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日期: 2024-09-20

Some Favorite European Attractions for Chinese Tourists

Bicester Village

The outskirts of the Oxfordshire town is the second most visited UK attraction for Chinese tourists — after Buckingham Palace. Three in four Chinese visitors head to Bicester aided by Mandarin signs and announcements at London Marylebone; others travel by tour bus.

King's College, Cambridge

A famous tree — for Chinese people at least — can be found in King 's College, Cambridge. The willow, ignored by most, is mentioned in a much - loved poem by Xu Zhimo, "Taking Leave of Cam - bridge Again." Xu spent a year studying at King's College , where he was entranced (使入迷) by the works of Keats and Shelley , before returning to China to lead its modern poetry movement. Xu died at the age of just 34 in a plane crash and the willow is now considered by his fans to be a mark. A memorial stone can be found beside the tree—an essential spot for Chinese tourists to take a photo.


Germany's answer to Bicester Village is Outletcity in Metzingen, the town in Baden - Wurttem - berg, close to Frankfurt, where Hugo Boss was founded. It has little to attract anyone beyond scores of factories. Hugo Boss was the first, but Prada, Nike, Burberry, Armani and Gucci have since followed suit.


The former West German capital is another popular port of all. Chinese people love classical music— particularly Beethoven— making his birthplace an obvious highlight of any trip to Europe. The city's tourist board offers maps in three foreign languages: English, Chinese and Japanese.


Both British and Chinese travellers like Venice, Rome and Florence — but Verona typically appears higher on the wish lists of China's tourists. That's because of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. The play is popular on UK shores, of course, but the love is doubled in China as it was among the first of the Shakespeare's works to be translated into Mandarin, while its plot is similar to a famous Chinese folk tale, The Butter fly Lovers.


Grandma, almost ninety years old, sat weakly on the park bench. She didn't move. She just sat with her head down staring (凝视) at her hands. When I sat down beside her, she didn't even notice me. I wondered if she was OK. So, I asked her if she was OK. She raised her head, looked at me and said with a smile, "Yes, I 'm fine. Thank you for asking me." "I didn't mean to disturb you, Grandma, but you were just sitting here staring at your hands and I wanted to make sure you were OK," I explained to her.

"Have you ever looked at your hands?" she asked. "I mean really looking at your hands." I slowly opened my hands and stared down at them. And then I turned them over. No, I guess I had never really looked at my hands as I tried to figure out the point my grandma was making.

Grandma smiled and told me the following story, "My hands put food in my mouth and clothes on my back. They tied my shoes and pulled on my boots. They held my husband and wiped my tears when he went off to war. They were uneasy when I tried to hold my newborn son. Decorated with my wedding band, they showed the world that I was married and loved someone special. They wrote my letters to him and shook when I buried my parents. They held my children and grandchildren and comforted my neighbors. They covered my face, combed (梳) my hair and washed the rest of my body. These hands are the mark of where I 've been and the ruggedness (崎岖) of life."

I never look at my hands the same again. When my hands are hurt or when I touch the faces of my children and my husband, I think of my grandma. I know I can also create a bright future using my hands.


Dogs Trained to Find Endangered Animals

Many dogs are very hard - working animals. They have been helping people for thousands of years. Dogs protect our homes. They help people with disabilities. They team up with rescue workers in search -and - rescue operations. And now, dogs can add another job to their resumes—finding endangered animals! The official title for this kind of work is conservation detection dog.

Luke Edwards is a dog owner and trainer. He is training two border collies (边境牧羊犬), named Rubble and Uda, to become conservation detection dogs.

He says that border collies are good for this kind of work because they have a great, sense of smell. The dogs also have great stamina—the mental and physical strength to work long hours.

Recently, the dogs went on their most difficult job yet - finding the Baw Baw frog. This frog is one of Australia's most endangered animals.

The work is difficult mainly because of the search area. Just to get to the place where the frogs live. the dogs and their trainers must walk far distances through alpine (高山) forests. It is difficult but important work.

A deadly fungus (真菌) has killed nearly all of Australia's Baw Baw frogs. In fact, scientists say these creatures could disappear in the next five to ten years.

Zoos Victoria is a group set up to protect wildlife. Conservation experts there claim that since 1980 the deadly fungus has killed off 98 percent of the Baw Baw frogs.

So. Zoos Victoria is trying to save the frogs. Experts there raise them and have them reproduce. They call it their captive breeding program.


Every day thousands of people travel across the world for different reasons. Whenever I've checked in for a flight, I've seen many travellers saying "I missed it" or "I forgot it", etc. This happens because while packing our bags, we miss so many important things.

The baggage packing isn't a big job but many people see it as a messy job. I'll advise you to always pack your bags according to your trip. The baggage should be different according to the duration(持续时间)of your trip. You shouldn't carry unnecessary things or more than what you need.

