组卷题库 > 高中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-19

About a year ago, as a college freshman at Cornell, I was required to make a short video project for my course. I focused on my disappointment with the early weeks of college: How I couldn't have a deep conversation with others, how I couldn't seem to enjoy parties, feel comfortable on campus or just meet people who I want.... I felt so lost and the worst part was that I felt as if I were the only one who was this lonely.

I tried every effort, but in vain. Then I poured my loneliness into this four-minute film I made called "My College Transition" I posted it on YouTube, expecting only my professor and a couple of friends to see it. It now has over 274,000 views and hundreds of comments. I had viewers from all over the country reach out to me and express their experiences, thanking me for making them feel less alone. It proved that I wasn't alone in my experience. It also showed how necessary it was for people to be open about loneliness on college campuses.

Now in my second college year, I see how foolish my expectations were for my first year. Expecting close relationships like ones that had taken years to develop was unfair to myself and the people around me. Going to college is a huge change - so many students left the familiar comforts of their homes and were pushed into a completely new place. It was unrealistic for me to expect a perfect transition.

I slowly learned in which groups I felt welcome and included from my social life. It was hard! But by putting myself out there, I found so many communities on campus to invest myself in, and where I knew I would be happily received.


Since "SQUID GAME" appeared in mid-September, the show has taken the world by storm, producing millions of videos on TikTok. In Paris fights broke out as fans tried to crowd into a shop where visitors could take photos with staff dressed like the characters from the show.

"Squid Game", which takes its name from a common Korean schoolyard game, follows a group of heavily-indebted losers who are dressed in green sportswear and fight for a nearly $40 million prize.

The global strong interest for the show confused people in South Korea. "Nobody around me understands why it was so popular, and neither do I/5 says In-young, a 26-year-old from Seoul who stopped watching after a couple of episodes (集) because it upset her to see her childhood games described as a cruel struggle for survival, though she admitted the show in some way made sense for ordinary South Koreans struggling with unaffordable housing and low-paid jobs.

One Korean critic (评论家) guesses that the mix of violent entertainment with a very popular comments explains the show's attraction to Western audiences, who are used to such themes from American productions such as "The Hunger Games"

No doubt the attractive shape of the design, the grand clothing and scenes as well as the translation of different languages also help. The popularity of "Squid Game" is a reflection of South Korea's outsize cultural power on the global stage. It may also have benefited from "Parasite", a film about social injustice, which won the Oscar for best picture in 2020. But most of all, it shows that, like love and money, complaints about unfairness have no language.


The Nobel Prizes, whose winners are announced in September,may be the world's most desired awards. As soon as new winners are named, critics start comparing the winners' achievements with those of past ones.

The Nobel Foundation's rules prevent disclosure of the selection process for 50 years. A full explanation of why, for example,Stephen Hawking wasn't awarded the Prize will have to wait until 2068. But once this rule ends, the foundation shows who offered nominations (提名) and whom they supported. Its data start in 1901 and end in 1953 for medicine; 1966 for physics, chemistry and literature; and 1967 for peace.

The requirement for entry to a Nobel nomination is low. For the peace prize, public officials and experts offer names to a committee that picks the winner. For the others, Swedish academies seek names from thousands of people, mostly professors, and hold a vote for the winner. On average, 55 nominations per year were applied for each prize in 1901-1966.

Candidates (候选人) with lots of nominations don't mean victory. Historically,candidates put forward by past winners went on to win at some point in the future 40% more often than those whose nominators never won a Nobel did. And people whose nominators became winners later on also won unusually often. According to the Nobel Foundation's online report,all 11 of Einstein's nominees won a prize. Some were already famous, like Max Planck; others, like Walther Bothe, were less-known. These two cases show that his support seems to have been decisive. So getting lots of nominations doesn't mean having won a Nobel Prize—unless the nominations come from other winners.


Drinking more water is an excellent goal for your health. Water is also a calorie-free choice, so drinking more water can help you to lose weight or keep a healthy weight.

Always having water on hand makes it easier to remember to drink it. It's important to drink more water any time you've been sweating, such as when you're exercising or after spending time in a hot environment.

Drinking water before your meals and while you eat can help to reduce your appetite since thirst is often confused with hunger. This will save you money when you eat out and help you cut calories.

Try filling up a water bottle and adding a few simple fruit slices such as orange, lemon or some fresh berries such as blueberries, strawberries. Then, let the water sit in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours while it absorbs the flavors.

Tracking the amount of water you drink each day also works. This will help you to determine how much water you're drinking and figure out if you might need to increase your intake. Remember to set a goal for how much water you want to drink each day. The amount of water you need depends on your weight, sex, activity level, environment, and other factors. Consider how much of your daily fluid intake is water and identify how much of it you'd like to be water.

A. After meals, drinking water is a good choice.

B. The more water you drink, the healthier you are.

C. Here are some tips that can help you drink more water.

D. There's no "right" amount of water for everyone to drink.

E. Replace your typical drink before and during meals with water.

F. Adding flavor to your water is a simple way to make it more tasty.

G. Always keep a water bottle into your bag or car and refill it regularly.


19-year-old Torri together with three other teenage girls drove through Florida last February.1the laughter from the four teenage girls inside her car gave way to 2. As they approached a crossing, another car drove towards them unexpectedly, 3 theirs to come to a stop when it 4 into a tree. 5 Torri was slightly injured and climbed out through the window successfully 6 two of her friends, who'd also 7 to free themselves. She felt relieved.

But 8 Torri could dial the number for help, she realized that her best friend-Simmons wasn't with them. She looked into the car and found Simmons 9 on the back seat, unconscious (昏迷)."I checked her pulse " "Nothing" "I put my head against her chest." No 10 of life. "That's when I started CPR"

If the accident had happened a few weeks 11. she might not have known what to do. But Torri, who wants to pursue a career in 12 , had earned her CPR certificate (证书) just the day before. Torri knew she had 13 little time to practice what she'd learned. She started pumping Simmons's chest with her interlocked fingers and 14 into her friend's mouth in the hope of filling her lungs with the kiss of life. No response. And then, after the 30th 15. Simmons began 16 and gasping for air. The CPR had 17! Soon, doctors arrived and 18 Simmons to the hospital, where she received careful 19. Later she was informed how her best friend had saved her life. "I wasn't 20 Simmons told CGTN. "She is always helpful and ready to help others by all means."
