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浙江省温岭·天台·临海·玉环 2020-2021年八年级下学期英语期末调测试题

日期: 2024-09-19
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Karen found out that she was going to have another baby. Like any good mother, she did1she could do to help her 3-year-old son, Michael, prepare for a new life. The new baby was going to be a girl, and Michael sang to his 2 in Mommy's stomach from morning till night every day.

Finally, Michael's sister was born, 3 she was sick and was sent to the hospital. The days went by and the little baby got 4 . The doctor told the parents, "There is very little 5 . Be prepared for the worst." They kept the baby girl in the ICU. Michael, however, kept 6 his parents to let him see his sister." I want to 7 to her," he said. Two weeks passed. It seemed that the worst time would come for the baby. Karen decided to take Michael to his sister. She thought this might be the 8 time for him to see her alive. When Karen led Michael to his sisters bedside, he 9 the baby and began to sing softly In the 10 voice of a 3-year-old boy, Michael sang, "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey." 11 the baby girl moved and her pulse rate(脉搏) became calm. All the people were shocked to see that.

"Keep on singing, Michael," Karen 12 him with tears in her eyes. "You never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine 13 ." Little by little, as Michael sang to his sister, the baby was relaxed.

After a few days, the little girl was 14 enough to go home! Women's Day Magazine called 15 "the miracle(奇迹) of a brother's song".

Never give up the people you love.


A cross-country mountain marathon in northwest China's Gansu Province on May 22nd has turned into a public safety accident. According to the local government, 21 runner died from hypothermia(体温过低症) after being hit by extreme weather.

Hypothermia is one of the biggest challenges of outdoor activities. It means cooling, or even freezing of the body.

The cooling could be fast enough to kill a person. Outside air temperature doesn't have to be very low. In fact, hypothermia can happen when the temperature is 50℉(华氏), and it often does.

For the body to run well, its temperature must stay about 98.6℉. People produce(生产) more heat than they need. In hypothermia, however, the body loses more heat than it produces. This condition often happens when a person gets wet.

One of the most terrible accidents that can happen to a fisherman is to fall into the sea and become wet.

Wind also makes heat loss faster. The wind cools the water. At 50℉, water is terribly cold. If a person's clothes are wet, heat moves rapidly from the body to the water.

Whenever you're outside, keep dry. Wear rain clothes. While you're moving—hiking or skiing, for example—your body makes a lot more heat than it does when you're resting. However, you may find that once you stop hiking, your production(产量) of body heat may drop suddenly by as much as 50 percent. You may start toshiverand become unable to control the shivering. You may turn into hypothermia: your speech will slow, you won't remember well, and you will find you cannot hold things. You may become too tired, but you must not sleep—or you might die.


We all know a mothers love is wonderful. You should never forget your mother's love and repay(回报) it with all your life.

In a small village of Guizhou, Liu Xiuxiang, a man teacher has done like this many years. At the age of four, Liu (lose) his father. He had to live a difficult life with his mother. Because of his father's (die),

Liu's mother felt so sad. Soon her illness became much (serious). Though Liu's neighbors helped him a lot, in his life, he not only looked after (he), bust also had to support his family by picking litter. The heavy living problems didn't make him give up. Instead, they made him stronger.

He worked really hard at his lessons and all his work paid off. He went into a university in 2008, , there was still a difficult problem. Who would look after his mother? Finally, Liu made great decision. He carried his mother on his back to the university. After knowing about this situation, his university and schoolmates often helped him.

Now he is a headmaster in his hometown. He doesn't forget the love from the society. He often gives away his money (help) children in need. He became one of the greatest (win) of May Fourth Youth Medal of the year 2020 in Guizhou. Soon his (amaze) story of carrying his mother on his back to the university spread(传播) over the Internet.
