组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-28

When the cat Fluffy disappeared from her home in Navarre, Ohio, her owner found her high in a tree. She wasn't immediately worried because everyone told her that cats always came down when they were hungry.

That was on a Friday. On Sunday, when the white cat still wouldn't budge and stayed high in the tree, Ellen Albert called Erie Valley Fire and Rescue for help with her pet.

"Fluffy was about 40 feet in the air. Too high for the ladders (梯子) we carry, " Ryan Shanower of Erie Valley Fire and Rescue says. "She was also near some power lines that caused danger. We tried cat food on day two of her being there and hoped by evening she'd be down. High winds and hard rain on day one evening and most of day two made the rescue difficult. "

Fire Chief Rick Annen made his guess about how the cat ended up so high in the tree. Annen saw hawks (鹰) sitting on a building across the street and noticed Fluffy's collar (颈圈) was missing. He supposed that a hawk had picked up Fluffy by the collar and that she had gotten free and fallen high in the tree.

By day three, the rain had stopped, but Fluffy still wouldn't, or couldn't, come down. The fire department reached out to a local tree service to see if they'd lend a hand to the frightened cat. They showed up with a bucket truck (铲斗车) they use to cut tall trees away. Once the bucket truck was up in the air, Fluffy was down in a minute or two.

It was a happy ending, for sure, but not a common day's work for these firefighters.


Chen Juzheng doesn't just pick up unusual stones when he takes a walk along the Yellow River banks, like many other people in Lanzhou, capital of Gansu Province. He also turns them into works of art by painting them according to the stones' colors, shapes and other features. The 58-year-old folk artist has now painted on these special stones his own reproductions (复制品) of many historical paintings and frescoes (壁画) found in the Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang. It is where large numbers of Buddhist (佛教的) frescoes have survived for more than 1, 000 years.

Chen's artistic works, including the nine-color deer, sleeping Buddha and Bodhisattva, were praised by many painters and the local people in the northwestern provincial capital.

"But not all the stones can be painted. Actually only a few of the stones can be used to reproduce and paint the historical Mogao Grottoes paintings and frescoes, and then become artistic works loved by the public. " A lifelike sleeping Buddha can be painted on a stone when its shape, colors and other features are fit for such an image (图像), Chen explained. "It took me many years to find such a stone for painting the sleeping Buddha, " he said.

Chen, who is very interested in the Mogao Grottoes of Dunhuang, has been painting for more than forty years. Chen said, when he first saw the historical paintings and frescoes in the Mogao Grottoes, he was deeply attracted to the Buddhist art and considered the site a world treasure of art. "Mogao Grottoes should be a place many painters like to visit, " he added. Chen said he had planned in the following months to add modern and new subjects to his artistic works.


Vietnam aims to solve the relations between economic development and cultural preservation. Vietnamese cultural departments and activists have tried to preserve the historical and cultural relics in the country.

Vietnam now has more than 40, 000 historical relics. These relics of various forms and history are treasures for future generations.

However, hundreds of relics are severely damaged due to the negative influence of time, war and human activities. Head of Hanoi Relics Management Board, Nguyen Doan Tuan, says rescue work must preserve the relics' soul: "We cannot replace ruined construction with new materials. We must preserve its shape, size and style. We need to pay attention to every brick replaced so that it looks exactly like the original. "

Most relics have to rely on tourist fees for repair and rescue work. Director of Van Mieu Cultural and Science Center, Dang Kim Ngoc, says that the relics must be promoted widely to attract more visitors and bring in more income for repair and preservation: "We provide constant guide services for visitors so that they understand more about our relics. At the same time, a natural surrounding of the relic has been ensured, including the grass field and garden to improve its scenic value. "

The local government agreed that the relics must be turned to the community for shared efforts in the preservation work. Director of Vietnam Revolution Museum Dang Quoc Quan, said that the community must be guided in the preservation and protection, "The UNESCO aims to let local community take part in the preservation of relics. We have seen limitations in the preservation of relics, especially festival-related groups of buildings. This requires management and guidance by the government. "

Nguyen Thi Minh Ly from the Department of Heritage says the community should be guided in proper behaviors towards relics: "This will ensure the protection of cultural relics in later generations. Creative restoration (修复) must be based on previous (先前的) values. "

Experts have called for a systematic (系统的) guidance by the state in local level preservation while promoting creative thinking in restoration for each relic.


I always seemed to be running late and hurrying up. I'd wake up early in the morning in order to have enough time to get to where I wanted to go. But by the time I found myself on the road, I was clearly going to be late.  This constant(不断的) rush entered every area of my life. For example, when I went shopping, I'd race up and down the passage.

Then one day when going to work, I had been running behind again. Unluckily, on the way, my car was out of gas. As my car left the road, I looked at my watch. It's clear that I'd be late. I had a meeting in fifteen minutes and I hadn't finished preparing for it.

But as I looked out towards the east, the sun was just beginning to climb out of the hill. There was fog(雾) hanging over the river and some ducks were swimming across the glass-like surface of the water. A few boats sat on the river, which was shining in the sunshine.

I was surprised. This pretty scene had been going on right outside my car every morning

I had been rushing around in such a hurry to not miss anything that I had been missing everything!

I understood I needed to set schedules and made good preparations for big events in case of any hurry. More importantly, I should try to stay relaxed and enjoy present life. And there was no need to worry about unimportant things. Now I am here traveling this life joyfully and patiently.

A. How could I avoid it?

B. I became worried and upset.

C. What an amazing picture outside!

D. I found some surprising things happened.

E. However, I had never taken the time to see it.

F. So I would drive fast to make up for the minutes I had lost.

G. Finally a co-worker recognized my car and stopped for me.


Once I saw a great man twice. First at dinner, two tables away from us. He 1at everyone, appearing very friendly, until the food was 2 . Then he frowned (皱眉) at the 3, and his face turned from pink to red. The cook was called, and with much 4 Churchill pointed to the food and waved his hands in the air. It was 5 that he was showing how the meal should have been prepared.

Late one night, I 6 him again. He was drunk. Two men were 7 him as he moved unsteadily (跌跌撞撞地) towards his room. It seemed that Churchill8 wanted to go in the opposite direction, but the men guided him to his door.

This was not the way I had expected a 9 to act. At breakfast, I told my father what I 10. Churchill was impolite; he was not 11 .

"And you don't 12 him any more?" My father took a deep breath. "More than 50 years ago, this man escaped from prison and returned to England, although there was a(n) 13 for catching him. He is one of the greatest speakers in history and has 14 some of the greatest works since Shakespeare. And you are 15 because he was publicly particular (挑剔的) about his food and 16too much. Do you know what Lincoln 17 when people said unhappily that Grant, the commander of the Union forces, was a drunk?"


"He said, ‘I'll send him a case of whisky if it will help him win the 18 . '"

My father was silent for a moment, 19 me to think. Then he said quietly, "You are becoming a man. You should know that no one is 20 . Certainly not heroes. "

语法填空 (共10题,满分10分)
汉译英 (用括号内所给词语的正确形式翻译句子) (共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)