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日期: 2024-09-19

Nobody likes to spend money on a new book only to face disappointment when it doesn't live up to your expectations. Here are the best book review sites to help you avoid buying books that you'll regret reading.


Goodreads is the leading online community for book lovers. If you want some inspiration for which novel or biography to read next, this is the best book review site to visit. There are an endless number of user-generated reading lists to explore.

Fantasy Book Review

Fantasy Book Review should be high on the list for anyone who is a fan of fantasy works. The book review site publishes reviews for both children's books and adults' books. It has a section on the top fantasy books of all time.


Booklist is a print magazine that also offers an online portal. Trusted experts from the American Library Association write all the book reviews. You can see parts of reviews for different books. However, to read them in full, you will need to subscribe.


YouTube is not the type of place that immediately springs to mind when you think of the best book review sites online. However, there are several engaging YouTube channels that frequently offer opinions on books they've read.

Although it's easy to be attracted by an impressive book cover, it's always best to have a quick look at the book reviews before actually buying a copy. This way, you can save your money and spend it on the books that you'll be proud to display on your shelves for a long time.


It's a classic story: A kid is forced to learn an instrument from a young age, they play it throughout their childhood, and they develop a bittersweet relationship with it. Is the constant battle between the love for the music and the hate for the constant challenge worth the fight? For me, it was.

I started playing the piano when I was four-that was 15 years ago! This was huge commitment, so there must have been something worth holding on to, right?

The easy guess is that I was purely in love with music and piano. Although that's the sweeter tale, it's a bit more complicated. I struggled a lot with piano. Family and peers were, at least in my own head, constantly placed beside me in competition. I felt pressure to be the best in order to prove something to others-and more devastatingly (破坏性地) to prove something to myself. The seed of my musical interest was grown in the sunlight of competition and doubt. Hate sprouted (滋生) when my self-criticism hit too hard.

It's difficult to learn to love something that didn't originate from love. For a while, piano was more of an annoyance than a hobby. But somehow, love grew. It was deeply buried. But it was there, and by high school, it was strong enough that when I was truly on the verge of quitting any kind of formal training. I found the strength to hold on tighter, and dig further. I switched teachers, and got incredibly lucky with one who helped me tunnel into what I loved. I learned pieces for myself, I composed for myself, and I found confidence not because I got "good enough," but because I learned that anything I had was good enough.

The love and hate I've had for the piano were both planted and grown. If you too have learned to hate something, remember that with commitment, it can be uprooted, and love can make a home in its place. There is always time. There is always room.


Around the globe far more bird species are losing ground than gaining, according to an expansive review of a half-century of bird population research published in the journal Annual Review of Environment and Resources in May.

The review, entitled The State of the World's Birds, showed that more than 5,200 different species of birds-just shy of half the world's total-are known or suspected to be declining. Around 3,800 species are relatively stable, and fewer than 700 species show increases. Among birds on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, almost 400 birds worldwide have had their conservation status changed for the worse in the past three decades (moving from vulnerable to threatened, or threatened to endangered) — five times more than the number of bird species with an IUCN status that has changed for the better.

"After documenting the loss of nearly 3 billion birds in North America alone (according to a 2019 study published in the journal Science), it was disturbing to see the same patterns of population declines and extinction occurring globally," says review coauthor Ken Rosenberg, a conservation scientist now retired from the Cormell Lab of Omithology.

The review points to disappearing and degraded habitat-resulting from climate change, urbanization, agricultural intensification, and international trade-as the leading driver of bird declines worldwide. In a note of hope, the authors cite a 2020 study indicating that restoring just 5% of habitat in priority areas around the world could avert 60% of likely extinctions.

Lead author Alexander Lees, a research associate at the Cormell Lab, also points to the need for substantial changes in human behavior to prevent further losses. "Loss and degradation of habitat is often driven by demand for resources," says Lees. "We need to better consider how commodity flows such as beef, oil, and seed crops can contribute to biodiversity loss and try to reduce the human footprint on the natural world."


