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日期: 2024-10-04
阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37. 3分)

On today's blog post, I'll be talking about my favorite magazines. I love reading books & magazines, and I'm learning so many useful tips about healthy living, daily life, etc.

Women's Health

Women's Health has a unique content. You can find various interesting information about healthy living or exercises you can do at home. I also love their writers because they explain every topic so simple that you can even understand biological articles.

Healthy Food Guide

I totally recommend it to everyone because it has lots of useful information about being healthy during your daily life. In this magazine, you can find articles about foods you often eat but don't have much idea what it contains or if they're healthy. If you are searching for new diets, this magazine gives you all the information.

Time Out

Time Out is a well-known magazine and it's free in my city. Every time I see a Time Out magazine, I get it because it has lots of useful tips. I got Time Out London when I was in London, and I discovered new restaurants, galleries, museums, and events. This magazine has various information about the city life. For example, it gives you the events that are happening near you. It gives you tips for the railway stations and other transportation choices.

La Cucina Italiana

If you love cooking Italian food, this magazine is for you! It has lots of recipes and also restaurant reviews. You can also find popular restaurants near you in this magazine. I've also read articles by famous chefs from my city.


When Christopher Moore isn't jumping rope, shooting baskets or playing the board game Chutes and Ladders, the 8-year-old can often be found at home using his fighting skills, protecting the world from would-be enemies. "I'm trying to save the other people from being hurt," he said of his Avatar video game adventures.

The Moore household, in Birmingham, Alabama, enjoys a good mix of at-home entertainment, something they are doing more and more during theseprecariousfinancial times, "They're always in competition," the boys' mother, Lisa Moore, said with a laugh. "It keeps them busy. It keeps them occupied."

Numbers show that at-home entertainment is doing better than ever, flying in the financial face of so many industries that are struggling in this difficult time.

The gaming experience, too, has changed with the years. Five years ago, online gaming was considered a one-person activity. And although games can still be played alone, the social factor is growing quickly. "Over a third of families will play games together online." said David Williams, who heads up the Kids and Family Games Group. "They're staying home more, and they're using games to connect with one another."

When it comes to the games children play, many parents such as Lisa Moore may choose to sit it out. But Christina Vercelletto, a senior editor at Parenting magazine, says that engaging in the games with them can do a family good. "It can be an opportunity to bond with your kids," she said. If parents express interest, kids "will probably be heated. And you'll get a little window into what has them so excited." Plus, by playing the games, parents can determine how comfortable they are with what their kids are doing.

For those who want to get the opinions of others, Christina Vercelletto points out that the Entertainment Software Rating Board provides feedback and that parents are always learning from one another on discussion boards.


Every summer artists perform at Fringe (边缘) Festivals around the world. Fringe Festivals are a celebration of strange art. They have all kinds of performers—from dancers, musicians and actors to everything in between. The shows give artists a chance to create unusual art. For festival goers, each show is a time to experience something different.

The first Fringe Festival was held in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1947. That was also the year of the first Edinburgh International Festival. Artists from around the world traveled to Scotland for the Edinburgh International Festival. They performed at arts centers throughout the city. Eight local theater companies did not receive an invitation, however. In response, they performed at smaller spaces around Edinburgh. These artists performed wherever they could, including churches and even on the street. They started their own cultural event and named it the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.

What started as an alternative to the mainstream has now become the world's largest arts festival. Today, there are hundreds of Fringe Festivals taking place around the world. The one in Washington, D.C., called the Capital Fringe Festival, is in its tenth year. It was held in the month of July.

Julianne Brienza founded the Capital Fringe Festival. She went to a school for the performing arts, but now sees herself mainly as an organizer of the festival. Brienza believes that fringe performance art is special and can have a powerful effect.

The Capital Fringe Festival takes place in different locations throughout the D. C. area. Some performances happen in traditional theaters. Others happen in unusual settings like old, empty buildings or stores after business hours are over.

Brienza says the purpose of Fringe festivals is to explore the limits of art in unique environments. Since 2006, the event has made more than $1. 7 million. It is the second largest Fringe Festival in the U. S. and its popularity has grown every year. The Edinburgh Festival Fringe continues throughout the month of August.


