组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19
完形填空(本题有15小题, 每小题1分, 共计15分)
阅读理解(本题有15小题, 每小题2分, 共计30分)
阅读下面材料, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

Everybody enjoys actsof kindness. But can you explain why? Some people think kindness is somethingout of love and care, while others believe it is just a tool that we use tobecome more popular. But research shows that being kind can activate(激活)an area of the brain called Striatum. Research also shows thatkindness improves people's mood(情绪). But why and howdoes it happen? Here are a number of different ways.

Being kind can makesomeone smile. If you see yourself smile in a situation, people around may besmiling, too. This is specially true for your close friends and family. A kindact makes someone who is sad feel better. Itcan also make ourselves feel good. So why not set off that chain(链条)of good feelings to people around?

Secondly, being kindstarts or develops a social connection with others. Kind acts like buyingsomeone a present make friendships stronger. Research has shown that spendingmoney on others may help you get a stronger feeling of happiness than spendingit on yourself. Similarly, charities(慈善)also open up new circles of people to connect with someone on the other side ofthe world.

In another recentresearch, even children in their first year of secondary school know how beingkind makes them feel happy. If one person is kind, he or she makes others inthe group kind. It also lifts everyone's spirits. Imagine that you make cakesfor the office and it makes others do it each month. Then you're getting cakesa lot more days than providing them.

The story doesn't endhere. Being kind may improve your mood, but research has also shown that if you'rein a good mood, you can act much more kindly. This makes it a wonderful two-wayrelationship,doesn't it?

阅读下面材料, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

While the mobile Internet is changing the way we live, more and more old people in China are getting in on the digital world, although they will have some trouble.

Yang Su, a 61-year-old professional micro vlogger (微视频博主), is among them. He is both a pianist of Shenzhen Symphony Orchestra (交响乐团). With more than 2. 3 million followers on China's famous short video app "Douyin", his videos have been watched by over 1 million times.

"Three years ago, my son put a short video of me playing the piano at home on ‘douyin', and hours later it was played over 1 million times," Yang remembered.

However, it's not easy for him to learn how to film a video. He needs to play through the music since he doesn't know how to edit (编辑) and cut clips. His child helps him a lot later. "The Internet has opened the door to a new world," Yang said. "I always keep myself busy and feel very young at my age. "

Do other old people get used to the digital world like Yang? Ding Qiulin is a 73-year-old man from Hunan. "I got my smartphone more than one year ago but I only use WeChat for video calls," he said. Ding finds it hard to learn to use other apps.

____________▲_____________ Luo Xu, a post-90s volunteer, joined a non-profit (非盈利)organization in Beijing nine years ago to teach old people how to use the Internet. "While I am helping people aged between 50 and 90 years old, I have a strong feeling of pleasure," Luo said.

任务型阅读(本题有5小题, 每小题1分, 共计5分)
根据下列句子及所给汉语注释, 写出空缺处各单词的正确形式(每空一词)。(每小题1分, 共计10分)
选词填空(每小题1分, 共计5分)
语法填空(本题有10小题, 每题1分, 共10分)