组卷题库 > 高中信息技术试卷库


日期: 2024-12-21


Const n = 50

Dim food(1 To n) As String

Dim price(1 To n) As Integer

Dim score(1 To n) As Single

Private Sub Form_ Load()


End Sub

Private Sub Command1 _Click()

    Dim food(1 To n) As String, s As String

    Dim price(1 To n) As Integer

    Dim judge(1 To n) As Boolean

    Dim score(1 To n) As Single,  sum As Single,  ave As Single

    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, t As Integer, q As Integer

    Dim w1 As Boolean, w2 As String, w3 As Integer, w4 As Single

    s = Text1.Text : q= 0

    For i=1 To n


        j= 1

        Do While True

            If j+Len(s)-1<=t Then

                If s = Mid( food(i),  j, Len(s)) Then

                    judge(i) = True




                End If

            End If

            If  Then

                Exit Do

            End If


    Next i

    For i=1 To n-1

        For j=n To i+1 Step -1

            If Not judge(j-1) And judge(j) Then

                w1 = judge(j): judge(j) = judge(j-1): judge(j-1) = w1

                w2 = food(j): food(j) = food(j - 1): food(j-1) = w2

                w3 = price(j): price(j) = price(j -1): price(j-1) = w3

                w4 = score(j): score(j) = score(j-1): score(j -1) = w4

            End If

        Next j

    Next i

    For i=   ③   

        List1. AddItem food(i) +Str( price(i))+"元"

        sum =sum+score(i)

    Next i

ave = Int(sum/ q * 10 +0.5) / 10

‘根据平均评分ave 的值给出推荐指数。若平均评分高于4.5分显示推荐指数"* **",若平均评分高于4.0分显示推荐指数"* *",4.0分以下的显示推荐指数" *",代码略。

End Sub
