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日期: 2024-09-19

Parents may be surprised at how fast their kids grow up, but a study finds that U. S. teenagers are developing more slowly than those in the past.

Scientists at San Diego State University have worked on a study of over 8 million U. S. kids aged 13-19 for 40 years. The findings show that today's teenagers are less responsible(负责任的) and that most of them don't have a part-time job. "The whole development has slowed down. Today's 18-year-olds are more like 15-year-olds in the past, " said Professor Jean Twenge. "Teenagers are taking fewer risks than those in the past. "

Scientists have also found that more teenagers spend longer time living with their parents instead of renting(租)their own room or apartment. So is that slower development "good" or "bad"? It may depend on how you look at it, the scientists said. "The upside of slower development is that teenagers aren't growing up before they are ready, " said Professor Twenge. "But the downside is that they go to college and into the workplace without as much experience with independence. Today's students may be smart and creative, but they often have trouble with planning, time management (管理) and problem-solving, "added Professor Twenge.

One of the reasons for these changes is that today's teenagers would like to spend much time online. They keep on watching videos or playing games on the Internet instead of spending more time with their family and friends in person. Another one is that parents have become much more "child-centric". In fact, parents had better let their children do everything by themselves. They should try their best to make their children become independent as soon as possible.

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Wherever Paul Horton goes, his six year-old dog Yogi walks closely behind him. They have always been best friends.

One October morning, Horton was1 his bike in the neighborhood. Yogi ran2 beside his master(主人). Yogi had done it every morning for nearly three years. 3 they came to a tall stone edge (边缘), Horton wanted to jump down from his bike. But the wheel hit the stone and Horton fell down4. As Horton tried to rise, he5 the situation was very bad. He couldn't feel his legs.

When Horton was6 on the ground, Yogi was by his side nervously. Horton said, "Go home, Yogi. Go and get7 to help. "Horton said the words slowly, again and again. 8, Yogi refused to leave. But Horton continued asking Yogi to go. Finally, the dog9.

That morning, Bruce Tate and Maggie Tate, two of Horton's neighbors, were taking a walk. When they saw Yogi running down the street alone, they thought it was very10. The dog never did that before. So they decided to11 Yogi to see what happened.

The wait was agony (痛苦) for Horton. When he heard the sound of Yogi, he12 his eyes and saw the Tates. They were surprised at Horton's condition and they sent him to the hospital quickly.

13he has to move in a wheelchair (轮椅) now, Horton feels better. Horton says that Yogi and he are much closer after the14. "I'm very thankful to Yogi. He played a very15 role in saving my life. He's my watchdog and my hero," Horton says.

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