组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

(浙江)人教新目标(Go for it)版八年级上学期英语期末冲刺卷

日期: 2024-09-16

"I will never find time to learn this boring lesson," said Robert to Frank as they left school. "I can't do it by tomorrow."

"You have ten minutes before lunch. Why not1right away? asks his brother.

"Ten minutes! That's 2Besides, I must run with Rover now, "answered Robert.

After lunch, the two boys walked to school again. Frank 3 his book and began to lean part of it while he walked along. "What a bookworm "1" said Robert, 4. He looked for birds in the trees all the way to school.

"Come out to play basketball!" shouted a group of school friends when school was over. Robert ran away with the boys 5. Frank promised to join them in 15 minutes, and took out his book again. After he finished, Frank played with the boys and 6 the games. The two brothers were tired and went to bed early. But when they returned to school the next day, Frank knew his lesson well 7 Robert told the teacher that he had no time to learn it.

"8 did you find time to study for the lesson, Frank?" asked his teacher.

"I had 9 minutes before lunch yesterday; fifteen minutes on the way to school; and another fifteen minutes before basketball. Then t looked over my lessons for ten minutes before sleeping; and took 10 minutes before breakfast this morning to make it10. "

"That makes an hour's preparation"," said his teacher. "Frank, you may run and play at break time. Robert, spend your break time learning that lesson. Remember: One can take care of the minutes will have the hours to take care of himself.
