组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-10-05

When talking about obeying rules, Abby will never forget her experience with her father and her pet Tobias, a small mouse at the airport years ago.

One day, Abby's father was taking her to visit her grandmother and they are not allowed to take a mouse into another country. It was a rule. But Abby put the mouse into her sock in her bag secretly without telling her dad. When they arrived at the airport, they had to be checked by the X-ray machine. Abby felt her legs shaking and her heart beating fast. Unexpectedly, they passed.

On the plane, Abby opened up the bag after her dad and the woman next to her fell asleep. Tobias was excited to jump out from the bag. He landed upside down on the woman's knee. The woman screamed loudly so that many people on the plane heard the voice. At that moment, Abby put Tobias into her bag quickly. But her dad didn't know at all but slept.

After they landed, Abby's dad ticked(打勾) NO on a paper to:"Are you bringing any live animals into the country?"But a man at the X-ray machine asked Abby to open her bag. Abby had to open and pulled out the sock. Then the man led Abby and her father into a small, dark room. There were some people in uniforms. Tobias was in the sock on the desk. One police officer talked to Abby's dad. "This is very serious, " said." You have tried to smuggle (偷运) an animal into this country and you have lied on the paper." "It's my fault, "Abby said in a small voice, "Dad didn't know I had Tobias." The police officer stared at her, "What's your name?Have you ever been in trouble before?"Abby opened her mouth, but no sound came out. At last, her dad had to pay a big fine(罚款)for what Abby did. It cost a lot of money. And Tobias had to go into quarantine(隔离检疫)for six months.

It must be a real lesson for Abby. From then on, she never breaks the rules anymore.


Most people follow others blindly just because they feel it safe to follow a large number of people. In some rare cases it might be right to follow the crowd, but in most cases this can be a big mistake. Actually there are reasons why we shouldn't follow the crowd blindly.

According to a study, people often follow the crowd when they aren't sure about the direction they should take. This means a large number of people could be following others without understanding what's right and what's wrong! This makes more people follow and as a result most people move in a certain direction even if it isn't right.

A man who wants to be successful always hopes for others' guidance and he usually follows the same path of most people, but the question this man never asks himself is: are all of those people successful? Of course not! If you want to follow a crowd, then follow a successful one. However, in real life you'll only find one successful person among hundreds of people, and that's why following the crowd makes no sense at all.

Most people act emotionally (感情用事地) without thinking wisely. If you always follow others because they're greater than you in number, then sooner or later you'll discover that you're taking emotional decisions you might regret later.

However, should we never follow the crowd? No. I'm not trying to say you should never follow the crowd, but instead I'm just asking you to think wisely before you take a decision. If you find others are right, there is no problem in following them, but if you have doubts about the direction they're moving in, don't follow them blindly.


After the long time of waiting, vaccines (疫苗) for COVID-19 come to the world, bringing hope to every one of us in this fight.

Vaccination (疫苗接种) is different in different countries. On December 8, 2020, the United Kingdom started to ask people to get vaccine which were developed by scientists from the United States and Germany. On December 14, 2020, the US also started that around the country as the number of deaths in the country reached over 300, 000.

China starts having some key groups to get vaccines during the winter, too. Who gets the vaccines first? People who worked in healthcare and at sea food markets do because these people's jobs are high risk as we all know. The vaccine program also covers those who plan to work or study in high risk countries and places according to the National Health Commission (NHC).

This is the first action of China's plan to get people to get vaccines. Next, with COVID-19 vaccines is ready for the market, China will put more vaccines into use for more groups such as old people.

However, people might ask, "Is it safe enough to get the vaccine?" The answer is yes. The vaccine must pass many strict tests before coming to the markets. In July 2020, there were over 1 million people working in high-risk places receiving the vaccine. And there were no serious side effects (副作用) showing in the them.

When some are waiting to get the vaccine, others may not want to get it, still worrying about the side effect." We understand that it's a personal choice to get it or not. But please don't forget to keep the living and workplaces clean, wear masks and often wash hands.


Because of the outbreak (疫情),many people look for fun online. Watching livestreaming(直播的)shows has become part of their lives. At the same time, traditional culture has found a bigger stage(舞台)online. Many traditional artists are starting to livestream like Douyin and Bilibili. Some of them sing Peking Opera, some show their folk handicrafts(民间手工艺),while others perform Chinese classical music. A growing number of young people are starting to become more interested in traditional culture because of livestreaming.

