组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

人教新目标(Go for it)版2022-2023学年英语九年级上册Unit 3单元检测卷

日期: 2024-09-19

    It's important to be polite and friendly when answering the phone, especially if you're speaking to a stranger. When answering the phone, it's important to know how to answer properly so that you can have a pleasant conversation.

Answer in a quiet environment. If you're in a loud environment, move somewhere quieter before answering the phone, or turn down the music or television before answering. You want to be in a place that's quiet enough so that you can hear the person talking to you, and that he or she can hear you.

stop your other tasks before answering the phone. Take a short moment to collect your thoughts before answering. Don't bedistracted, as this could lead to miscommunication(误传)between you and the person you're speaking to. If you're free from distractions, the person you're speaking to will feel that he or she has your full attention. For example, if you are working on your computer or reading a book when the phone rings, stop these tasks and then pick up the call.

Say "Hello" and tell your name in a pleasant voice. If you don't know who is calling, you can add "This is Sam." For a more formal answer, you can say, for example, "This is the Smiths' house." If you see on Caller ID that a friend or family member is calling, feel free to say "Hi Tom! How are you today?"

Take down the caller's information if the family member he or she is trying to reach is unavailable. If the caller is trying to reach someone who is not at home or is unavailable, say "I'm sorry, Mrs. Simpson. My father is not available right now. May I take a message?" Be sure to record the person's name, phone number, and reason for calling clearly. If you don't have a notepad (便条簿) nearby, ask the person on the line to wait when you quickly go to get one.


    In our daily life, direct questions are usually used to ask for information we do not know. Direct questions are either yes/no questions such as "Are you married?" or information questions such as "Where do you live?".

    It's OK to ask your friends or someone you know well direct questions. But they can seemabruptand impolite at times, especially when you are asking a stranger. For example, if you come up to someone and ask "What time is it?" or "Can you move?", he/she may refuse to help you. It is certainly correct to ask questions in this way, but it's very common to make these kinds of questions more polite by adding "Excuse me" or "Pardon me" to begin your questions. "Excuse me, when does the bus leave?" or "Pardon me, may I sit here?" sounds more polite.

    It's also possible to use "can" in more informal (非正式的) situations. In the past, "can" was not used when asking for something, but only to refer to abilities. In the United Kingdom, Cambridge University publishes (出版) English teaching materials with the phrase "Can you lend me" "Can I have", etc. In the United States, this form is still considered to be incorrect, especially for written English, and "May I have" is preferred. Questions with "can" are made more polite by using "could": "Pardon me, could you help me?"

     "Would" can also be used to make questions more polite. "Would you let me borrow your pencil?" is also polite.

    Another way of making direct questions more polite is to add "please" at the end of the questions. We can say "Could you help me, please?" "Please" should not appear at the beginning of the questions.
