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日期: 2024-09-19

Attractions for Kids with Dinosaur Fever

While there are plenty of movies and books that can teach your little one all about dinosaurs, the following children's attractions will allow them to come face-to-face with their favorite dinosaurs and learn in an interactive, fun environment.

1 Dinosaurs Alive at Cedar Point

Sandusky, OH

See the "age of dinosaurs" come to life with interactive exhibits based on real fossil evidence. At the Dinosaurs Alive section of Cedar Point park, visitors can walk among more than 50 life-sized dinosaurs which move and roar. See these gigantic lizards up close and learn more about the most fearsome period of the earth's history.

2 The Chicago Children's Museum

Chicago, IL

The Chicago Children's Museum is filled with plenty of activities for kids of all ages, but one of the coolest has to be the Dinosaur Exhibition. At this exhibit, children can spend time digging for dinosaur bones at an excavation site, looking at dinosaur fossils, and learning what life is like for real archaeologists.

3 Carnegie Museum of Natural History

Pittsburgh, PA

In addition to plenty of exhibits about wildlife, the Carnegie Museum of Natural History has one of the finest dinosaur fossil collections in the world. Visitors can see experts work with real dinosaur fossils in the PaleoLab. Make sure to snap a photo in front of Dippy, the scarf-loving dinosaur guarding the front of the museum!

4 The Children's Museum of Indianapolis

Indianapolis, IN

From the dinosaurs exploding out of the side of the building to the fossils within, the Children's Museum of Indianapolis is filled with fun things to do. Kids can touch a real T-rex bone and see reconstructed dinosaur skeletons up close.


One late summer evening, I stood in my father's garden, watching my kids dig in the dirt with toy bulldozers (推土机). I had driven up to my parents' house that afternoon feeling upset My husband was working day and night, and my twins hadn't napped. I was one step away from a complete breakdown.

"Come up," my mom said, "Let's rest for a while."

As the day of temporary relaxation drew to a close, I took a walk around Dad's once-neat garden rows and noticed the tomato plants Dad had planted.

"Roma tomatoes, the kind for sauce. Renember when your mom used to make sauce?" my father said. I hadn't thought of it in years actually. It was a recipe passed from my Italian immigrant great-grandmother down to my grandmother and then my mother. And that's where it had stopped. Though I liked cooking, I didn't want to waste much time on the dish. Why should I simmer (慢慢地煮) tomato sauce all day when I could make different kinds of dishes?

Dad gave me an idea. "I'm going to make sauce," I said. My father raised a skeptical eyebrow but grabbed some boxes and told the kids to start picking. The twins threw tomatoes like softballs to each other as the youngest begged to join me. Everyone was crying at one point and I almost gave up on my big plan. Yet something inside me fought back, a deep-seated fancy for finding the link between the recipe's owner and me.

At last, I successfully finished my sauce and it was approved by my parents. The efforts I made with those boxes of tomatoes gave me a sense of accomplishment. Each crank of the handle (柄), each slice of the knife, each stir of the pot was a prayer for comfort and confidence. Like most things that are worthwhile, the mess was part of the process.


Puzzled face asks for help

Think about the last time you did something that you found difficult. Was it working out a puzzle or working hard on your math homework?

Can you remember the expression you had on your face? Most people will press their lips together and frown when they are doing something they find difficult. This is normally seen as a sign of effort. Now we've found thatitcan also say more than that.

A recent study at the University of Portsmouth in England suggests that the human expression of effort and frustration(挫折) is our way of asking others for help.

Scientists at the university gave children and chimpanzees(黑猩猩) an impossible puzzle to work out. When the children couldn't work out the puzzle, their faces expressed determination and effort. The chimpanzees' did not.

Humans and chimpanzees have many facial expressions that share the same meaning. A human smile is the same as a chimpanzee showing its teeth in happiness.

Scientists believe that over time, humans have evolved(进化) to use this facial expression to ask for help. We have also learned to respond to it by offering help.

According to Dr Albert Mehrabian, a well-known professor of psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), only 7% of human communication happens through words and 55% is through body language. Therefore, understanding expressions is second nature to human beings.

With this in mind, next time you see a person with a frustrated expression, listen to your heart and stop to lend them a hand.


Having a microchip implanted in a man's brain may be common in sci-fi movie plots, but it may soon become an actual possibility.

Elon musk, founder of Space X and co-founder of electric car maker Tesla — has been working on this technology. On Aug 28, Musk gave display of the chip, which was implanted into the head of a pig named Gertrude.

The chip, developed by Musk's company, is the size of a coin. But don't let its size fool you. The tiny chip has over 3,000 electrodes attached to flexible threads, which can monitor about 1,000 neurons (神经元). It collects neural signals from an area of the brain, and then transmits those signals wirelessly to nearby computers. In the display, Gertrude could be seen walking around her pen sniffing the ground while a monitor showed her brain activity.

Though the technology is still in its early stage, it is encouraging for humans. This technology would solve a lot of brain injuries, which will allow the human brain to combine with an artificial intelligence.

