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日期: 2024-09-29

On Oct 16, 2021, the Shenzhou XIII spaceship rose into the sky. Three Chinese astronauts—Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu—set off for the Tiangong Space station. Wang Yaping is the only woman among the three astronauts. On Dec 9, 2021, the three astronauts gave a science lecture 400 kilometres above Earth! They showed millions of students their life there and did some fun science experiments.

During their six-month stay, they will set up robotic arms and do medical experiments, among other tasks. Wang Yaping will become the first Chinese woman to take a spacewalk.

It's not an easy job to do all these things. Chinese astronauts get difficult training before going into space. All the Chinese astronauts are excellent pilots with hundreds of thousands of hours of flight time. They also receive hundreds of classes to prepare for space travel.

One of the toughest parts is the high—G training. It simulates(模拟) the environment when the spacecraft takes off. Sitting in a superfast spinning (旋转) machine, astronauts' face muscles (肌肉) change shape. They cry tears because of great pain. Blood can't flow to their brains properly, causing a lack of oxygen(氧气) and even blindness. Astronauts must operate the space craft under these conditions.

Another exhausting exercise, as Wang Yaping told People's Daily, is the underwatering training which lasts seven hours each time. It simulates weightless environment. She had to wear a 200-kilogram suit and do tasks in 10-meter-deep water without eating or going to toilet. After each training, Wang lost up to 2kg of body weight.

"We may have to repeat such training every single day for years or decades," said Wang. "But there is no 'give up'in our dictionary.

Wang Yaping went a long way before becoming such an excellent astronaut. She sets a good example for us.


Have you ever imagined going inside of a video game? That dream may soon become real. It's called "metaverse (元宇宙)".

The metaverse is a shared virtual 3D world, or worlds. The word is a combination of "meta", which means beyond, and "verse", which refers to "universe". The word first appeared in a 1992 science fiction book called Snow Crash. In this story, people wear virtual reality(VR, 虚拟现实)headsets(戴在头上的耳机)to see and join metaverse.

Now what happening in the book is becoming reality. Wearing a VR headset, you can meet other people wherever they are. You can work and play with them. It will feel real because the technology can simulate our senses: vision, hearing, touch and even smell.

"We're talking about creating another reality, another world, that's as rich as the real world," said Rev Lebaredian, vice president of simulation technology at NVIDIA, a US tech company.

So, what can you do inside of the metaverse? Your location(位置)will no longer matter, says VOA News. In the metaverse, "people… would be connected at all times…" You can meet friends from other countries and go on a virtual beach vacation together. But forget Thailand—you can go to the beach on the moon, or anywhere else you can imagine. Can't find a friend to play basketball? Jump into the metaverse and find some friends to play with or go to a concert.

Cathy Hackl, an except in metaverse technology, said her son's first concert was inside of a video game. "Just because it happened in a video game, it made it more real for him," she said.

Perhaps the metaverse will change our idea of what is real.


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Prince Lanling in Battle(《兰陵王人曲》)is one of the most popular ancient pieces of music in China now. These ancient pieces of music are  code(密码)shared by all Chinese people, but they have long been lost.

Liu Jing has brought them back to life  composing original scores(曲谱).

As "a traditional Chinese music promoter(促进者)", Liu posts online videos of  playing the pipa. Using the online name Liu Qingyao, she started to play popular music covers and folk music in 2016. She  out that there were few musical score that can truly show the charm and spirit of Chinese music and culture. So, she decided to make a .

Prince Lanling in Battle is Liu's most popular work, with more than 17. 5 million views on Bilibili. The video took her six months to make.  of that time was spent researching and composing for her instruments. "I want it to be  professional," Liu said.

With a master's degree(硕士学位)in history, Liu  composing a song to writing a historical paper. She  for field trips to ancient grottoes(洞穴), made clothes according to old murals(壁画)and borrowed instruments from  "I want my music to impress people—even foreigners who know nothing about the history or story behind it," Liu said.
