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日期: 2024-09-19

New Scientist Discovery

Tour Amazing science-inspired tours across the globe with experts on board and in the company of fellow travelers who enjoy the discovery of science

Space: Past and Future: USA

14 days for £4.799

Departing 6th May and 14th September 2020

Follow the USA's footsteps in exploring space with this comprehensive tour of NASA's space centers and other key sites, including the Very Large Array in attractive New Mexico. Plus, visit the world's first commercial spaceport with leading researchers.

The Science of the Renaissance(文艺复兴): Italy

7days for £1,825

Departing 3rd March and 3rd November 2020

Embark on a cultural adventure to the great science cities of Florence and Bologna, as architecture expert Andrew Spira and science historian Professor David Wootton guide you through the great discoveries and minds of the Renaissance.

Land of Fire and Ice: Iceland

8 days for £2,249

Departing 31st October and 7th November2020

Marvel at erupting geysers(喷泉), glaciers and waterfalls on trip of volcanic and geological(地质的)adventure. Joined by volcanologist Tamsin Mather, discover the best of Iceland with a chance to see the Aurora Borealis.

Tiger Conservation Safari: India

9 days for £3.850

Departing 10th April 2021

Involve yourself in jungle life in the search for the Bengal tiger. Learn how to protect the rich wildlife you encounter at India's reserves, complete with a masterclass in tracking and stay in a cozy lodge(小屋).


Madame Curie, the youngest of the five children, was born in Wersaw, Poland in 1867. Marie Curie's maiden name was Manya. Her parents were teachers, and she learned the importance of education at a very early age. No higher education was offered to women in Poland at that time, so Manya took a job as a tutor. She sent part of her income to Paris to help pay for her elder sister's medical studies. Her sister qualified as a doctor and married a fellow doctor in 1891. Manya went to joined them in Paris, changing her name to Marie.

She entered the Sorbonne(now the University of Paris)and studied physics and mathematics, graduating at the top of her class. For the research she wanted to do, she was introduced to another young scientist, Pierre Curie. Later, they fell in love with each other.

After she was rewarded the Nobel Prize, fame troubled Marie Curie and also her husband, because science was their world and in this world of science, fame and honor to persons had no value. One day when a writer for a newspaper tried to ask Marie about herself, her thoughts and her beliefs, she answered him, "In science we must be interested in things, not in persons." Much of the real character and spirit of this unusual woman was found in these few words, which she was later often to repeat. One evening, at a big party, a friend asked if she would like to meet the King of Greece, who was also a guest. She answered in her simple manner, "I don't see the value of it." Then, seeing that she hurt the feeling of her friend, she quickly added, "But…but…of course, I shall do whatever you please. Just as you please."


Body language plays a big role in communication as it gives us messages about the other person that we can understand nonverbally, just basing the understanding on our feeling. There are four types of body language to be aware of.

Eye contact is one of the most direct and powerful facial expressions. Eyes are always talking. The use of eye contact varies significantly from culture to culture. In some regions, direct eye contact is often considered a sign of trustworthiness. So, if you're in America, you should know soft, attentive eye contact would convey honesty. However, a hard, unblinking stare will send a very different message, similar to the meaning of direct eye contact in some regions.

Gestures can be used to emphasize certain meanings. Pressing fingers together to form steeple(尖塔)shows interest and determination. Touching the nose or rubbing eyes indicates discomfort. A hand on the back of the neck may indicate you are not interested in a conversation.

Body posture can be positive or negative A firm handshake will give the impression of honesty. Folding arms across your chest is protective. People with arms folded, legs crossed and bodies turning awayrejectmessages. A head held straight up signals a neutral(中立的)attitude. A head sidewards indicates interest. A head down is negative.

The position of speakers and listeners face-to-face, side-by-side or back-to-back, can send powerful messages. In a group, when the leader faces the group and turns toward the one who is speaking, this conveys strong attention When two people are communicating, competitors more possibly sit facing each other while partners sit side-by-side.


Droughts(干旱)caused by global climate change have led to drop in wheat production, a worldwide shortage and high food prices around the world. The global wheat supply is at its lowest point in 50 years, with only an estimated 10 weeks of supply left. This has been one factor pushing the prices of bread, beer and other wheatcontaining foods steadily higher. According to Hilton Dinner, a bakery owner from Edmonton, Canada, the price of flour has more than doubled over the past eight months. In 19 years of business, Dinner said, he has never seen prices rise like this.

"Prices creep up seasonably," he said. "They might go up 10 percent, then down 5 percent. They never go back to where they started, but they creep. This is not creeping, this is drastic."