Li Jun is a Peking Opera performer with the Shanghai Jingju Theater Company. After the outbreak, the 59-year-old took up his smart phone and started livestreaming . Unlike performing on a formal stage, Li uses ordinary places as his stage, including his backyard and study room. Apart from singing, Li also teaches viewers (观看者) about Peking Opera. People can ask him questions and get answers directly

"Livestreaming has brought this elegant(高雅的) art down to earth. ” one viewer said it gives young people an easier access to this traditional art and learn more about it. " Li has more than 6000 fans on Douyin, while one of his videos got 42,000 views on Bilibili

On March 26th,2020. Bilibili livestreamed a huafu show on the third China Huafu Day(中国华服日). Performers presented clothes in traditional Chinese styles, including those from Wei, Tang and Ming dynasties (朝代) During the show, viewers not only enjoyed looking at the clothes, but also watched how performers used ancient styles of make-up(古代化妆术).

As Guangming Daily noted, livestreaming has come to a new stage through which traditional culture can be kept alive.


① With most people staying at home because of COVID-19, livestreaming(直播) has taken off. It is not only fun and interesting, but has also provided a new stage(舞台) for traditional culture artists.  

② On video sites and apps such as Douyin and Bilibili, many traditional artists are trying livestreaming for the first time. Some of them sing Peking Opera, some show their hand-made products, while others perform classical Chinese music.  

③ Li Jun is a laosheng (old male role) Peking Opera performer with the Shanghai Jingju Theater Company. During the outbreak, the 59-year-old started livestreaming for the first time. Unlike performing on a formal stage, Li uses everyday places as his stage, including his backyard, study room, and even the kitchen. Besides singing, Li also teaches viewers about Peking Opera in a humorous way.

④ People can ask him questions and get answers directly. "Livestreaming has brought this elegant(高雅的) art down to earth, " one viewer said. "It allows young people to get closer to this traditional art and learn more about it. " Up to now Li has more than 6, 000 fans on Douyin, while one of his videos has received 42, 000 views on Bilibili.  

⑤ Other kinds of artists also see livestreaming as a new opportunity. On March 26, the third China Huafu Day, Bilibili livestreamed a fashion show. Performers presented beautiful clothes in traditional Chinese styles, including those from the Wei (220-265), Tang (618-907) and Ming (1368-1644) dynasties. During the show, viewers not only enjoyed seeing the clothes but also watching how performers use ancient styles of make-up. For example, one blogger taught people how to draw the guiye eyebrow(桂叶眉) which was a typical make-up style during the Tang Dynasty.  

⑥ As Guangming Daily noted, livestreaming has created a new way in which traditional culture can be kept alive.  


①When it comes to Chinese students considering studying in foreign countries, many of them usually believe that life will be easy and enjoyable. Unfortunately, it's likely that students with those thought will be disappointed very soon after landing at the airport.

②So, what are the problems you may have and how can you deal with them?

③Teaching and learning styles in America are very different from those in China, requiring more critical thinking (批判性思维) and teamwork. In a normal American classroom, one project might be done by a study group in which every person has their own responsibility.

④So don't worry about your language or any grammar mistakes. Just watch what other students do, and don't be afraid of asking any question. The discussions, sometimes even arguments, that your group members and you hold are likely to be the beginning of a friendship.

⑤Besides schoolwork, another important thing faced by overseas students is homesickness or loneliness. You may miss your parents' cooking, your pets, or even your old bed. Being away from home can create bitter feelings, especially when faced with the challenges of getting used to a new environment.

⑥What I strongly suggest is to try hard to deal with these feelings. Be open to new friendships. Sign up for school activities, and give yourself permission to enjoy life at school, even if you miss home a lot. Be organized and keep a diary to check your progress. Write down three new things that you're grateful for every evening, as well as three things you're looking forward to every morning.

⑦Studying abroad is never simple. In fact, there will be many difficulties every day. But I'm sure you will overcome your difficulties and make your time overseas a success.


Why do only famous people have biographies (传记)? This is the question two young sisters, 7-year-old Aishvarya, and 11-year-old Vaishali, asked their parents. They were reading biographies in school and realized they knew more about Beyonce than about their own grandparents. So they decided to do something.

