组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19

Helping others is a great thing to do. You can learn new things and have fun. Here is some volunteer work for you.

Hospital Volunteer Wanted

Are you interested in being a doctor or a nurse? Being a hospital volunteer is a great way to test that interest and see if you enjoy working in a hospital setting. We need three volunteers at Sunshine Hospital. Normally, you have to be 16 or older to volunteer. If you are available on Saturday, email sshvolunteer@163.com.

Welcome to Loving Animal Shelter (避难所)

Do you love animals? Do you want to be an animal doctor? We need five weekend volunteers. As an animal shelter volunteer, you must be at least sixteen years old. You'll spend lots of time cleaning up after the animals and feeding them. If you can join us, call us at 7724-8839 for more information. We need your help!

Soup Kitchen Needs Volunteers

Are you interested in helping the homeless? Consider volunteering at Soup Kitchen. You need to help give out food to the homeless, and clean up the food and plates. If you are over seventeen and can work for us on weekends, please call Miss Green at 232-5347.

City Library Needs Volunteers

Do you love being around books? Are you over fourteen years old? You can consider being a library volunteer. Your job is to help visitors use the computer or help younger students with their homework. Checkout the City Library website for more information.


    Imagine being able to make your own game pieces, model sets or toys? lf you have a 3Dprinter, you can do it. It sounds like magic, but a 3D printer is a real machine. It can be used to create toys, clothing, as well as things like machine parts and musical instruments. Some 3Dprinters can even make food!

3D printers do not use paper or ink. Instead of printing pictures, they print three-dimensional (三维空间) objects with different sizes and shapes. Instead of ink, they use many different materials (材料), like glass, wood, and even chocolate!

Most 3D printers are quite expensive, and they can take up a lot of space. However, making objects with a 3D printer is often more efficient than making them in other ways. For example, accompany in China built a house using a 3D printer. The house covered an area of 200 square meters. The cost of building a house was under $500. It cost far less than a home built in the usual way, and the whole job was finished in just forty-eight hours!

People keep coming up with new ways to use 3D printers. Companies have used them to make shoes, airplane parts, and even hamburgers. The U. S. Navy (海军) came up with the idea of putting them on ships, so sailors (海员) can print new tools or parts while they are at sea. The printers have even been used by astronauts in space. 3D printers are turning ideas into objects, on this planet and elsewhere.


Alice is an Italian girl in Guangzhou. She takes great interest in the stories of China's "Four Great Beauties".

Dave is an American boy. He is a Chinese art lover. He becomes interested in anything about the silk Road and Dunhuang art.

Lisa comes from Russia. She is learning ballet. Her teacher told her the ballet about a girl with white hair. She wants to enjoy the performance.

Jack is studying music in Guangzhou. He likes Cantonese music very much and learns a lot about it.

Alan has read a lot about the history of China. He loves to enjoy the dance and music of the Tang Dynasty.

A. Ballet the Red Detachment (分遣队) of Women

The story happened in Hainan Island in the 1930s. It is about a servant girl who runs away from a local family and grows into a soldier.

B. Ballet the White-Haired Girl

It tells a story about a girl named Xi'er. Her father is killed by a local landlord (地主). She has to run to the mountains and lives there. She lives a hard life. Her hair turns white.

C. Dance drama Silk Road, Strewn (撤满) with Flowers

It tells about the friendship between a Chinese painter Zhang and a Persian trader. It is from the Silk Road and Dunhuang murals (壁画).

D. Dance drama The Past of Shawan

It sets the story at the Shawan ancient town in South China's Guangzhou city. It follows the main storyline of musicians' creation of the Cantonese music piece Dragon Boat Racing.

E. Dance drama Li Bai

It tells about the great poet Li Bai with a fresh new look. It also brings to life the scenery (风景), dance and music of the Tang Dynasty.

F. Dance drama Dunhuang Dream

It is from the thousands of years' creation history of Dunhuang art treasure. It follows the storyline of a young painter and the daughter of a general.

G. Dance drama Princess Zhaojun

It is from a true historical event in the Han Dynasty. It tells a story of one of China's" Four Great


短文填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1. 5分,共15分)