Also to blame for the global wheat shortage is the rising population, coupled with increasing meat consumption worldwide. This has led to the increasing diversion of grain to animal feed.

Analysts anticipate that the shortage may be resolved within 12 months, as farmers pull fallow land into wheat production. But even when the shortage resolves, food prices are only expected to keep climbing due to other factors, such as high energy and shipping costs.

"It's not something that's going to go away," Dinner said. "Food in general is going to go up. As wheat goes up, so does the price of eggs and chicken because they eat grainbased feed. It affects people who can't afford to pay more for their food."

Public health experts have expressed concern about the effect that rising food prices have on the poor. The United Nations recently reported that in 2007, the cost of food imports in the world's neediest countries increased 24 percent to a total of $107 billion.


How to Love Your Parents

Even if you think that your parents are mean-spirited at times, loving your parents is a normal and fulfilling part of life. You love them for the fact that they created you, raised you, and are in part a source of who you are. Here are some ways to love your parents.

.A gentle "good morning" and "I love you" will warm a coldest heart. Remember that they brought you into this world. Without your parents, we might still wander at an unknown corner in an unknown world.

Respect them more and cherish these moments. You can use these moments to learn from them for when you're off on your own. It's OK to get angry but angry actions don't help you or your parents. Act calmly, cool off, journal about your feelings, or talk to a friend. .

Obey their requests. It will make your attitude better and earn you more respect from them. It may seem like you are going through hell when you don't get what you want or you have to clean. However, you had better remember they keep a roof over your head when it's cold, raining, snowing, or too hot. Understand that parents are human beings and make mistakes. . Since you can forgive your friends, why not forgive your parents?

Keep company with them. Do things with your parents like watching TV, or go somewhere with them. . Listen to their old stories and learn from them. You will find they are your teachers in this way or another.

Some people simply may not be able to love their parents. . Seek help if you are being abused in any way. Parents do not have a right to harm you.

A. Forgiveness is the key.

B. Tell them you love them every morning.

C. Parents will in turn express their love to you.

D. After this, share your feelings with your parents.

E. Anyway, spend as much time with them as you can.

F. Please remember parents are as important as friends.

G. There can be realistic reasons for this, family violence for example.


Reggie was a normal boy, but he had been born deaf. He was well known to everyone in the town, and they were all 1 him. Unfortunately, though, he 2 seemed to end up being treated differently from everyone else. Children worried they would 3 him. Adults acted like he was unable to 4 them, as if he was a baby.

His friend Micheal didn't like this. He decided that things had to be 5. Micheal's father was the town's mayor, and Micheal 6 to ask him to offer one day of the 7 to deaf people. During that whole day everyone would have to wear earplugs.

People liked the 8. The day became known 9 The Day of Silence, and when it arrived, everyone stuck plugs in their 10, in a spirit of great fun. That morning was filled with 11 and laughter. But as the hours passed, people became more and more aware of how 12 life was when you couldn't hear anything.

On that day nobody was thinking of Reggie as just a 13 person. This meant he could be 14 just like any other boy; people saw a whole new side of 15. Not only that, but Reggie had a bright and sharp mind. On that day, using his usual gestures(手势), Reggie was the one who could exchange ideas best with everyone This 16 that people paid more attention to what he was saying, and they were 17 by his intelligence and his ability to find solutions to almost any problem. They 18 that he had always been like that, and that in normal life all Reggie needed was a little more time than others to 19. That was the only difference.

So on that day, Reggie's true nature became known and it was on the day that everyone realized you have to give people a chance to show how 20 they are.


A park in Dandong, Liaoning province, .(feature)sculptures that show the contributions of the Chinese People's Volunteers in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea(1950-53)opened to the public on Oct. 24, 2020.

It took me than six months .(build)the unique cultural landmark-a 13-hectare park with .(beauty)natural landscapes and military exhibition halls.

"The park is not just for supporting leisure and fitness . to show the unique culture of this heroic city. We want to provide citizens . a base of patriotism education," said Fang Lunge, head of the afforestation(植树造林)department of the Dandong housing and urban-rural development bureau.

Till now, various activities .(hold)here, and countless local residents and visitors across the nation have been here to honor all Chinese soldiers involved in the war.

"Dandong is a city of .(hero)with a unique culture. It's of special significance to share their stories. These sculptures, . demonstrate the determination of the Chinese nation to resist invasion and maintain peace, stand out. I hope people can see their glorious images and spirit of the CPV." Fang Lunge added.

Dandong .(be)about 280 kilometers from Pyongyang, capital of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and 13 km from the Yalu River, the border between China and the DPRK. The city was . important base during the war.