They created "Grand Stories", a workbook that helps grandchildren learn about their grandparents. Through answering guided questions and telling stories, Grand Stories help families learn more about each other.

This family had come from India to the US, and all four grandparents live far away. Through modern technology and some family visits, the girls know their grandparents—but they want more. Where did they go to school? How did they meet, get married, and raise families? What were their stories? These reflect the "Do you know" questions in the workbook to study how much people know about their family history.

The sisters asked their own grandparents to talk about their stories. The grandfather, who is a quiet person, didn't share much during the interview. But then he stayed up all night writing his biography. When the father looked through the biography, he realized there was so much he'd never known about his own father! Through these stories the father felt closer to his own family.

What the two sisters discovered is how much we depend on knowing our family stories to understand who we are in the world. These stories are important for young children growing up, as well as our becoming parents and grandparents. "Grand Stories" is a great way to start these conversations. Whether you're 7 or 70, it's never too early or too late to start sharing family stories.


In Wenling, Zhejiang on June 13, 2020, the explosion(爆炸) of a tank truck(槽罐车) filled with liquefied gas(液化气) on Highway G15 shocked the country. It has already caused 20 deaths and over 100 injuries up to June 15. Except for accidents like this, natural disasters are also a threat(威胁) to people's lives.      ▲     .

Floods(洪水) took thousands of lives every year. The easiest way to keep yourself safe is to get to higher grounds like the top of a building. Do not try to swim across a river because no matter how good a swimmer you are, the water will run too quickly for you. Another important thing is not to panic(慌张), shout or do anything that may make you weak. Save your energy and wait for help.

These years, earthquakes happen more often than in the past. Luckily, nowadays, a few seconds before the earthquake comes, your cell phones can receive warnings. Pay attention to them. If you are at home, turning off electricity(电) and gas as quickly as possible may lower(降低) the risk of explosion. What's more, news reports say sometimes jumping out of a tall building may be more dangerous than staying where you are.

Fire is also dangerous. If your clothes are on fire, do not run around and hope the wind helps put out the fire. The right thing to do is to roll(打滚) on the ground. Do not use elevators when fire happens. Smoke can choke(呛) you, so prepare a wet towel and lower your body to avoid(回避) smoke. If you have to get out of the building, try to use sheets(床单) as a life-saving rope. Never jump directly out.


①My friend Jake went on business for months, so he asked me to take care of the yard in the mountains. My friend worked hard, so he often kept the yard clean without any weed(杂草). And I was so lazy that I allowed weeds to grow secretly. In the early spring, by the stone bench appeared several clusters of buds, whose leaves were soft and green. A month later, when the leaves spread out richly, I discovered they were like wild orchids (兰花) in the forest.

②In the later summer, the grass produced flowers. They shaped like other forest orchids, but they were wax yellow, unlike those forest wild orchids, whose flowers were purple or brown red.1picked one flower, then came down the mountains to find Ted, a friend who knew plants well. As soon as Ted saw it, he immediately asked me where I picked it. "You are gonna be rich!" He excitedly explained," This is a rare orchid, which is hard to find. Now this orchid is worth at least $10,000each. "

③l told the good news to Jake. He was completely shocked. After a while, he said gently the orchid broke through the earth every year, but he thought it was just a weed, so he often pulled it out and threw it away. My friend couldn't help saying sadly, "Il have almost destroyed(摧毁) a kind of rare flower. If I could wait for it to flower with patience, it would have been discovered a few years before."

④Yes, who will never miss some rare orchids in their own lives? We always pay no attention to those wild weeds that haven't yet flowered in time and don't give them the time to flower and produce fruit to show their value.

⑤Give each grass the time to flower and give everyone a chance to show their value. Don't blindly pull out a blade of grass or think lowly of a person and how many" "rare orchids" we will get in our lives.


The Lantern Festival (or Yuan Xiao Festival) is an important traditional Chinese festival, which is on the 15th of the first lunar (农历) month. It also marks the end of Spring Festival. This year, it falls on February 26th.

The Lantern Festival is a time for people to have fun. At night, people go to streets, watching lanterns, guessing lantern riddles and releasing (放) sky lanterns or river lights. And all the family members get together to enjoy the special food called Yuan Xiao.

