组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-18

Mike is a cameraman who works for SFX News. It was the second time this week that his boss, Mr. Frank, was1with him.

Mike walked slowly into the office. Mr. Frank threw a video at the door. "Well, this isn't 2. Go away and film something that hits me here. "He put his hand on his 3. "This is your last chance, "Mr. Frank said.

Mike walked slowly out of Mr. Frank's office. He 4 a newspaper, seeing a photo of a volcano*in Hawaii. Later that day, He took a plane to Hawaii. But as the plane got closer, the sky got very dark. At the airport, some reporters were 5 Hawaii, getting on a plane in panic*. A girl told him the volcano was erupting*and asked him to go with her,6 he said he had to film exciting news. "Well, look out for my friend Jenny who has big blue eyes, telling her to leave the island. "said the girl.

After two long hours, Mike was on the volcano. He filmed the smoke and the fire. A big rock nearly hit him but he filmed it. Suddenly, he saw 7 moving behind a rock. He went to the rock and found a young woman with blue eyes, who couldn't move her leg under the rock. He thought she must be Jenny. He pushed the rock hard and saved her 8.

When they were off the volcano, Mike thought he 9 his last chance because he had left his camera on the volcano. However, he 10 thought Jenny was more important than his camera. To his surprise, Mr. Frank called him to work and watched the film on TV. Mr. Frank said," This video hits me…right here!"

阅读理解(本题有15小题, 每小题各2分,共30分)

The sun seems to be a quiet and helpful star. It brings the world light and helps plants grow. However, our nearest star is really a super hot ball of gas, with a stormy surfacetemperature of 11, 000℉.

The sun is 93 million miles away. Even so, the stormy solar weather can cause problems on Earth. Solar storms can cut off electricity, and phone service. Even the satellites will get out of their way because of the solar storms. Scientists want to know more about how the sun causes these problems. Luckily, they have a lot of help from some amazing space probes.

Since December, 1995 the SOHO probe has been going around the sun. SOHO takes close-up photos of the sun. And it has discovered the gas that is deep inside the sun. The gas may help explain the sun's 11-year cycle. Every 11 years the number of sunspots and flares on the sun increases. Sunspots are cooler patcheson the sun's surface. They look like dark spots. Flares are energycoming from the sun and then goes into the space. Sunspots and flares can cut off communications on Earth. They can be also harmful for astronauts in space.

The ACE probe is also giving information to Earth. ACE's job is to search the solar wind by following it. This is a group of particles that come out from the sun. The particles are 2, 000, 000℉! The solar wind changes weather on all the planets, including Earth.

Scientists have learned much about the sun. The star is more than just a silent one. "We thought the inside of the sun was simple in the past," says scientist John Harvey. "But that was before we were able to see into it."


Bella was a young woman of great beauty, and even more beautiful when she was smiling and laughing. She fell in love with James and then married him. James was a painter who was already famous for his art. And he was always studying and working. The great love of his life was his work and his painting.

His beautiful young wife was playful, full of life and light and smiles, as loving as a child when they just got married. But later Bella began to worry and she didn't like anything about painting because it kept him away from her, hour after hour.

So it was a terrible thing for Bella when James said he wanted to paint a picture of her. But she agreed because she loved him and wanted to please him.

For many weeks she sat in a dark high room where the light from above fell onto the painting and onto her. Day after day,Bella sat in silence, not moving, not speaking. But she went on smiling and smiling because she saw that James loved his work so much.

James painted hour after hour, not speaking a word, thinking only of his work. People who saw the painting looked and said softly. "It is your finest work. Oh, you do love your wife dearly! We can see this in the painting. "

And it was true. But James did not look at Bella now. He went on working, thinking and dreaming only of the painting and never of his wife. Day by day Bella looked more and more unhappy, and finally lost her hope that her husband would have a look at her. Bella's face and body were now thin, but James did not see it. James took the warm colour from Bella's face, and painted it into the face in his painting - but he could not, he would not see it.

After many weeks, James finished the painting of Bella. One last touch of paint on the mouth, a last touch to the eye. He stood back and looked at the painting of Bella. How wonderful it was! He cried out with a loud voice, "This is LIFE itself She LIVES in this painting!". And he turned suddenly to look at the woman he loved. She was dead!
