组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-08-31

A young man entered the last interview of a company. "Did you get any scholarships in school?" the director asked. "None." the young man answered.

"Who1for your school fees? "The director asked. "My father died when I was one year old, so my2did, "the young man answered.

"Where did your mother work?" The director asked. "My mother3clothes. "the young man said. The director looked at the young man's hands. He had a pair of smooth and4hands. "Have you ever helped your mother wash the clothes before? " the director asked.

"5, " the young man answered. "I have a request, " the director said. "When you go back today, clean your mother's6, and see me tomorrow morning. "

The young man felt7but decided to do it. Thinking his8of getting the job was high, John went away with a smile. When he went back, he said to his mother9, "Let me clean your hands. ""10? "His mother felt strange but happy. She showed her hands to the kid. The young man cleaned his mother's hands slowly. His tears fell11he did that. It was the first time he had noticed that his mother's hands were so wrinkled. He12it was this pair of hands that helped him pay the fees.

The next morning, the young man went to the director's office. "I cleaned my mother's hands, and I know that13my mother, there would not be the person I am today, " he said. " This is what I am14, "the director said. "I want a person who can15the help of others to get things done. You have got the job. "


You fight scary monsters; you live in a house made of chocolate; you don't have to go to school anymore. Where could all of these impossible things happen in my dreams?

A dream is a series of pictures, ideas and emotions playing in the mind during sleep. Humans spend one third of lives sleeping and six years dreaming. A person usually has three to five dreams a night, although one may not remember his or her dreams.

Many dreams, at least the ones we remember, are strange and interesting. That's why most people believe that dreams must have some deep meanings or important messages. However, people in different cultures have different understandings of the same dream.

For example, when dreaming of fire, Chinese people think of money. The Japanese would say it means "trouble". For people in the West, a dream of fire means something new is coming.

Scientists have very different ideas about the deep meaning of dreams. Some believe that a dream is only a normal process of sleep and doesn't tell us anything. Other scientists think that a dream is a direct message from one's mind. Dreams are like a window into one's wish and fears. For example, if you're very nervous about an exam, you may have nightmares of monsters running after you.

Technology also helps us to know more about dreams. In the film Inception, people enter others' minds while they are dreaming. Well, in real life we can do that, too. Scientists can now read people's dreams by scanning their brain activity during sleep. Would you let scientists look into your dreams?


At just 17 years old, Pakistan's Malala is the youngest winner of the Nobel Prize.

Malala came to international attention when she spoke up for the rights of all children to have an education. Malala's father was a teacher at school. She learned a lot from school before she was at school age. Now she can speak three languages.

She grew up in Pakistan. The living conditions in her area were very poor and dangerous. Many people were killed and many schools were closed. The girls were not allowed to go to school.

Reporters from Britain wanted to tell the world what was happening. The reporters were looking for a young person who would write about the country's problems. They asked Malala's father if one of his students would do it. Malala's father believed that no one would hurt a child. So he suggested his daughter Malala. He said, "She is young, but she can do it."

In 2009, when she was 12, she wrote 35 diaries on the Internet. She wrote about difficulties of her life and about her strong hope for education. It made Malala famous in Pakistan.

In October 2012, when she was going home with her classrooms, a man wanted to kill her with a gun. Because his hand was shaking, the gunman didn't kill her. However, she was in a bad condition for several days. Her face and her hearing were hurt. The man said that he still wanted to kill Malala and her father.

"I don't want to be remembered as the girl who was hurt. I want to be remembered as the girl who stood up, "said Malala. She keeps fighting for education for all, She has written a book about her life called I Am Malala. The book shows that one person's voice has the power might change in the world.


For some people, summer is the time to go indoors to exercise. But others welcome the heat as a way to sweat more and get a betterworkout. In fact, I know the sweatiness as a sign of how hard I was exercising in the gym. However, I have been wrong: How much you sweat doesn't mean how hard your workout is or how many calories you burn.

So, why do we sweat a lot when getting physical exercise? Scientists explain that when your body temperature rises, your eccrine glands produce sweat, and it will help you feel cool.

How much we sweat during exercise depend on a number of factors, including gender (men usually sweat more than women) and age (younger people sweat more than older people) as well as genetics, temperature and how wet the air is. Weight plays a role as well. Larger people usually sweat more, because their bodies cause more heat. Another cause is fitness level. Fit people sweat sooner during exercise than those who are less fit, and they also produce a lot of sweat. The people suggest that as your fitness level improves, your body's heat-controlling system becomes more efficient, cooling you down faster and allowing you to work harder. It also proves why people who are ill can hardly sweat.

What's more, wearing clothing made of synthetic fabrics can help you feel less sweaty. They pull sweat from your skin to outer of the clothes. But the clothing that made of cotton can feel wet and heavy after a workout.

Don't misunderstand that the loss of a few pound after a high-sweat workout is the weight you lose. This is water weight that you will gain back when you get enough water and doesn't mean you have burned lots of calories. On the other side, don't imagine that a low sweat workout means you aren't working hard enough or burning enough calories. It could be that your sweat goes into the air quickly because you are exercising in air-conditioning, near a fan or outdoor on a windy day. Or unlike me, you may not sweat much.
