组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-10-05
完形填空(15 分)

One of my grandchildren sent me a self-portrait(自画像) she created for her art class. The top half of the portrait shows her hair parted in the middle with her big brown eyes looking through her glasses.

The bottom half of the self-portrait is a bright blue facemask with colourful flowers. It is a clever art project with the facemask as a cover. The mask is removable(可去掉的), but we received her picture with the mask on.

Her eyes looked a bit confused. Who hasn't looked confused in recent months? Luckily, I think I know what the problem is. The child needs to work on her smize.

Fashion model Tyra Banks created the term "smize" several years ago. A smize is a combination of smile and eyes, meaning to smile with your eyes. Models can make their eyes smile without moving their mouths.

Smizing is big right now. It's hard to show friendliness when the smiling half of your face is covered. Restaurants are even teaching wait staff to perfect the smize behind facemasks.

You can smize by scrunching(使收缩) up your eyes and using your cheeks to push your eyes up to create a smiling effect. It's hard to do, but you can learn how to do it by practicing in front of a mirror.

Like most people, I can wear my mask and smile at the same time, but my eyes can't smile without my mouth. They have an unbreakable bond.

Too bad we often can't see one another smiling these days because smiling is like yawning-highly contagious(传染的). Smiling and kindly acknowledging on another as fellow human beings wouldn't be the worst thing to sweep the nation. Go ahead, smize or smile, whatever you can do. Spread it around.


Pacheco is a senior at Cathedral Catholic High School in California, US. When she was a little girl, her parents let her choose an American Girl doll. She picked one with a hair color and style that matched her own." She looked like me, and I felt there was a piece of me in her," said Pacheco." You see yourself in a doll, and it's really special to have that connection."

But what about children with medical condition who don't like anyone else? Pacheco wanted to give these children the same gift she got as a child. Over the past several months, she has made dolls for kids who have unique facial appearances. “Each of these kids is so special. I hope through these dolls they can see themselves in a new light and really appreciate their beauty."

Pacheco got the idea for the doll project after remembering a magazine story about "A Doll Like Me". This is a project that makes custom dolls for children with disabilities. Pacheco reached out to Fresh Start Surgical Gifts, an organization that provides free operations and other medical treatment for children. She asked if she could create similar dolls for some of its clients(顾客).

For this project, Pacheco watched doll-making course, then designed her own patterns and figured out how to make dolls that looked like her clients. It was important to her that the children could see themselves in the dolls, but that their differences would not be the most noticeable feature(特征).

Zulema Gillett got one of Pacheco's dolls. She said she loved the idea." Who doesn't want a doll that looks like them and that they could relate to(产生联系)?"Gillett said.

Michelle Pius, chief development officer for Fresh Start Surgical Gifts, was impressed by .Pacheco's dolls. "It is a very kind and warm-hearted gesture to make dolls that will help a child feel like they're not alone," Pius said.


I'm a procrastinator(有拖延症的人). In university, I should spend a year on my 90-page senior thesis(论文). I didn't write a word until three days before the deadline. Finally, I wrote 90 pages over 72 hours, pulling not one but two all-nighters to finish just before the deadline. Of course, it was a very bad thesis.

I think that the brain of procrastinators and non-procrastinators are actually different. Both brains have a Rational(理性的) Decision-Maker in them who makes us take action right now. But the procrastinator's brain also has an Instant Gratification(及时行乐) Monkey who doesn't like that plan and only cares about two things: easy and fun.

For the procrastinators, it is the Monkey that actually takes the wheel. But how can they start working when really important things happen? It turns out the procrastinator also has a Panic(恐慌的) Monster. He is not active most of the time, but he suddenly wakes up anytime a deadline gets too close. He's the only thing the Instant Gratification Monkey is afraid of.

Seeing the Panic Monster, the Instant Gratification Monkey goes up a tree and hides! The Rational Decision-Maker can then take the wheel and the procrastinator can start working.

This explains how the procrastinator's system works. But if it works, why bother?

Well, it's because there are situations in, our lives that don't have deadlines, like seeing your family or exercising. In all of these non-deadline situations, the Panic Monster doesn't show up. So the procrastinator's system actually doesn't start work.

So what should we do? Maybe we can make something called a Life Calendar. We need to take a long, hard look at that calendar and think about what we're really procrastinating on.

阅读表达。阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容回答问题。(10 分)

It was a hot summer day and I had just pulled into the gas station to fill up my car. After filling it up, I started to walk inside to pay. That is when I noticed them. Two elderly women were standing back from their car. There was shock and fear on their faces. 1 looked and saw what they saw: five yellow jackets(小 黄蜂) building a nest around their gas gap. I suddenly felt scared. I shared the ladies' fear.

Yellow jackets have never been friends of mine. Several times these wasps(黄蜂) have attacked me while I was cutting the grass, stinging(蛰) me each time I ran over their nests. The worst time, however, was when I was a young boy. A friend of mine and I were playing in my backyard. I must have stepped on one of their nests again because before I knew it, both of us were being chased and stung by the yellow jackets while we ran away screaming. I ran to my mom with tears in my eyes. She ran a cold bath and put us both in it to ease(减轻) the pain before giving us medicine to help us feel better.

Still, I knew I couldn't let fear stop me now. I reached into my pocket for a paper towel I had there. I tore out the nest with the paper towel and stepped on it while the wasps were buzzing around me. Both of the ladies thanked me for what I did.

You can't let the fear of being stung-either physically or emotionally-keep you from doing what is right. We need to love each other and change the world for the better. And the only way you can do this is through helpful acts and kindness. Don't let the fear in your life hold you back.


In recent times,the COVID-19 pandemic has destroyed the age-old habit of shaking hands. It is most widely used as a greeting, but when did shaking hands become the standard greeting?

The handshake dates all the way back to the 9th century BC. King Shalmanesar III ruled over Assyria, an empire(帝国) of the ancient Middle East. Archaeologists(考古学家) found a throne base from that time. It shows two people holding hands. In the 5th century BC, in Greece, this was a symbol of peace, showing that neither person carried a weapon. The handshake also makes an appearance in Homer's ancient poem, the lliad(荷马史诗). In it, two characters“shook each other's hands".

However, these handshakes were not used as greetings. The earliest reference to a handshake greeting is in the 16th century novels by French writer Francois Rabelais, says Dutch sociologist Herman Roodenburg.

Even so, the most widely -accepted theory about the handshake's origin is that it survived through a group called the Quakers, who were devoted to equality and peace. As the movement spread, so did the handshake, eventually becoming standard among the working class in the mid-1700s.

However, this was not the case everywhere, according to Roodenburg. Some French people described it as a vulgar(平民) English greeting, so many maintained(维持)“la bise", the traditional peck(轻吻) on two cheeks, which was widely used until the COVID-19 outbreak. In many countries, people have started touching elbows or ankles to greet each other instead of shaking hands, as this is believed to be safer.

Title: Theof handshakes



In the 9th century BC

A throne base found by archaeologists shows two persons hands.

In the 5th century BC

Greek people thought the handshake was a

of peace. Also, the handshakein Homer's liad.

In the 16th century

In Francois Rabelais' novels the handshake was considered as a way to greet each other.

In the mid-1700s.

The handshakestandard among the working class.

Shaking hands was widely used around the worldthe COVID-19 outbreak. Instead, people in many countries think it'sto touch elbows or ankles as a greeting.

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