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日期: 2024-04-18

The OOH lists careers that look like promising opportunities for the next 10 years or so. Some involve treating patients, some involve managing people, and others are mainly about working with computers.

Medical and Health Services Manager

Health care is a big and complicated business. Providing care to patients is only part of it. There's also the work of scheduling appointments, collecting payments, keeping medical records, and teaming up with other care providers.

Educational Requirements: At least a bachelor's degree in a field such as health administration or health management, plus some experience working in the health care field.

Operations Research Analyst

An operations research analyst's job is to use mathematical and analytical methods to find the best strategies for distributing resources, managing supply chains, developing production schedules, and setting prices.

Educational Requirements: Most entry-level jobs in this field require a bachelor's degree, and some employers prefer candidates with a master's degree. Common college majors for future operations research analysts include business, operations research, mathematics, engineering, and computer science.

Web Developer

There are several kinds of Web developers: front-end developers responsible for the appearance of the site and how users interact with it, back-end developers for the site's framework, which makes it run smoothly and allows for changes when necessary and webmasters in charge of maintaining websites, keeping them updated and meeting users' requirements.

Educational Requirements: The education required for a job in Web development varies. Most Web developers have an associate's degree in Web design or a related field. However, some employers hire Web developers with only a high school diploma for front-end development while others require a bachelor's degree in a field like computer science, particularly for back-end development.


Kim Hyung-ho arrived in China from the Republic of Korea on Aug 24,1992, which happened to be the same day that the two countries officially established diplomatic relations. Kim, just 19 at the time, came to China to study traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), a medical system with thousands of years of history and which enjoys popularity in many countries.

Kim's passion for TCM took root in his teenage years after he had a twisted ankle treated with acupuncture. "It's incredible that a little needle can have such magical powers. That experience inspired me to learn authentic TCM in the place from which it originated," recalls Kim.

In 2013, he was hired as a TCM specialist by the international clinic of Qingdao Municipal Hospital. "Doctor Kim is a professional, hardworking and nice," says Sun Jie, director of the clinic. "He also helps bridge the communication gap between our staff and Korean patients." For those who have difficulty moving around, Kim will go to the patient's home to offer treatment.

Apart from his daily work, Kim has also volunteered to provide free medical consultations in the countryside. He found that many rural people have been suffering from long time diseases such as high blood pressure, but are not aware of their conditions, let alone attend regular checkups. As a result, Kim led fellow volunteers to collect lists of people from different villages. The lists were handed to local authorities to keep track of the patients' treatment. Kim also provided guidance for village doctors, which helped improve the standard of treatment in the area.

Three decades have passed since Kim set foot in China, and he's very grateful for what he has gained in the country. "Medicine does not have boundaries. As a TCM doctor, I will continue to communicate with doctors in Korea and other countries to help it spread andflourisheven further, so that more people can understand its excellence," says Kim.


Chinese space scientists have announced new discoveries made by Yutu-2, the first robot rover ever to explore the far side of the Moon, which permanently faces away from the Earth.

Commanding a rover on the Moon's far side presents big challenges: the Earth is always out of sight, so radio commands and data have to be bounced back and forth using a special relay satellite orbiting in space beyond the Moon. The rover relies on solar power, so it has to shut down most of its operations for two weeks of every month during a long period of lunar night. Since rolling onto the Moon from its Chang'e-4 lander in January 2019, Yutu-2 has been operating on the Moon for more than three years, making it the longest ever mission to explore the lunar surface.

One of the rover's main findings is that the soil on the far side of the Moon is a lot stickier than on the near side -- so it's more likely to stick in Yutu-2's wheels. That's because on the far side rocks have had more continuous attacks from tiny bits of space dust that heat the rocks in the soil and make them stick together in pointed shapes.

Yutu-2's journey through the lunar landscape is very slow--so far it has covered just over 1,000 metres in three years. Along the way to either side of its path, it has spotted 88 small bowl-shaped craters( 坑). Scientists think these are secondary impact craters, formed when bits of rocks were thrown out by a much bigger impact. A far largerone,called Zhinyu, was created when a big space rock hit the Moon.

As Yutu-2 continues to explore its surroundings, researchers are excited about what else it might discover. Sara Russell from London's Natural History Museum told New Scientist magazine, "It's like this whole new world to explore. We really have a lot to find out about the far side of the Moon; it's really exciting."


