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(浙江)人教新目标(Go for it)版九年级上学期英语期末模拟卷(1)

日期: 2024-09-18

Just forget smartphones and smart glasses. One day, we might have smart tattoos. The company Newdealdesign came up with an idea for a product called UnderSkin. This device would look like a pair of tattoos on your hand, but it would in fact be a very thin computer implanted just below your skin. It would draw power from the energy of your body, and you could use it to open doors, monitor your health, exchange and store information, or even express your personality. UnderSkin is just an idea, but the technology will make it work. "We expect it is about five years from being real," says designer Gadi Amit.

Amal Gratlstra, a writer and businessman, already has a chip called a radio-frequency identifcation (RFID) tag, which is implanted in his left hand"I use it to connect with my computer. I also use it to get in touch with people and carry out my daily work," he says." The chip is about the size of a grain of rice. It is so light that I can even not feel it." he adds.

If a computerized tattoo or implanted tag isn't crazy enough for you, what about a brain chip?

The company Intel is working on technology that would let you control your devices like computers and TVs with your brain. Dean Pomerleau, one of the researchers, explains, "We're trying to show that you can do interesting things with brain waves. Imagine being able to surf the Internet with the power of your thoughts."

Do you think implanted chips sound terrible or cool? Some doctors are afraid that people may hurt themselves with devices implanted. They argue that medical operations are meant to save sick people and not to give healthy people special powers. Others worry about hacking and privacy. Could someone hack in and steal your personal information, or even control your mind? On a more philosophical level, if you have a computer inside your body, are you still human? Or are you a robot?


    Paper cups, plastic bags and old newspapers. There are so many single-use things (一次性物品) that we throw away after using only once.

   According to news website Quartz, we are now living in a "throw-away society". Single-use has become a natural way of life and can be seen almost everywhere.

   Every day, we see new memes (表情包), stories and Internet slang (网络俚语) on social media. With so many of them coming out all the time, the lifespan (寿命) of each becomes short - they become "single-use online products". This also means social media users are always searching for the next big thing.

   You may feel frustrated (沮丧) when trying to keep up with these memes and slang, but you just cannot help but keep scrolling(滚屏). It is endless - no matter it's WeChat Moments (朋友圈), Sina Weibo or Facebook.

   While you read single-use content (内容) online, you also produce it. Since 2017, WeChat Moments (朋友圈) has allowed users to make only the last three days of their posts viewable (可见的). As a result, more and more people don't take their posts seriously.

    Since it doesn't take too much time and energy to communicate anymore, we now even have disposable (用后即扔的) friendships, according to a story in Fast Company.

    A single-use way of life may give you quick pleasure. But the pleasure may not last for long because there is no deep thought behind it. Maybe we need to slow down and enjoy a more thoughtful way of life.
