组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库

北师大版初中英语八年级上册Unit 2 达标测试题

日期: 2024-09-18

Kelly's PE Class

    Kelly loved school, especially PE class. She was a very good student and enjoyed reading and math. But Kelly had a 1 time in PE class. She could not run really fast and she was not good at jumping. Sometimes, the other kids in her PE class gave her a hard time and made fun of her. So why would Kelly love PE class?

    The reason Kelly enjoyed going to PE class was that Mr. Burns, her teacher, always told her to do her best. Even if she only ran for a few 2, Mr. Burns said, "Good job. Next time, you will be able to go little longer." Mr. Burns even put small box on the gym floor so Kelly could practice jumping over it. "Great job, Kelly! ""You get better every day!"

    That night when Kelly finished dinner she began practicing 3 over boxes. She could jump over three boxes! The next day Kelly did jump over three boxes in class. The other kids started to 4 how well Kelly was doing and said to her, "Good job!"

    It was Tuesday and time for the weekly relay race in PE class. Kelly was 5 that she would not be able to go very far, or some kids would laugh at her. But, when Mr. Burns said, "Ready, go," Kelly thought, I can do it, I can do it. As Kelly ran around the track, she found herself moving 6 into first place! Suddenly, she heard many cheers and kids yelling, "Go Kelly! You can do it!" That was all she needed to hear. Kelly ran as fast as she could, and headed for the finishing line. She made it! Kelly finished first! The kids clapped and cheered for her. Kelly felt so good and 7 of herself. "Thank you, Mr. Burns," said Kelly. "Kelly, you ran the race, not me." "Yes, but you always said I could 8 it.

    After that day, Kelly tried her hardest at everything, and the kids no longer made fun of her. In fact, when the kids needed someone on their team for running, Kelly was the first person they picked! Thanks to Mr. Burns, Kelly had the confidence she needed to do anything!



    I've always loved singing, but singing hasn't always loved me. I would open my mouth with a beautiful song in my head, fully expecting my voice to follow suit-only to get an awful tone (音调) in return.

    Still, without a second thought, I continued to try to sing whenever possible. On car journeys, when my now twenty something sons were small, they would make a great play (hands over their ears, shouting 'No, Mum, stop!') of going through punishment as I sang along to the radio.

    Never in a hundred years would have thought about joining a choir. And when I did finally become a member of my first choir 15 years ago, something fantastic happened to my life. From the first time I experienced my voice as something special but also comfortable, in harmony (和谐) with the other singers, I lost my heart to singing. It was like falling in love. And everyone in the choir had the same shining smiles and bright eyes-singing made them feel happy, too.

    Although it is singing itself that makes me happy, it is also how a choir works together. There is something magical about breathing together. The voice of everyone singing quietly together is powerful and excitingly mysterious(神秘的), almost spiritual.

    And there's the unexpected friendship from the activities we do as a choir: raising money for good causes and taking our singing sometimes to places where people are forgotten and sad.

    I am now a member of six choirs and, if I can, sing every day of the week. I stand in front of several hundred people, and know that some, if not all, of each song will sound not bad at all.


Building Your Business, Building Your People

    What an exciting thing to do-developing a successful business! I'm reminded every day of some important ideas for progress. Here are some ideas to keep in mind that can make a significant difference in a team:

    ◆Understand your people

    If I want my team to go and grow with me, I need to find out what excites them. What do they need in their work environment to improve their mental well-being? What are their fears and concerns, and how can I help them manage these fears and concerns? What are their values and goals?

    ◆Help people build self-confidence

    During my early years in management, I realized the great power of expectations. As I found, people largely lived up to my expectation of them. So I learned that if I want to build my business through my people, I have to build their own belief in their ability to achieve. This belief must be educated. If I want them to achieve more, I must help them build their trust in themselves first.

    ◆Develop people's' recognition(认可)

    Whenever speak and give advice to people, they tell me they don't get enough recognition. Sad, isn't it? But how much recognition do they give to others? In fact, recognition could be developed by praising and appreciating each other in a team. Encourage everyone in your team to recognize achievements in others. Teach your team to ask for the opinions of others if they're not receiving recognition.

    ◆Encourage people to be creative

    We have created our life just the way we choose to have it, or at least the way we've settled for it. Those who have been told they are creative will probably use their creativity bravely. Others who haven't had their creativity encouraged will mostly believe they are uncreative. I suggest you encourage your people to be creative and brave in trying out new ideas.