When the device can be applied to humans, its main goal will be to help those who have mobility issues. Musk hopes this technology can also be used to help those with hearing and eyesight issues and one day lead to a cure for epilepsy (癫痫).

Although such a device could, in principle, repair those problems, putting it into practice is by no means a piece of cake. Currently, the device can transmit signals from about 500 neurons in the pig's brain. Compared to 80 billion neurons in a human brain, this number is tiny. And to cover the whole human brain also means the electrodes have to be much smaller.

Also, implanting the chip into the brain poses a potential danger. There is a risk of the immune system attacking this foreign body.

Right now, the hope of controlling the brain via controlling a few neurons seems overly optimistic. "There are many technological challenges to overcome before Neuralink can put its devices to the purposes," Yuan Lanfeng, an associate professor at the University of Science and Technology of China, told China Daily.


Rich and Famous

Twenty years ago the most common ambition of American children was to be a teacher, followed by working in banking and finance, and then medicine. But today's situation is quite different.Instead they most commonly say they want to be a sports star, a pop star, or an actor—in other words, they hope to become a celebrity.

According to experts, young people desire these jobs largely because of the wealth and the fame.Let's take athletes and singers as an example. Their careers are short-lived. Many athletes' best time only lasts a few years and singers can have a very limited career. The field that was once the focus of their lives becomes something they have little or no involvement in. As a result, they'll have a feeling of worthlessness and a lack of control.The truth is quite simple: they have been so far removed from it for so long.

In spite of these disadvantages, there is greater ambition than ever among young people to achieve that status. They are not satisfied just making a living—they want to be rich and famous. Globally, more and more TV shows provide talent competitions where winners can achieve their goals in just a few weeks or months.They unrealistically believe that this lifestyle is easily obtained and leads to great satisfaction.

While many people argue that there is nothing wrong with having such ambitions, others feel that this trend will finally lead to dissatisfaction as more and more people are unable to reach their goals.That means they ignore the simple fact that great effort is needed before success. As a result, many people won't realize their childhood dreams, which could have a negative effect on their happiness.

A. In many ways this has been brought about by the celebrity culture.

B. People no longer have a sense of satisfaction once their goals have been achieved.

C. Besides, it can be difficult for them to adapt back to a normal everyday life.

D. The younger generation don't favor these professions any more.

E. Unfortunately, they do not always have a positive effect on people's life.

F. The reason is that they don't realize it takes talent and hard work to be rich and famous.

G. This quick way of gaining wealth and fame creates a celebrity culture among people.


Nougat and Clarence became best friends almost as soon as Nougat moved into the retirement home. Nougat likes to rest his head on the back of Clarence as often as he gets the 1. The dogs live at Vintage Pet Rescue a non-profit organization that 2 elder animals from local shelters (收容所) that are 3 to find a new home. The organization aims to give dogs a comfortable, loving environment at the 4 of their lives.

Kristen Peralta, the founder of Vintage Pet Rescue, takes care of 27 mostly senior dogs. While she and her husband have unofficially been 5 older dogs for some time, Peralta turned her passion into a full-time job in 2017.

In some ways, elder dogs may be less 6 to care for because they prefer sitting still than little ones. But their futures aren't always so 7. There are many organizations, like Peralta's, 8 on rescuing elderly pets and giving them protection outside of animal shelters, in part because senior dogs in shelters have a(n) 9 rate of just 25 percent, while younger dogs have a 60 percent rate.

A life spent 10 two dozen older dogs can be very busy. Peralta 11 vet appointments at least once a week, gives out individual medications and does a lot of bathing and petting. But the work is rewarding, and she thinks it's helping to show more and more people are beginning to 12 just how special senior dogs are. "You can just tell how much they 13 it when they're helped in trouble," Peralta said. "They're 14 that they're with you and you love them. It's so special to know that you saved a dog's life and that you're going to make a 15to the rest of its life."


More than 30 years ago, As a teenager, I lived with my family in an old farmhouse in the Durham County countryside. I spent my summer days laboring in tobacco fields and my summer evenings shelling(给...去壳)peas in the backyard. My autumn weekends were often spent splitting logs and cutting wood. We had an indoor antenna(天线)which helped us tune into the few television stations we could receive.

Living where we did, we could see three or four other houses from our own, none of them within shouting distance. We knew our neighbors, some of them elderly, we usually offered them our kindness when they needed help.

Jimmy, who was seventy years old, lived alone on the far side of a tobacco field. He lost his wife two years ago. He could hardly supported himself these last couple of years since his body condition was getting even worse. We went to visit him at his home. It was a small wooden cabin with stained windows and a curtain that had been mended countless times. The poor old man would sit in an armchair by the window, holding a faded photo, and with tears in his eyes, recall happy memories of his wife.

One weekend, my father went to check on Jimmy. But a rare heavy snow happened to fall. It was so heavy that he couldn't get his old truck up Jimmy's rutted, snow-covered driveway, Nobody could understand what made him slog(奋力前行)the 400 yards or so to Jimmy's house. My brother and I were waiting anxiously at home. After a long time, he came home hurriedly and told us that Jim my was sick and out of firewood.




My father asked us if we would like to help.


We knocked on Jimmy's door, and he greeted us.
