Strategies to Strengthen Your Immune System
Infections are unavoidable and everyone can get sick.You scratch, cough, ache, and sweat. When you are getting old, your immune system weakens. Fortunately, there are other ways you can strengthen your immune system, besides healthy diets and regular exercise.
Socialize more.
People with richer social lives enjoy better health and life. With more communication or company, they release the stress and strengthen happiness, which promotes their immune system. If they did get sick, they would have fewer symptoms for a shorter period of time.
Vitamin D plays a number of roles in promoting normal immune function. Unfortunately, nearly one-third of the U.S. population lack vitamin D. Because few foods contain much vitamin D, your best bet is to regularly spend short periods of time in the sun (without sunscreen).
Choose vitamin pills wisely.
Studies link lack of vitamins A, B6, C, D and E to reduced immune function. But scientists have yet to set exact levels of these nutrients for best immune function. For instance, research has not proved the function of vitamin C in prevention and treatment of the common cold. Some micronutrients, notably vitamin A, can be poisonous if consumed too much.
Immunize yourself.
Most immunizations occur during childhood to ensure a healthy growth. For adults of all ages, vaccinations (接种疫苗) strengthen their immune system and defend them against possible disease attacks.
A. Take more exercise
B. Expose yourself in the Sun
C. Routine vaccinations kill a number of diseases
D. Therefore, it is wise to take proper vitamin pills
E. Nutritious diets may reduce the risk of infections
F. You spend your childhood catching colds, flu and sore throat
G. That is why socially active people are less likely to develop common colds