组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19

Students in high schools can be cruel and we certainly refer to a young man named Matt who was in my class. We laughed at him about his 1. He was at least fifty pounds overweight.

One day he sat near me in a 2. Someone pushed him and he fell on me and hurt my foot quite 3. With the whole class watching, I had to choose either to 4 it off or have a fight with him. I chose to fight in order to keep my 5.

I 6, "Come on, Matt, let's fight. " He said he didn't want to. But pressure forced him into the fight whether he liked it or not. He came7 me with his fists in the air. With one hit, I bloodied his nose and the classroom became 8. No one dared to say a word. Just then the teacher walked into the classroom, he saw that we were 9 and sent us out to the playground.

He followed 10with a smile on his face and said, "I want you two boys to go out there and run that mile holding each other's hands." The room broke into laughter. The two of us were shy, 11 Matt and I went out to the track and ran our mile—hand in hand.

During the course of our run, I looked at him, with blood still flowing from his nose and his 12slowing him down. It hurt me that here was a person, not all that different from myself. I no longer saw Matt as fat. We both 13each other and began to laugh. In time we became good friends.

It was amazing what I learned 14I was asked to go hand-in-hand with someone for only one mile. For the rest of my life I have never 15 a hand against another person. I know it is wrong to do so.


There was a businessman, who sent his son to the most wise man in the world to ask for the secret of happiness. After going through all hardships for 40 days, this boy finally found the wise man's beautiful castle.

When he entered the castle, the boy didn't meet a saint but saw a  1 scene: business people came in and out, in every corner people were talking with each other and a small band was  2 gentle music. The local food was placed on a table. The wise man was talking with the people one 3 one, so the boy had to wait for three hours for his turn 4.

The wide man attentively listened to the boy's  5 for the visit, but he said at this point he didn't have 6  to explain the secret of happiness to him. He suggested that the boy go around the place and return to see him after two hours.

"At the same time I ask you to do one thing," the wise man said as he 7 a spoon to the boy and dripped(滴下) two drops of oil into it, "When you walk, take this spoon and do not let the oil spill(洒出)."

The boy began walking up and down the steps of the palace, his 8 always focusing on the spoon. Two hours later, he returned to the wise man.

"Have you seen the Persian carpets of 9 restaurant? Have you noticed those beautiful sheepskin volumes of my library?" the wise man asked.

A 10 sense of shame came into the boy's mind because he didn't see, for what he was only concerned about was the thing the wise man entrusted to him——namely, not to let the drops of oil in the spoon spill.

"Then you go back to see all kinds of rare things in here," the wise man said, "If you don't know a person's home, you won't be able to trust him."

After hearing that, the boy 11 the spoon and walked back into the palace. This time, he noticed all the artworks 12 on the walls, viewed the garden and the surrounding mountain scenery. when he returned again, he told the wise man about it.

"13 where's the drops of oil I gave you?" the wise man asked.

Looking at the spoon, the boy found there's 14 in the spoon and felt very upset.

"So this is the only warning I want to give you," the wise man said, "the 15 secret of happiness les in enjoying all the wonders of the world and at the same time never forget the drops of oil in the spoon."

完形填空 (本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)

    A zero-waste life is a lifestyle that hardly creates any rubbish. So, a zero-waste theme store is about 1 people with a number of everyday, practical and pleasant zero-waste products to help them start on a one-stop, zero-waste life journey.

    "Zero-waste" or" danshari" was first 2by a French woman Bea Johnson. "Live a life and try not to create any rubbish; use different methods to protect the earth," she said.

    Yu Yuan, 27, is 3attracted by this idea.

    She and her boyfriend have lived in Beijing for many years. And earlier she used to be a customer without thinking a lot 4she saw a video about "zero-waste".

    The 5 is about a family of four, and the rubbish they produce every year is placed in a jar.

    After Watching the video, Yu wanted to  6this zero-waste lifestyle with her boyfriend.

    Yu says that a zero-waste life 7the 6R principle—Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Recycle and Rot (腐烂).

    Over August-October when Yu followed the principle of zero-waste 6R, she and her boyfriend

    Joe Harvey both 8only two cans of rubbish.

    Now, the couple have opened a small 9 called The Bulk House in Nanluoguxiang, Beijing, to support a zero-waste life.

