山爆发) can also cause wildfires. However, humans have caused 90 percent of California's wildfires, according to the US National Park Service.


Very often, when we see young people sitting there, looking at the screen of a mobile phone and smiling, we may think nothing is wrong. But when we come to the question "How much time do they actually spend on media ( 传播媒介) daily?", the answer is surprising: young people spend about nine hours every day using media and this only includes media used for enjoyment.

Today's young people seem to have become crazy multitaskers.Theyoften use mobile phones when doing other activities. Some watch TV when doing homework, some text (发短信), and some others listen to music.

But what do young people think of this? A research showed that two thirds of them believed watching TV or texting had no influence ( 影 响 ) on their school work. Half of them thought using social media made no difference. However, researches have given a different answer: media multitaskers did worse in tests.

Scientists did a research among more than 400 students. It shows that those who text a lot have more trouble sleeping and do worse in their study. A similar research also found that students who texted when doing school work had lower grades than others.

According to research, if a kid uses social media a lot, especially at night, he or she will sleep worse and feel more nervous and depressed (消沉的). On the one hand, young people stay up late to check messages and information. They may also be woken up by messages they receive. On the other hand, even the light from a screen could influence their sleep. Some other researches also show that children who use media at night go to bed later, get fewer hours of sleep each week, and become sleepy more easily during the daytime.

任务型阅读。(每小题 1 分,共 4 分)
按要求完成句子。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分)
单词拼写,每空一词。(每小题 1 分,共 8 分)
语法填空。(每小题 1 分,共 9 分)
书面表达。(共 15 分)