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日期: 2024-09-20

It's time to put your two-wheeler to good use on these fun bike paths — each varying in distance and difficulty. Just choose one fit for you.

Paulinskill Valley Trail

Check out Paulinskill Valley Trail, filled with forests, wetlands, and small towns along this 25-mile route. While the trail is mostly flat, you can do a quick ride. You're likely to catch sight of beautiful birds, considering more than 100 species find a home in the land near the path. Check out the trail in the fall — prime time for pretty sights.

Ala Hele Makalae

On the island of Kaui, you'll find a bike path with lots of beachy views that'll leave you feeling accomplished yet calm. The name translates to "The Path that Goes By Coast", and, as you might guess, the seven-mile path hugs the shoreline. Start early enough and you'll witness an incredible sunrise to make it even more amazing.

The Cheaha Route

This ride covers up to 126 miles, with steep climbs and extreme downhills along the way. So prepare for a thrilling ride—one that's not necessarily for the inexperienced or those looking for an easy, casual ride. Along the route, you'll pedal through five towns. The journey is worth it, though, because you get some of the most scenic views in the state.

The Whitefish Trail

Famous for its countless route options, whether you're a new biker looking for smooth tracks or you have more experience and want to play around on rocky, more technical land, this bike path brings in lots of visitors. The 43-mile route offers beautiful green scenery. Around every corner, you'll see a new amazing landscape, from glassy lakes to green mountains.


Toni Morrison was an American writer who received the Nobel Prize in Literature. Her novels Beloved, Song of Solomon and others explored the way African-Americans search for freedom and identity in a country obsessed(受困扰的)with skin color. Morrison was nearly 40 when she published her first novel The Bluest Eye in 1970. The Nobel Prize committee described her writing as language itself, a language she wants to liberate from race. Her novels discussed America's past, focusing on black history and the effects of slavery and racism. She called her characters "the unfree at the heart of the democratic (民主的)experiment".

In 1988, she won the Pulitzer Prize for her novel Beloved, the story of a mother who kills her baby daughter rather than permit her to be born into slavery. It became a best-seller and was later made into a film with Oprah Winfrey. Many Americans admired her as the country's greatest living writer, including former President Barack Obama.

She was born in 1931. She attended Howard University, an all-black university in Washington, D. C. At Howard, she read African, British and American literature, including writers William Faulkner and Virginia Woolf. After a short marriage, she became a single mother of two sons and worked as a book editor in New York.

Several publishers rejected her first book The Bluest Eye but it impressed The New York Times' book critic John Leonard, who believed Morrison was an important new voice. He said her writing was "so charged with pain and wonder that the novel becomes poetry".

Morrison enjoyed her literary fame and was proud of her Nobel Prize won in 1993.


Have you ever been in a queue somewhere — or waiting at the airport gate or doctor's office — where they're playing 24-hour news and you just wished you could turn it off?

Scott Blew, an engineer in Los Angeles, got sick of being flooded with endless bad news and television ads on public screens, so he decided to create a pair of sunglasses that can block out the screens.

He remembered an article he had read before which was about a special kind of film (薄膜) that could block out LED and LCD light. So he decided to try ordering some of the film and putting it on an ordinary pair of sunglasses — and he was delighted to find that it worked perfectly.

With the help of artist Ivan Cash, the two friends designed the IRL Glasses, which stands for "in real life".

The sunglasses use a special kind of polarized lens (偏光镜片) that blocks the light. When someone wears the glasses in a sports bar, for instance, and looks around, the TV screens magically seem to go black.

Some cool videos they posted online show how their current prototype (原型) can block out any television, and also most computers.

They created a Kickstarter campaign to raise money to produce them, and in three days it reached its goal of $ 25,000. The page has raised $ 11,000——with two more weeks of crowdfunding remaining.

Wearing the glasses in public for a few months has also raised people's interest. Scott gets stopped on the street because he modeled the glasses to look just like those in the 1988 sci-fi movie They Live, about a man who discovers a pair of glasses that can magically block out advertisements.

In an interview with WIRED, Scott says he hopes the product is also a conversation starter about how having news broadcasts everywhere affects our lives and how people want control over their exposure to technology.

Next, we think someone needs to develop technology that can block out only the bad news.


Chinese people spent more time on leisure activities in 2021 compared with the period before the novel coronavirus hit, according to a recent report by the China Tourism Academy. The academy said that urban residents' leisure time was closely related to their work. They spent more time on leisure activities on weekends in 2021, about 4. 4 hours a day, compared with an average of 3. 82 hours a day on workdays. It said that urban residents, leisure time increased both at weekends and during holidays in 2021 when compared with 2019. Daily weekend leisure time increased by 0. 91 of an hour and that during holidays by 0. 64 of an hour. The time that people in rural areas spent enjoying leisure activities rose nearly 39 percent compared with 2019, increasing to 4. 36 hours a day from 3. 14 hours before the COVIEM9 pandemic struck.

Shopping at physical stores remained the most popular leisure activity for both urban residents and people in the countryside, followed by activities like facial treatments, hairdressing and manicures (修指甲)."Shopping is my favorite way togive vent tomy negative emotions and pressure, also for leisure," said Li Lingli, a 28-year-old financial analyst in Beijing. She said she had quite a heavy workload on workdays and also on weekends, meaning she didn't have much time to enjoy other leisure activities, especially outdoor ones like camping or hiking.

