组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-09-18

In our daily life, we have many things to do. But if you're tired, you'd better not stay up late. You should have a good sleep. Sleeping is lovely, but how to enjoy it? Here are some tips:

Have a fixed bedtime

It makes you feel calm if everything is in order before you sleep. So brush your teeth, wash your face, close the window and go to bed. Your mind will take in all the cues (提示)that it's time to go to the land of dreams and you'll be sleeping like a baby in no time.

Go to bed when you're tired

If you're feeling really tired, you can go to bed. Don't stay up to watch a late show, don't try to do a bit more work, and don't plan to stay at your friend's place too late. Go to bed.

Say yes to milk

If you want a bedtime snack, have something calm and sleepy. A glass of warm milk will help you sleep better. And try not to eat a big meal too close to bedtime, which keeps you awake.

Turn off the TV

TV programs make you excited. Don't watch anything for an hour before you go to bed. Listen to some relaxing music instead! It will send you to sleep in no time at all.

All the tips above are for a good night's sleep. Your body's going to thank you very much for it.

Tips for a

Have a

Get everything in order before you sleep.

Go to bed when you're tied

to watch a late show.

Don't work late.

Don't stay at your friend's place too late.

Say yes to milk

If you need a bedtime snack :

Drink a glass of warm milk.

Don't eat too close to bedtime.

Turn off the TV

Listen to some relaxing music instead of (代替) anything for an hour before you go to bed .


Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to England! The weather of England is very changeable. It can be rainy, sunny, cloudy, windy, stormy, warm, foggy, or cold at any time of the year. If it is raining when you get up in the morning, it can be hot and dry by the afternoon. It may be sunny when you get up, but when you go out, it may be rainy. So don't forget to take an umbrella with you. The west of England is wetter than the east, and the north is cooler than the south. You should be ready for any kind of weather.

In England, shops are usually open from 9 :00 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. On Sundays, some shops are open from 10:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m. But a lot of shops are closed. Banks, museums or other places are open from 10:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. You can go to the parks at any time.

All the cities have buses, trains and taxis. People wait in line for buses and they are unhappy if you push in at the front. Don't forget that traffic goes on the left.  Be careful with yourselves when you travel in England!

Notice to the tourists

★At any time of year, the weather in Englandeasily.

★Just be ready for any kind of weather.

★You should remember to take anwhen you go out.

★The north of England is than the south.

★Shops are usually open from 9:00 a. m. to 5:30 p. m., but on, lots of shops are closed.

★At any time, you can go to the parks.

★Please wait in line when you are at the bus stop.

★Remember that traffic goes on thein England.


Florida is a beautiful city in the USA. Florida got its name from Spanish explorer, Juan Ponce de Leon. In his opinion, Florida was a beautiful place. There he saw beautiful flowers, so he named the place "La Florida" which means "a place of flowers".

Florida is a large state (州) in southeastern America. In the middle of Florida, you can find flat plains, hills and thousands of lakes and streams. Florida has a warm and sunny climate. The sun shines almost every day so it is called the "Sunshine State". In summer, the temperature goes up as high as 28℃. In winter, the temperature hardly drops 20℃.

Florida is the third largest state in the USA with a population of more than 20 million. In the past seven years, nearly 1. 5 million people have moved to Florida. Lots of people come here because the weather in Florida is often sunny with the blue sky.

There are also a lot of places of interest in Florida, such as the Florida Reef, Everglades National Park and the St. Johns River. Every year, millions of people come to Florida for a visit.

The introduction of Florida


Florida is a state of America which was  by a Spanish.


It's in the  of the USA. There are plains, hills as well as lakes.


It's full of sunshine all year around. It's never too hot or too.


It's population is overmillion. It's the third largest state in America.

Every year, many people pay a visit to Florida because of its weather, blue sky and .


Zoology is everything about animals. It is the scientific study related to the entire species of the animal kingdom.

An ancient Greek, Aristotle, was the first person to classify(分类) the living things in the 4th century BC. He first divided living things into animals and plants, and then went on with his further classifications. Later the words like biology(生物学), botany and zoology appeared.

People who study zoology are called zoologists. They learn about animals, like where they come from and how they live.

There are many different kinds of zoologists. Some try to learn everything about one animal. And some try to understand where new kinds of animals come


Charles Darwin is probably the most famous zoologist. He showed that animals are all one big family and every kind of animal changes slowly to match the place where they live.

Getting to know animals is important because people are animals. When we study animals, we learn about ourselves. And there are a lot of animals in danger. They are calling for our help.

Click here to test your knowledge on zoology


The definition(定义)

A subject studying  ;

Aristotle was the first to classify the living things.

Things to do as zoologists

Learning  about one animal;

Understanding where new kinds of animals come from.

A famous zoologist and his idea

Charles Darwin:

Animals slowly to match the place where they live.

The of studying animals

Learning about humans when studying animals; Lots of animals need


It may take a long time for some people to learn to speak English. However, by following these tips you should be speaking English in no time.

Tip1: Forget about having a large vocabulary. Only learn the words you will need most. For example, if you are traveling in an English-speaking country, make a list of all the possible sentences and questions that you would need to know, such as "Do you know where the nearest bathroom is? "and" I am lost. Can you help me?". Think about what sentences you would want a traveler to know if they came to your country and couldn't speak your language.

Tip 2: Once you have a list of vocabulary that you think will be most useful to you, make sure you understand the meaning of each word and know how to use each word in a sentence. Try making lists with new words and sample sentences(例句). Ten new words is enough on each list. Then stick(粘贴)the lists up all over your house where you can easily see them. Practice every day. Whenever you see a list, make sure you stop and read through it.

Tip 3: Now pronounce these words and sentences properly. Try to learn pronunciation by listening to how English speakers pronounce words. Watch English TV shows, listen to English radio programs and try to talk with as many English speakers as you can, online or in person.

I wish you the best of luck and I hope my tips are helpful!

Tips for speaking English in no time

Tip 1

Learn the words you will need most. For example, travelers can focus on words and sentences about .

Tip 2

Learn the  of each word and how to use these words in by practicing them every day.

Tip 3

the words and sentences properly. by watching English TV shows,

listening to English programs and talking with English speakers.