If you're going on a business trip of not more than 2-3 days, then make sure you don't carry more than a single bag. Pack 2-3 business suits , a night suit and also some casual (非正式的) clothes. You'll need casual clothes because you might get a chance to explore the place.

While on holidays of 5-6 days, you have to be very smart while packing your bag. First of all, check the climate of the place. If it's summer, then carry lightweight clothes and if it's winter, you have to pack a sweater. For holidays, pack all the small things you'll be requiring. But don't carry too many things.

If you're going to a relative's place, then you can be a bit relaxed because if you miss something, you won't have to worry as your relative will be there to help you. But don't forget to buy gifts for your relatives. If the gifts are fragile, then pack them in a hard box and always keep them in between clothes. No need to carry too many clothes as you can wash your clothes at their place. This will also help you to shop more and more.


Trying to eat healthily, get enough exercise and avoid stress can be difficult at the best of times, but it's even harder when your family refuse to get healthy with you. Here are some tips that may help you.

 Before you begin, it's important to tell your family about your plans to live a healthy lifestyle. You will need their encouragement and support. Telling them about your plan will help them to understand you when you say "no" to unhealthy foods.

Eat a balanced diet.  However, following a balanced diet when your family do not can be difficult, as it will involve preparing your own meals.

Drink lots of water. Drinking water is an essential part of a healthy diet. It makes your body system healthy.  So try to reach that amount every day. Sometimes we mistake thirst for hunger, so when you feel hungry, try drinking a glass of water instead. Drinking a glass of water before each meal is also a good way to prevent you from overeating.

Exercise for half an hour per day. Exercise is an essential part of any plan to get healthy, because it helps to burn extra calories and to distribute nutrients to different parts of the body.  

Avoid stress. Being healthy isn't all about eating right and getting enough exercise.  It's important that you set aside some "me-time" to reduce stress and relax yourself.

A. Exercise also helps to prevent diseases.

B. Tell your family about your decision to get healthy.

C. It also involves keeping mental health by avoiding stress.

D. Get the whole family involved in the cooking process happily.

E. It is recommended that you drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.

F. Putting healthy foods in tasty dishes makes it more attractive and tastier.

G. Eating healthy food can help you to lose weight and sleep better.


When I tried out for the football team during the summer before the 9th grade, I never imagined how important this sport would become in my life. Football is a 1 sport, at times almost painful, and practices really 2 a team's physical and mental limits. Without trust in my own ability and a strong sense of commitment(投入), I would never have managed to continue after years of hard work as a player, and with countless3.

In the first year, I played on the defensive line(防线). This was an amazing4that gave me a great sense of achievement. But in the last game of the season, I was seriously injured. I was prohibited(禁止)from any physical activities for six months. After going5a series of physical treatments, I returned to the field as a team captain. I practiced harder than ever to make up for my6time.

In September, during my junior year, my name was mentioned in the local newspaper as the key defensive lineman on the team. After playing a fantastic season, I was given the 7of the Most Valuable Player.

8, my skills in football do not magically (神奇地)extend to other sports. During the winter break, I went on a snowboarding trip and seriously injured my right shoulder. I had to have four 9. Since I could not use my right arm for two months, I had to learn how to write and eat using my left hand.

10life must go on. I knew that my own present efforts would decide my future, so I 11the strict training program to build strength and improve flexibility in my12. After an eight- month recovery, I was back out on the field playing football, the sport I13.

In this sense, the world of football has taught me an important life lesson:14and commitment make what seems impossible15. This lesson from football is one that I know translates through every part of life.


John was crazy about playing basketball. Every day after school, he would spend much time practicing basketball skills. Sometimes, he didn't go back until sunset, which made his mother extremely angry. One day, as he was given a chance to watch a basketball game, he dreamed about being a member of the college basketball team the next year. On the way, he was delighted secretly. He thought no one in the world was luckier than him. Suddenly, a car hit him. What a terrible experience! It seemed like a bad dream.

John woke up in a hospital room. He was frightened to death. He realized that he couldn't move both of his legs. At that time, the doctor came in. When the doctor told him that both his legs were broken and he had to sit in the wheelchair for the time being, he knew his college basketball dream was over. He was really depressed. John followed what the doctors had told him, but it did not work entirely. When he left the hospital, John was sent to a health recovery center. He had never heard of this center before, but it was not far away from his house. Although he felt unwilling to go there, he had no choice but to accept the fact.

A week later, he arrived there unhappily. The first person he met was Sunny Chen, who was so kind and friendly that he warmly welcomed John. Sunny's legs were badly hurt in a skating accident. He told John that he would help him recover soon. Though Sunny couldn't move his legs, he became the coach of a basketball team called the Suns. After a period of recovery training, John felt his legs were all right. So Sunny invited him to join in the game where Sunny guided the team in his wheelchair. John played badly, but for the first time since the accident, he stopped feeling sorry for himself.


Paragraph 1:

John was glad that his dream of being a member of basketball team саmе true. 

Paragraph 2:

Sunny saw all John did, lost in thought.