Education officials and industry experts are debating the future of online learning. The discussion is important because hundreds of universities in the United States have recently moved classes online because of the spread of COVID-19.

For Asha Choksi, the rise of Internet-based or online study programs has led to major improvements in higher education. "It's actually given a lot more power to students in terms of how, when and where they learn," the head of research for Pearson Education said.

Classes meet online through video conferencing. In this way, students are able to communicate with each other and their professors even when they are far away from school. However, recent research suggests the majority of college students and professors prefer in-person instruction, because they are concerned that companies supervising online learning programs are not clear about the policies they have with the schools they serve.

"Students see in-class lectures as opportunities to engage with instructors, peers, and content." the researchers wrote. In-person learning is especially important in fields like healthcare and teaching. Online education can never really take its place, said Stephanie Hall, a fellow with the independent policy research group The Century Foundation. "Students need to experience...what they're learning about, reading about or hearing about in the classroom. And I don't know yet the degree to which technology canfacilitatethat."

"When schools make agreements with online program managers to run their online programs, they often do not make important information available to students," Hall said. This includes how much control the company has over the design of the program or whether the faculty leading the classes was involved in their design. In addition, many colleges and universities advertise online programs as a low cost opportunity for students. But in some cases, students attending in-person classes get financial aid and online students do not.


At least three reasons stand out why a girl should acquire a college education: it can ensure her greater financial gain, better patterns of family life, and richer personal resources.

Initially, the girl who obtains a college education is likely to find a better occupation and make more money. A typist, for example, may earn no more than $2,000 a month. . In a sense, salary varies with the level of education.

. For instance, she'll be able to have a better interpersonal communication particularly with her husband, since she is more aware of reasonable ways of thinking and livelihood than the woman who drops out of school in the tenth grade, spends most of her time washing diapers and develops an addiction to electronic devices like TV, the cell phone, etc.

Additionally, a woman with a higher education can have an effect on her children's growth. Nothing makes a cooler mom than one that is involved in the children's hobbies by taking an intelligent, informed interest in it. . They will keep a distance from their children's space, privacy, and independence and trust that they can have a strong relationship without knowing every aspect of their lives.

Eventually, perhaps the most important of all is the fact that a college education gives a woman richer personal resources than she would otherwise have. . The unique circles based on her education, of people from art, science, philosophy and so forth, are bound to enrich a woman's life.

If you are not one of those who want to be a kept woman or take money from your parents or your husband, you will need certain skills that of course can be obtained at a university or college. , as is mentioned.

A. So a woman can leave the kitchen and diapers

B. Every woman should try to get a college education

C. It gives her a taste for ideas and a knowledge of the world

D. Next, a girl with further education can get a good marriage

E. Secondly, a college-educated girl probably has a better family life

F. Moreover, a well-educated mom knows how to show respect for her children

G. A research chemist in contrast, may make a profit of more than $ 150 000 a year


In July of 2021, Julia, a curious 5-year-old little girl, followed her dad into the unforgiving and dangerous Siberian wilderness near their home located in the remote region of the Sakha Republic.

At first, Julia's mother May believed Julia had gone with her father to visit her grandma. Unfortunately, the area they lived in was so remote that it did not have cell phone service, so she could not call her husband to confirm. It was only after her husband returned two days later that they realized Julia had made her way into the thick forest unnoticed and became lost.

Panicked and concerned, Julia's family instantly called for help. It wasn't long before hundreds of people showed up to seek the girl. Rescue workers, police, firefighters, and volunteers searched like crazy for the girl. They also got the aid of six search dogs, and a helicopter with technology to look for Julia in the dark but with no luck after a day's search.

Julia's family feared the worst, primarily since the area was well known for wild animals such as wolves and bears. Not to mention the fact that it was Siberia, which meant it got bitterly cold at night. Many of the rescuers were forced to face the reality that the girl was most likely dead. They knew a small child wouldn't last long out in the cold with little to protect her.

Early in the next morning, the police officer David who was in charge of the search hurried to Julia's house to ask May for more details. It suddenly occurred to May that a neighborhood dog, which Julia named Nadia, would probably follow her into the forest.

"Julia spares her food and feeds Nadia every day and gradually Julia has developed a close bond with the wandering dog. They are attached to each other and always inseparable. They must be together now, aren't they?" May looked into David's eyes and asked eagerly.

注意:1)续写词数应为 150 左右;


David was about to reply when a dog ran into the house.


In the cave lay Julia, still alive.
