组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19
短对话理解,你将听到5段对话,每段对话后有1个小题。请在每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。(共5小题,每小题 1分,满分5分)

Once my mother told me a story. In Africa, when an antelope (羚羊) wakes up every morning, the first thing it thinks about is, "I must be able to run faster than the 1 lion, or (否则) I will be killed". At the same time, a lion wakes from his dream. The first thing the lion thinks about is, "I must be able to catch the slowest antelope, or I will starve (挨饿) to death. " So, almost at the same time, the antelope and the lion get up and start running toward the 2 sun.

This is life; full of chances and challenges (挑战) . Whether you are an antelope or a lion, you 3 go ahead when the sun rises. For students, it is just the same. If we do not study hard, sooner or later, we will fall behind the others. At first, I did not know what the word "exam" 4. Later, I knew an exam was a kind of competition. There are5 winners and losers in competitions. As I grew up, I got to know competition well. In one's life, there must be competitions, so people can 6.

Each time I saw children playing games, and heard their laughter (笑声) , I7 I were that age again. However, I remembered my parents' words: "You must work very hard in order to have a good future. " So I 8 my pen and began to study hard again.

I was still not sure what competition really meant. One day, I was taking part in an English-speaking competition. When I went to the stage, I saw other students looking at me 9. I suddenly knew what competition was. It is not as cruel (残酷) as my teachers and parents told me. 10, competition is the opposite: it is kind and necessary.

Now I understand more about the world. Competition is important for us all.


Stephen Hawking was born in Oxford, England on 8th January, 1942. He went to school in St All bans, a small city near London. Although he did well, he was never top of his class.

After leaving school, Hawking went first to Oxford University where he studied physics and then went to Cambridge University where he studied cosmology. As he himself admits (承认), he didn't work hard. 

He was a very lazy student, and did very little work. However, he still got marks.

It was at the age of 20 that Hawking first noticed something was wrong with him. He started to bump into things. When he visited his family at Christmas time, his mother was so worried that she made him see a doctor. Hawking was sent to hospital for tests. Finally, the result came back. Hawking had motor neuron disease (运动神经元疾病), an incurable illness which would make him unable to speak, breathe or move without the help of a machine. Doctor s said they had no way to help him. He would die before 23.

At first, Hawking became very depressed (沮丧的). After a while, though, he began to see his life in a different way. As he later wrote, "Before my illness was diagnosed (诊断), I had been very bored with life. There had not seemed to be anything worth doing. But shortly after I came out of hospital. I suddenly realized that there were a lot of worthwhile things I could do." Hawking married, found a job at Cambridge University as a professor. He strongly believes that his story shows that nobody, how bad their situation is, should lose hope. "Life is not fair. " He once said. "You just have to do the best you can in your own situation."