The report said it will be difficult to increase people's leisure time in the future due to the large amount of time they spend working and looking after children.

A recent survey by the academy shows that 50 percent of urban residents worked over eight hours a day and 15 percent worked over 10 hours a day. "Heavy workload is truly a big problem," Li said. "For me, as long as I don't message or email back my clients, it's my leisure time. I sometimes go to museums or exhibitions over holidays. It's also a good form of leisure to appreciate beautiful art pieces. "

Dai Bin, chairman of the academy, said at an online conference that with more rural residents spending time on leisure activities thanks to the nation's rural vitalization (振兴) policy, the tourism market and travel companies will embrace new growth in the future.


Most young people enjoy some form of physical activity. It may be walking, cycling, or swimming, or in winter, skating or skiing. It may be mountaineering.

Those who have a passion for climbing high and difficult mountains are often looked upon with astonishment.

Why are men and women willing to suffer cold and hardship, and to take risks on high mountains? This astonishment is caused probably by the difference between mountaineering and other forms of activity from which men get their relaxation.

Mountaineering is a sport but not a game. There are no man-made rules, as there are for such games as golf and football. There are, of course, rules of a different kind which it would be dangerous to ignore, but it is this freedom from man-made rules that makes mountaineering attractive to many people.

If we compare mountaineering with other more familiar sports, we might think that one big difference is that mountaineering is not a "team game". There are, it is true, no "matches" between "teams" of climbers, but when climbers are on a rock face linked by a rope on which their lives may depend, there is obviously teamwork.

The mountain climber knows that he may have to fight forces that are stronger and more powerful than man. His sport requires high mental and physical qualities.

A mountain climber continues to improve skills year after year. A skier is probably past his best by the age of thirty, and most international tennis champions are in their early twenties.  They may need more time than younger men, but they probably climb with more skills and less waste of effort, and they certainly experience equal enjoyment.

A. We should be mistaken in this.

B. He has to fight the forces of nature.

C. Teams compete against each other.

D. Climbing high mountains needs patience, skills and strength.

E. Those who climb mountains are free to use their own methods.

F. It may be a game of some kind football, hockey, golf, or tennis.

G. But it is not unusual for men of fifty or sixty to climb the highest mountains in the Alps.


For four days and three nights, a dog trapped on a large block of ice in the cold waters of the Detroit River between the US and Canada tried very hard to stay alive. 1 the situation was desperate, the dog held out a miracle — and 2 got one.

The dog was first 3 by a wildlife photographer taking photos on the Michigan bank of the river. Soon, people on both sides of the border 4 to find a way to save the dog.

After trying numerous resources, it seemed no one could 5, but determined 6   refused to give up. "We had to 7 for him," Patricia Trevino of the River Rouge Animal Shelter (RR AS) said. "It was a level of8 I'd never felt, because this was a(n) 9 " it was out there in front of us. We could all 10 it."

That's when Jude Mead and his son, who own a marine construction company in Windsor, 11  the lifesaving operation.12 in an airboat (汽船), the pair were able to sail their airboat across the ice and save the dog.

After having spent such a long period in low temperatures, the dog was in very 13 condition. Then he was taken to 14 . After successful 15  and recovery, the 16  dog was renamed "Miracle" and put up for 17 .

There were many people who want to adopt Miracle. When the man who'd saved him from the ice stepped forward to adopt him, the shelter staff 18  that nothing could feel more right than 19 them.

"The story was spreading quickly. In the end the little dog was placed into the hands of the 20  who saved his life," Friends of the RRAS announced.


Thirty diplomats from (variety) countries, including Azerbaijan, Brazil, Pakistan, Spain and

Indonesia, along with their spouses (配偶), were invited (experience) Peking Opera at Tianleyuan

Theater in Beijing on Monday.

The diplomats were introduced the ancient art form and got to try on Peking Opera costumes and makeup, as well as watch performances.

The event, title is New Year's Experience Journey to Peking Opera for Diplomatic Missions in China, is part of the Taihu World Cultural Forum, a nonofficial platform created by China for international cultural exchanges.

"Peking Opera embodies the essence of Chinese traditional culture," Zheng Chuanxin, secretary-general of the forum, says in a video greeting to the diplomats.

The forum,  (launch) in 2008, was named after Taihu Lake in the Yangtze River Delta. Since its beginning, the forum has  (successful) held six conferences in Suzhou in Jiangsu province, Hangzhou in Zhejiang province, Shanghai, Macao, Beijing and Bengbu in Anhui province, respectively.

The forum has attracted hundreds of politicians, scholars, entrepreneurs and cultural notables from more than 80 countries and regions to (deep) mutual understanding among cultures and share ideas.

The gray-brick Tianleyuan Theater is located in capital's Qianmen area, a popular tourist spot. The theater has a history of more than 200 years and reopened in March 2019, after six years of renovation and careful (decorate).

 Both Mei Lanfang and Cheng Yanqiu were known for their playing female characters in Peking Opera pieces, because, at the time, women  (forbid) to appear on stage.