Some scientists have traced the increase in earthquakes, especially in areas not known for the presence offaultlinesor past seismic (地震的) activity, to human actions. The idea of humans causing earthquakes may seem strange at first. After all, you can run around your backyard and jump up and down as you want, and the ground isn't going to start shaking. However, scientists have identified a variety of large scale human activities that can result in earthquakes.

Scientists have confirmed over 700 places where human activities have caused earthquakes over the last century. While many human-related earthquakes are mild and don't cause much damage, some of them can be serious and dangerous. In fact, scientists believe human activity has caused earthquakes with magnitudes as high as 7. 9 on the Richter scale.

Scientists believe most human-related earthquakes are the result of mining. As companies drill deeper and deeper below Earth's surface to get natural resources, holes left behind can cause instability that leads to collapses that cause earthquakes. Another human activity leading to earthquakes is fracking (水力压裂) for oil and gas, including the high  pressure waste water processing that usually goes with fracking. In this process, water, sand and chemicals are pressed underground under high pressure to break rocks to release natural resources.

Building large dams can also cause earthquakes. For example, about 80, 000 people died in China in 2008 as a result of a 7. 9-magnitude earthquake caused by 320 million tons of water that had been collected in the Zipingpu Reservoir after a large dam was built over a known fault line.

These aren't the only human activities that can result in earthquakes, though. Scientists point out that earthquakes can also be caused by other human activities, such as construction of skyscrapers and nuclear explosions.


Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the most important festivals in Chinese calendar. The festival typically involves family getting together to share mooncakes while watching the moon. Typical Chinese mooncakes are round in shape, and measure around 10 cm in diameter and 4-5 cm in thickness. Most mooncakes consist of a thin tender skin enveloping a sweet, dense filling.

. It is a custom for housewives to prepare mooncakes at home when the festival is approaching. Now let's learn to make traditional Chinese mooncakes.

Above all, full preparations should be made, including materials such as dough (生面团), flour, water, sugar and vegetable oil, and fillings—lotus seed paste (莲子蓉) and eggs.

Mix together all the materials to get a dough.  

Next, separate the egg yolks from the whites and salt the steamed yolks. While the oven is preheating to 180 degrees Celsius, roll the lotus paste and the dough into small balls. .

Then, shape up with each consisting of a dough wrapper, one ball of lotus paste, and one half of a salted egg yolk. Make a hole in a ball of lotus and put the yolk inside. Similarly, cover the lotus ball (with the yolk inside) with a wrapper. . Then shape it with the mold (模具).

. Take them out after 5 minutes and brush them with the egg wash. Put the mooncakes back until they become golden brown.

Remember to wait to eat the mooncakes for two days when they will be soft and also look shiny.

A. A mooncake ball is made.

B. Prepare the salted egg yolks.

C. Finally, put all mooncakes into the oven.

D. Flatten each piece of dough into a thin wrapper.

E. There're many stories about mooncakes and Chang'e.

F. Mooncakes are the must-eat food for the Mid-Autumn Festival.

G. Covered with plastic wrap, it should be set aside for at least 3 hours.


Tim Robinson, a former junior officer of the British Army, was on holiday in Bridport, Dorset, a town in England. While enjoying a walk down the beach, Tim slipped on a piece of seaweed lying in the sand and fell, breaking his leg.

Unfortunately, Tim did not bring his cell phone with him when he left for his walk. No one was in site, but as Tim lay helpless he remembered his military training and tried to think about what was around to help him. After struggling around on the beach, the pain became too much to handle. He stopped and thought about what to do.

With no phone and no one around, and with his leg hurting greatly, Tim had a decision to make. He could either continue this way in pain and hope that someone happened to see him, or he could try something else. It didn't matter that his leg had made him partially immobile, Tim still had the ability to crawl (爬行), and so he did.

The choice was easy, but the crawl was tough. Tim told the Daily Mail, "After I crawled to about a mile-and-a-quarter away from the car park, I started flashing my torch in SOS and spinning it over my head to create a Buzz-Saw signal which is a way of attracting helicopters in the armed forces."

No one seemed to be around. At least, no one could read Tim's signals for help. Once again, he had to either stay where he was and wait for help or get moving. In his mind he had no choice. There was no response to begin with, so he crawled for five minutes and covered about 50 meters before making the same signal three times. Most people couldn't imagine crawling for any distance with a broken leg, but Tim wasn't about to give up.




Tim finally got a response from the distance.


Tim's condition was worse than Mrs. Robinson thought.
