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高中英语北师大版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 3 Conservation 同步基础能力提升测试

日期: 2024-09-19

Many of Earth's creatures die because of humans' choices. These choices have nothing to do with food or shelter or anything else that helps humans survive. What kills millions of animals all over the world is that humans want to make money by doing so.

People use parts of animals for everything from hats to handbags, from jewelry to ashtrays and to make powders that supposedly improve a person's life. Deciding that a species is endangered and protecting it by law are not always enough. People who kill wildlife illegally rarely get caught.

During the late 1980s, saving elephants became a popular cause. Wildlife protection groups made sure everyone saw pictures or films of elephants with their faces cut off for their ivory. These groups also proved that certain populations of elephants were decreasing. As a result, most people stopped buying objects made of ivory. Laws against poaching(偷猎) were made stronger. Many countries made importing ivory illegal. Killing elephants for their ivory became more risky and less profitable(有利可图的).

However, concern for certain species will become weak after a while. In the late 1970s, people protested (抗议) against the killing of seal babies. Everyone was shocked to see young seals being killed in their icy habitat. The cruel activity stopped. But ten years later, the number of seal babies killed was higher than ever.

Other animal protection movements have come and gone, such as saving the whales and protecting dolphins. The whale population appears to have increased for now. And the laws are finally changed in America to protect the dolphins that swim with tuna fish in parts of the Pacific Ocean.

In the years to come, people's attention will probably turn to some other endangered species. Plenty of them urgently need attention.During this time, will the elephants be forgotten?


Be a Green Guest

When people take a vacation, they often take a vacation from responsibility, too. Our behavior at hotels is one of the biggest problems. We have our linen(亚麻织品) washed daily for us, and are provided with an endless stream of hot water. But all of this luxury equals serious consequences for the environment. . They offer programs and facilities that save water and energy. That's a good start, but there is a lot more you can do to cut down the amount of waste produced.


In America alone, there are about 50, 000 hotels. Now think if hotel management puts two small bottles for each hotel room every day, that's a huge amount of little plastic bottles that may not even get recycled. And what about all of that shampoo when you don't finish the bottle? A better way is to bring your own shampoo from home.

•Turn off the lights.

You do it when you're at home, right? Do it at the hotel, too. Studies have shown that, in hotels, the majority of energy spent through lighting comes from the bathroom light being left on for more than one hour!, remember to hit the switch!

•Don't have your sheets or towels washed every day.

Sure, it's luxury to have linen and towels cleaned every day, but that's all it is. Washing a set of bed sheets and a pair of bathroom towels requires about 12-16 gallons of water. See if there is a policy for requesting that your towels and linen get washed weekly. In some hotels, it's as simple as hanging towels back up on a hook. .

These tips are also useful for trips to a friend's or relative's house. . They will also save your hosts a lot of money.

A. Think about bathroom facilities

B. Just say "no" to hotel shampoo

C. When you're using the bathroom

D. After you're done with your business

E. They will save plastic, water, and electricity

F. More and more hotels are becoming eco-friendly

G. In others, you may ask the front desk for a personal request