Watching lanterns is the most popular things to do during the festival. Lanterns are made in the shape of different animals, fruits, vegetables and other things. Riddles are written on pieces of paper and posted on the lanterns. Rabbit lanterns with wheels are fun for children. Why? It might have something to do with a Chinese folk story about a jade rabbit (玉兔) that lives on the moon. People hold Lantern Festival on the first full moon of the year, so rabbits are a big part of the festival as well.

In some places, people like releasing sky lanterns (Kongming lanterns). A sky lantern is a small hot air balloon made of paper, with a small fire at the bottom. When the bright lanterns fly high in the sky, people make wishes for their family members. Releasing river lights is also a way to give wishes to each other. Usually, the lights are in the shape of a lotus(莲花).

Another important tradition for the Lantern Festival is eating small round dumpling balls called Yuan .Xiao or Tang Yuan. The dumplings are as big as ping-pong balls. The fillings inside are sweet or salty, which differ from northern to southern China. Guizhou is famous for Yuan Xiao made with chicken. Today, you can also find some strange fillings, such as chocolate and fruit. Anyway,Yuan Xiaohas always been a symbol of happiness and unity in China.


Because of the outbreak (疫情), many people look for fun online. Watching livestreaming (直播的) shows has become part of their lives. At the same time, traditional culture has found a bigger stage (舞台) online, Many traditional artists are starting to livestream, like Douyin and Bilibili Some of them sing Pekin Opera, some show their folk handicrafts(民间手工艺), while others perform Chinese classical music. A growing number of young people are starting to become more interested in traditional culture because of livestreaming.

Li Jun is a Peking Opera performer with the Shanghai Jingju Theater Company After the outbreak, the 59-year-old took up his smartphone and started livestreaming Unlike performing on a formal stage, Li uses ordinary places as his stage, including his backyard and study room. Apart from singing, Li also teaches viewers(观看者)about Peking Opera. People can ask him questions and get answers directly.

"Livestreaming has brought this elegant(高雅的)art down to earth. "one viewer said. "It gives young people an easier access to this traditional art and learn more about it. "Li has more than 6000 fans on Douyin, while one of his videos got 42,000 views on Bilibili.

On March 26h, 2020,Bilibili livestreamed a huafu show on the third China HuafuDay(中国华服日). Performers presented clothes in traditional Chinese styles,including those from Wei, Tang and Ming dynasties(朝代). During the show, viewers not only enjoyed looking at the clothes, but also watched how performers used ancient styles of make-up(古代化妆术).

As Guangming Daily noted, livestreaming has come to a new stage through which traditional culture can be kept alive.


    ①When the great library of Alexandria burned, the story goes, and one book was saved. But it was not a valuable book, and a poor man got it.

    ②The book wasn't very interesting, but between its pages there was something very interesting indeed. It was a thin strip of vellum(羊皮纸) on which was written the secret of the " Touchstone. The touchstone was a small pebble( 鹅卵石) that could turn any common metal into pure gold.

    ③The writing explained that it was lying among thousands and thousands of other pebbles that looked exactly like it. But the secret was this: The real stone would feel warm, while ordinary pebbles are cold.

    ④So the man sold his house, bought a tent, camped on the seashore and began testing pebbles. He knew that if he picked up normal pebbles and threw them down again because they were cold, he might pick up the same pebbles hundreds of times. So, when he felt one that was cold, he threw it into the sea. He spent a whole day doing this but none of them was the touchstone. Yet he went on and on this way. Pick up a pebble. Cold - throw it into sea. Pick up another. Throw it into the sea. The days stretched into months and the months into years.

    ⑤ One day, however, about mid- afternoon, he picked up a pebble and it was warm. He threw it into the sea before he realized what he had done. He was used to throwing each pebble into the sea as soon as he picked it up. So when the one he wanted came along, he still threw it away.

     ⑥ Opportunity knocks but once. Unless we are vigilant(警惕的), it's easy to fail to realize an opportunity when it is in hand and it's just as easy to throw it away.


A few weeks ago, we attended a lesson given by our classmate Wu Ruijie who talked about some of her experiences in America. It was very interesting and lively, we all listened carefully and were moved by the lesson.

  During the lesson, she shared some stories about her daily life in the United States with us and some culture shocks (文化冲突) that she experienced. I still remember the story she told which took place in the New York subway. One day, she was talking to her Chinese friend on her mobile phone while a black woman was standing beside her. She often used a Chinese word whose pronunciation was similar to the rude N-word, so the black woman started to very angrily glare at (怒视) her. This was only one of her stories.

