组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-18

 I have dreamt of taking a trip to Hawaii since I graduated, but the best thing always needs waiting. I took a trip with my friends to Haleakala National Park, which lies in Hawaii.  

 When we arrived at Haleakala National Park, we were advised to watch the early morning sunrise. I was lost in the sightseeing that afternoon, so I could hardly wait to see the sunrise. In the next morning, we all got out of bed very early and got to the seaside at 3 o'clock. In the first half an hour, we imagined how wonderful it would be when the first light came out through the thick clouds and how soft it would be when the light touched our skin, so we waited and waited. However, another half an hour later, I gradually lost my patience since there was nothing but the chilly darkness, and I felt that I was frozen to death. But my friends were still extremely cheerful. 

 Nearly another one hour later, "Amazing!" Judy burst out and we all shouted to welcome the light, which was really unbelievable. Until today, I dare say that it is the most impressive sunrise in my life. However, waiting in the morning darkness is also one memory I cannot wipe from my mind forever. 

 Waiting sometimes is really a hard thing for most of us as it needs patience and strong-willed determination, but what about the result after that? It might turn out to be pleasing, unbelievable and satisfying. So, it is really worthwhile to wait for the best. 


Online, English has become a common language for users from around the world. In the process, the language itself is changing. There are now thought to be some 4.5 billion web pages worldwide. Some language experts predict that within 10 years English will occupy the internet — but in forms very different to what we accept and recognize as English today.

That's because people who speak English as a second language already outnumber native speakers. And increasingly, they use it to communicate with other non-native speakers, particularly on the internet where less attention is paid to grammar and spelling and users don't have to worry about their accent (口音).

Users of Facebook already socialize in a number of different "Englishes" including Indian English, Spanish English and Korean English. While these different styles have long existed within their cultures, they're now expanding and coming online. Technology companies are introducing newly-developed English words with products aimed at enabling users to add words that are not already in the English dictionary. And most large companies have English websites, while smaller businesses are learning that they need a common language — English — to reach global customers.

The increasing popularity of the internet allows more languages to develop quickly.

"Most people actually speak several languages — it's less common to only speak one," says Mr. Munro. "English has taken its place as the world's common language, but it's not pushing out other languages." Instead, other languages are pushing their way into English, and in the process creating something new.


Garbage sorting has become a hot issue around China, especially after Shanghai began carrying out a regulation on July 1.

Beijing has thus been expected to follow suit. The current regulation gives garbage sorting responsibilities to government departments, property management groups and other organizations. It also gives rules for companies, outlining how they're responsible for waste collection, transportation and treatment. Only individuals are not subject to responsibilities.

The long-awaited revision will soon change the situation. "Taking out the trash without sorting it properly will be illegal," said Sun Xinjun, director of the Beijing Commission of Urban Management. In Shanghai, violators are now fined up to 200 yuan for trash-sorting violations (违背). The maximum fine in Beijing will not be less than that, he said.

The Beijing city government first set out to promote garbage sorting in 2009. Authorities have since called on citizens to sort their household waste into four types-recyclable waste, kitchen trash, dangerous waste and others — and leave it in a corresponding (相应的) dustbin or trash can. Blue-colored dustbins indicate items within are recyclable, green represents kitchen trash, red corresponds to dangerous materials and grey to other waste.

To promote the awareness of garbage sorting and expand the base of participants, authorities have employed workers to help residents on the spot. With intelligent devices, those who throw in recyclable waste at given sites will be rewarded with bonus points, which can be used to buy daily goods. At some communities, there are no color-coded dustbins. Instead, a scheduled garbage collection service is offered to help improve the environment. In other communities, workers offer a door-to-door service to collect recyclables or kitchen waste.

Beijing Environmental Sanitation Engineering Group has been promoting new garbage sorting facilities such as recycling cabinets and smart kitchen waste trash cans since 2016, Xinhua News Agency reported.


A couple of weeks ago, my grandfather was explaining his favorite expression, "Nothing is ever easy." The following day, as I tried to complete my work, I happened to1a big bee on the skylight (天窗). It was high up, but I thought2it would take no more than 5 minutes. An hour later, the bee still remained. All that had3was that the living room was a mess (混乱) and that I was dizzy (头晕目弦) from4into the sunlight. I didn't expect to waste an hour on an insect so5, but by doing so, I understood what my grandfather meant.

It is not only time that we tend to underestimate …. we don't account for unexpected costs. We often imagine what can work in our favour, but we seldom think of all the6things that can affect us. However, it is important to remember that your day or week or year may not go as7, and that is completely normal. It is8acceptable to feel challenged - even at a task you thought was simple –- because that is part of life.

If you can9that nothing will ever be easy, then life may seem slightly more manageable. In middle school, I thought high school might be easier because I could choose the classes I wanted to10. In high school, I thought11might be easier because I could have a schedule best suited for myself. Yet each time, I was both wrong and disappointed. After accepting that school wouldn't be easy, I found myself with a more positive attitude and12results.

Of course, there should be preparations made to account for expenses or time. Doing so can help you13 your goals in a better way. However, there is no need to beat ourselves up (过分自责) when something stands in our14. Maybe we cannot see a15coming our way, but we can always give ourselves the extra time to catch it.
