组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19

The webs that spiders build to catch insects seem weak. However, the strength of spider thread is greater than steel (钢铁). Webs can even stand up to very strong storms.

In each spider web, some threads are sticky, but some are not. When a spider is moving on the web, it will not step on the sticky threads. After a time the silk will lose its stickiness and become unable to catch insects. Then, spiders usually eat their own web.

Now a team of scientists has worked out why the spider web is so strong. It is not just the strength of the thread, but the clever design of the web. "The key to a web's success is its ability to keep its shape and strength even after some of the threads break," said scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (麻省理工学院). The scientists found the thread itself has the ability to become softer or harder. So it can hold different types of heavy things.

In tests, scientists used three other strong materials made into the same webs. The spider thread was six times stronger than any other material. More surprisingly, when the scientists took away up to 10 percent of the threads from different places, the web didn't become any weaker. Actually, it became up to 10 percent stronger.

The spider web's clever design gives scientists many new ideas. The findings could help design safer buildings and even a new type of strong material. "It's a really good chance," said Markus Buehler, a professor at MIT. " It may give us some new ideas for engineering. "


    Take time to care for yourself.ChooseMyPlate.govhelps you choose the kinds and amounts of food and drinks you need. And, make time to be physically active, so you can do the things you want to do.

Find out what you need.

    Get personalized nutrition(营养) information based on your age, height, weight, and physical activity level.SuperTrackerprovides your calorie(卡路里) , shows foods and beverages you need, and tracks progress toward your goals. Learn more atwww. SuperTracker.usda.gov.

    Use a smaller plate at meals to help control the amount of food and calories you eat. Enjoy smaller amounts of food.

    Add fruit to meals as part of main or side dishes. Choose red, orange, or dark-green vegetables like tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and broccoli, along with other vegetables for meals.

    Sip water or other drinks with few or no calories to help maintain a healthy weight. Keep a water bottle in your bag or at your desk to satisfy your thirst throughout the day.

    Set a goal to fit in at least 2.5 hours of physical activity in your week. Being active 10 minutes at a time also adds to your weekly total. Ask your friends or family to keep you company as you bike, jog, walk, or dance.

    Try out healthier recipes that use less fat, salt, and sugar. Eat at home more often to control your eating. If you eat out, check and compare nutrition information. Choose healthier options such as baked chicken instead of fried chicken.

A. Make half your plate fruits and vegetables.

B. Enjoy your food but eat less.

C. Be active whenever you can.

D. Cut some food up.

E. Be a better cook.

F. Drink water.


Sophia was outspoken, fashionable, and the "Queen Bee" in my school.

I looked up to her and idolized (崇拜) her. I listened to the music she listened to, wore the clothes she wore. I even took art class 1 I had really wanted to take theater. I finally fitted in her group.

One day, I skipped out of my last class a few minutes early to 2 seats for our group at the dining hall. Doing my homework, I didn't notice they had sat down behind me. Before I could say a word, I realized what they were 3.

I listened silently. "She's such a loser," one girl said.

Another girl added, "Sophia, she always 4 you, trying to copy you. "

"I wish she would leave us alone. We were in the same summer school and now she thinks we're best friends. The once familiar voice sounded so 5 and strange.

I was embarrassed. My hands were shaking. I couldn't help crying 6. I felt heart-broken for the very first time. How did this happen? I 7 we were friends.

I ran home. My mother just held me while I sobbed for hours. The 8 she gave was so simple, and I had heard it a million times. "Just be yourself and people will like you for 9 you are." This time it became so profound (深邃的). Then and there I 10 to find myself back. That was exactly what I did.

Over the next month, I went through a lot of 11. I bought new clothes that I wanted to wear. I no longer went to art class 12 them, and took theater. I began making new friends. I developed my own opinions and 13 again followed the crowd.

I had an amazing school year. 14 I look back, I think it was the year when I discovered the person I was going to be. Despite the pain I felt that day, it was a 15 they had given me.