Ms. Tang also shared a story she had experienced when she was in Australia. On a hot sunny day, while she was walking on the street holding an umbrella to protect her from the strong sunlight, suddenly a man behind her said to her, "Is it raining?" The reason is that in Australia people don't use umbrellas on sunny days, so the man thought it was strange and asked Ms. Tang.

Through the embarrassing stories, we can see many differences from country to country to decide how we should face these situations when we go abroad. Here are some suggestions: First, we should respect everyone wherever we are. Second, learn some local culture before you get there. Third, if you make some mistakes, you should explain the reasons. Finally, keep a kind heart at all times.

All in all, culture shock is not a big deal as long as we treat others kindly. Please pay attention to learning Western culture.


When it comes to Chinese students considering studying in foreign countries, many of them usually believe that life will be easy and enjoyable. Unfortunately, it's likely that students with those beliefs will be disappointed very soon after landing at the airport.

So, what are the problems you may have, and how can you deal with them?

Teaching and learning styles in America are very different from those in China, requiring more critical thinking(批判性思维) and teamwork. In normal American classroom, one project might be done by a study group in which every person has their own responsibility.

So don't worry about your language or any small mistakes. Just watch what other students do, and don't be afraid of asking any question. The discussions, or sometimes even arguments, that your group members and you hold are likely to be the beginning of a friendship.

Besides schoolwork, another important thing faced by overseas students is homesickness or loneliness. You may miss your parents' cooking your pets, or even your old bed. Being away from home can create bitter feelings, especially when faced with the challenges of getting used to a new environment.

What I strongly suggest is to try hard to deal with these feelings. Be open to new friendships. Sign up for school activities, and give yourself permission to enjoy life at school, even if you miss home a lot. Be organized and keep a diary to check your progress. Write down three new things that you're grateful for every evening, as well as three things you're looking forward to every morning.

Studying abroad is never simple. In fact, there will be many difficulties every day. But I'm sure you will overcome your difficulties and make your time overseas a success.


    ①Some people like to be scared! Choosing to be scared can be fun. Dr. Margee Kerr, a sociologist, explained the science of fear. "Some people like to be scared because they like the way their body changes." she says.

    ②Being scared is not always fun. When a balloon pops, we may jump. Our heart beats faster and harder. How does the body have the reactions?" When we meet somethingstartling, our brain and body start making changes to help prepare us for the unknown." Dr. Kerr explains, "These changes are caused by the senses(感官), which always send information to the brain. It gives out chemicals into the bloodstream, and those chemicals act on different parts of the body. At the same time, the brain decides whether or not the danger is real."

    ③Fear is a tool that the brain uses to keep the body safe. It helps a person to hide, run away, or protect oneself. Our memories also help protect us. As we grow, we learn what's unsafe, and our brains keep those memories. Then our brains use fear to warn us of dangers. Dr.Kerr says, "_______________________________. "

    ④However, too much fear can be harmful because experiences can lead to long-lasting fears that may stop a person from trying new things. A long-lasting fear can mean you've had a bad experience, and your brain doesn't want you to have it again.

    ⑤Many people have beaten their own fears. Instead of listening to their imagination, they learn the facts about anything that seems scary. Knowledge can help a person feel less afraid. Dr. Kerr grew up on a farm. She was scared of black bears in the woods before. She says," After I read a lot about them, I knew for sure what to do if I ever met a bear and how to protect myself."


    Humans can develop certain abilities we aren't born with by practicing animals' movements," the traditional Chinese Wushu lovers believed in the past— and still do today.

    Chinese Five—Animal Exercises, also known asWuqinxi, are the first complete set of qigong exercises following the movements of animals: monkeys, deer (鹿), birds, bears and tigers. They were created by one of the greatest doctors in Chinese history, Hua Tuo, more than 1, 800 years ago. The Five—Animal Exercises are well—designed to help blood circulation (循环), and let the energy go smoothly in the body so as to improve the health.

    "The bear movements are good for the stomach. The tiger movements can reduce the pain in the back. The deer movements help reduce the fat around the waist (腰). The bird movements can help keep our knees healthy and the monkey movements can be good for the heart. ” said Hua Yi, the 59th inheritor (继承人) ofWuqinxi.

