组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

牛津版(深圳·广州)初中英语八年级下册 Module 1 小测验(2)

日期: 2024-09-19

    Do you use hand gestures when you talk? Do you open your mouth and eyes wide when you are surprised?How important can it be?

    Body language does not use words.

    According to American scientist Edward T. Hall, in a conversation between two people, 65 per cent of communication is body language. In some cases you even express yourself without words. For example, your friend asks you to join him in a picnic; you give him an "OK" gesture to say: "Yes, sounds great!"You may do things unconsciously (无意识地) like touching your face while telling a lie.

    In different cultures, the same body language means different things. In the USA, making eye contact with someone means you are interested in what the person is saying.

    Sometimes, different body language expresses the same meaning. Take "hello" for example. French people kiss cheeks (脸颊) to say hello. Japanese people bow (鞠躬). Maoris (毛利人) in New Zealand, however, touch noses as greeting.

    What are you trying to say?

    Understanding this language helps you to communicate better with others.

A. Body language is important for teenagers.

B. Sometimes, your words say one thing, but your body language says another.

C. While in some Asian countries, it is rude to look into a person's eyes during a conversation.

D. These are examples of body language.

E. It uses the movement or position of your body to show certain meanings.