    At the store they use environmentally friendly products. For example, they use wood products to replace 10ones and prepare cloth bags printed with zero-waste logos for customers. Most of the products sold in the store can be reused, and a small number of 11which are not recyclable can degrade(分解). The store 12has secondhand books and audio-visual


    For used toiletries (things like soap and toothpaste that are used for cleaning yourself) there is a company which accepts them, and the couple regularly mail their waste to it.

    Yu says that those who were once not 13 in the zero-waste lifestyle have gradually changed because of curiosity. "The zero-waste lifestyle", she adds, "is for everyone."

    "It's  14us at our fingertips". Yu expects some of her friends to 15 her on the road to zero-waste. As the saying goes, "many hands make light work".


April Fool's Day

    April Fool's Day is a western festival. No one 1 exactly when and how April Fool's Day began. However, there are some stories about2 it came into being. One story3 like this: in the sixteenth­century France, the start of the new year was on April first. It was celebrated 4much the same way 5 it is today with parties and dancing into the late hours of the night.

    Then in 1562, Pope (教皇) Gregory introduced a new calendar for the Christian world, and the new year fell on January first. There were some people,6 who hadn't heard or didn't believe the 7 in the date, so they8 to celebrate New Year's Day on April first.9played tricks on them and called them "April fools". They tried to make them believe that something false was10. In France today, April first is called "April Fish". Frenchchildren fool their friends by taping a paper fish to their friends' 11. When the "young fool"12this trick, the prankster (恶作剧者) shouts "April Fish!" 

    Today Americans play small tricks on friends and strangers alike on the first of April. One13trick on April Fool's Day is 14 down to a friend's shoe and saying, "Your shoelaceis untied." School children might tell a classmate that school has been canceled (取消).15the trick is, if you fail for the joke the prankster shouts "April Fool!"

    In Britain today, on the first of April, even 16newspapers, radio and TV programs tell big lies. You17 read a science18 showing that doctors have found a way to cure (治愈) AIDS, 19you would probably listen to a piece of news about a UFO20on an island.


    What will the schools of the future look like? Smart campuses (校园) will be the schools of the 21st century. These advanced campuses are different from universities and colleges of the1. Their high-tech can help students learn more efficiently(高效地) and safely, as well as bring 2  to teachers.

    The University of British Columbia has built Canada's first 5G-powered smart campus, according to The Star, a Canadian newspaper. The 3 worked with a tech company to build a 5G network across the campus. So4 researchers can use the network to make a test for the teachings.

    At Staffordshire University in the UK, many students enjoy talking to Beacon and asking it questions. Beacon is a chatting 5 that was made by the university. It is like a personal assistant for students. They can ask it questions, such as6 one of their classes is canceled.

    Amazon also has smart campus products. Alexa, the company's voice-activated (声控的) smart assistant, 7  be used to help teachers 8 their classes more efficiently. For example, Alexa can remember what the teachers 9 , such as how bright the lights should be, and what color of 10 are often used.

    5G-tech has played an important role in realizing the smart campuses, without 5G, 11 of these can happen. Positive changes not only happen in school campuses, 12  in ways of teaching. 5G-tech also makes it easier for 13 -distance learning to realize. That means students will be able to stay at home and take the on-line classes 14any lags(延迟). It is really useful 15 when students are not available to get out of their homes.


    Students in high schools can be cruel and we certainly refer to a young man named Matt who was in my class. We laughed at him about his 1 . He was at least fifty pounds overweight.

    One day he sat near me in a 2. Someone pushed him and he 3on me and hurt my foot quite badly. With the whole class 4, I had to choose either 5 it off or have a fight with him. I chose to fight in order to keep my 6.

    I shouted," Come on, Matt, let's fight." He said he didn't want to. Butpeer pressure(同伴的压力)7 him into the fight whether he liked it or not. He came toward me with hisfists(拳头)in the air. With one 8Ibloodied(弄出血)his nose and the classroom became 9. No one dared to say a word. Just then the teacher walked into the classroom, He saw that we were 10 and sent us out to the playground.

    He followed us with a 11on his face and said, "I want you two boys to go out there and run that mile holding each other's hands." The room broke into laughter. The two of us were 12, but Matt and I went out to the track and ran our mile —13.

    During the course of our run, I looked at him, with blood still flowing from his nose and his 14slowing him down. It hurt me that here was a person, not all that different from myself. I no longer saw Matt as fat. It was amazing what I learned I was forced to go hand-in-hand with someone for only one mile.

For the rest of my life I have never 15 a hand against another person. I know it is wrong to do so.