    For those new learners, the first few exercises might not go well. You may find it hard to focus (集中注意力). Wear comfortable clothes, keep peaceful in your mind, try to move slowly… Little by little, you'll feel more and more harmonious with nature. You may even feel you become a tiger or a deer, walking in the forest freely.

    These exercises need no tools and they are easy to learn. You can search online for the videos and practice them at any time when you feel like relaxing your body and mind. Because it's fun to practice and good for health, Five—Animal Exercises are becoming more and more popular in recent years, not only in China, but also in many other places of the world.


    How do we know the time? A clock, a watch or a mobile phone can help us. However, many years ago there were no clocks and knowing the time was not so easy. Over the centuries people have developed different ways of telling the time.

About 5,500 years ago, the Egyptians invented the sun clock. This was a tall stone building. Its shadow (影子) showed the movement of the sun. So people were able to know midday. The Egyptians made a sundial about 3,500 years ago. It was smaller than the sun clock and could let people know the time for half a day. On cloudy days or at night it was impossible to tell the time with a sun clock or a sundial. Water clocks were the first clocks not to use the sun. The idea is simple. Water flows (流动) from one bottle to another. When the water reaches a certain level, it shows the hours. The Egyptians used water clocks about 3, 400 years ago. These clocks were popular in the Middle East and China. But they failed to make people know the exact time.

    In the 13th century, the mechanical clock was invented. This was more exact, but it was expensive to make one. Over the next few centuries it was developed. For example, springs (发条) were added around 1500. This enabled people to get the correct time and allowed clocks to be smaller. In 1927, the first quartz clock was developed. Clocks became cheaper to build. It's also cheaper for ordinary people to own a clock. People began depending on them more and more to run businesses, markets and so on. More recently, in 1956, came the digital clock. And nowadays satellites send our mobile phones the time to the exact second.

    There has been a lot of progress in timekeeping. Clocks are always changing but some things never change. Many of us still have trouble getting out of bed on time and not being late for school or work.


    The FDA is the common name for the Food and Drug Administration (食品药品监督管理局). It is a government agency that makes food and drugs safe. It regulates (调节) food and the food supply. It also controls diet supplement (补充物). The FDA also makes sure that drugs and medical instruments are safe and effective.

    For drugs and medical machines to be accepted, they must go through a certain process. There are many strict tests. First anything that humans use must be tested on animals. This may take up to 6 years. Then, it must be tested with a few people. Testing on 15 to 20 people can last up to a year and a half. Third, a mid-sized group (100 to 500 people) is used. This often takes two years. Then a large group is tested over 3 years. Of 5,000 drugs discovered, only 5 go to the final test. Of that, only one passes on to the market Food supplements like ginseng (人参) follow a different path. The FDA does not test them as they do for drugs. The agency only controls these products if they are unsafe but are already being sold. Two exceptions are baby and medical food. Because those consumers who use them are not strong, the FDA is more careful with these products.

    Labeling (标签) is a major focus. A label must show what a product is for. For drugs, labels should say the name of the drug and what it is used for. It should also detail who should take it and list any side effects (副作用). It needs to detail directions for pregnant (怀孕的) women, children, or old people. It also needs to detail safety information.

    The FDA protects the public from harm. It achieves this through controls and labeling. It has standards for effectiveness in medical products. It also has standards for how information is shared.


    When you like your teachers, it's easier to pay attention to their explanations and improve your marks. When you consider your teachers as friends, you'll certainly have more respect for them. When your teachers consider you to be a friend, they'll feel more open in class and that will probably influence the classroom in a positive way. So a good relationship between students and teachers makes the classroom a very pleasant place. Now here are some tips to develop a friendly relationship with your teachers.

    If you have any questions about that subject, ask them. Show them that you're interested in their subjects. That will make them notice you. But never ask questions that you already know the answers to. If your teachers realize that you are not asking real questions, they might think that you're not actually trying to learn, but only trying to make an impression.

    You may also talk about non-school topics with your teachers. When you see one of your teachers in the hall, greet him/ and ask if he/she is going to that concert or if he/she has seen that movie. That way you'll show that you consider him/her as a friend. Most teachers are happy to chat with their students. After while, they may start to talk with you about non-school topics.

    The rest is totally up to you. If you want to be friends with your teachers, just treat them as friends, but don't forget that no matter how good friends you are, they will still be your teachers and deserve your respect.