Why do some men settle down to form families with the mothers of their children, and others don't? Biology plays a role. Work published by Lee Gettler of the University of Notre Dame, in Indiana, clarifies how testosterone, the principal male hormone (荷尔蒙), operates.

Previous studies suggest that high levels of testosterone are bad for family life. Fathers with lower testosterone levels provide more child care while high-testosterone males are less likely to stick around. Dr. Gettler has shown something further. This is that a man's adult testosterone level seems correlated with whether his father was present during his teenage years.

His data come from a survey begun in the Philippines in 1983. This monitored the health and nutrition of 966 men enrolled as babies. It also collected extensive information on whether the fathers of these men were around and providing parental care in the households. It further documented whether participants got married, had children and whether they participated in child care. Crucially, it also measured their testosterone levels at the ages of 21, 26 and 30.

Overall, Dr. Gettler and his colleagues found that on becoming fathers, men had lower testosterone levels if their own fathers had been involved in their care during their teenage years. It has two possible explanations. One is that it is directly genetic (基因的). The other is that teenage experience actually modulates (调节) testosterone levels. This explanation, which Dr. Gettler favors, could lead to high-testosterone men abandoning their sons, who thus become high-testosterone in their turn.

He also found some of those in the survey whose fathers were absent during their adolescence, and who ended up with high levels of the hormone, did become caring fathers. Why this pattern should exist is an unanswered question. But a zoologist looking at these data might take it as an example of developmental plasticity (可塑性), in which the same genes produce different, but appropriate, outcomes in different circumstances.

Dr. Gettler's discovery throws a useful light on the problem of fatherless families, and how to try to end it.


Emotional pain is part of life.Whether the pain is associated with loss, failure, or disappointment, you must develop a strategy to lessen and manage the struggle. By taking action you will learn to cope with emotional pain.

Seek help from those close to you. Asking for help can be awkward. However, if you let someone know that you are trying to make specific changes in your life, it will increase the likelihood of your success.It is important for you to let others know what you are trying to achieve.

Sitting around missing someone will only make you feel worse. Sometimes you need to occupy yourself with new, more interesting things to do. Have you ever thought about learning to play a musical instrument or becoming a master gardener? Now might be your time.

Volunteer your time to a cause. One way of coping with emotional pain is to volunteer your time, resources, or expertise to a worthy cause or individual. Volunteering will help you develop new skills, and begin or strengthen your connection with your community. It can also provide a boost to your self-esteem and personal development.

Make a plan to build coping skills. Following a problem-solving model will give you a structure for creating change. You must determine clear objectives, carry them out, make adjustments as needed and monitor your progress.You can lessen your strict adherence (遵守) to the steps of your plan and maintain positive outcomes.

A. Focus on the positive.

B. You will feel a "giver's high".

C. Fill your schedule with new agenda items.

D. Knowing that doesn't seem to make it any easier.

E. Emotional pain, however, can take much longer to wear off.

F. Your new behaviors will build over time and become second nature to you.

G. A strong support network can help you cope with your pain more effectively.


When I got my first smartphone, I loved it. It gave me instant 1 to my music, thousands of photos and videos and a(n) 2 of information. But over time, my feelings became controversial. I would repeatedly 3 my email, shop online for stuff I didn't need and 4 click on links to websites. I'd often 5 to my husband and to my seven-year-old son, Louis, that I felt trapped by it.

So I began to research studies on the mental health effects of smartphone use. I 6 that smartphones are linked with anxiety, depression and poor sleep quality. Unsurprisingly, they also impact your ability to 7 and to remain in the present moment with your kids.

8, one day last summer, while I was playing with Louis, I was once again distracted (分心) by dings and pings. He finally related to my complaints about my smartphone: "Mommy, just 9, please!"

I decided to try. Instead of going cold turkey — no 10at all — I bought a flip phone (翻盖手机) and cell plan for $30 a month. With no touch screen, texting is 11. I can't access email, music or social media and don't even try browsing the web without a touch screen. While the adjustment hasn't always been smooth sailing, it's 12 than I thought it would be and the benefits are worth it. Now when I'm playing with my son, I can see the positive effect 13 his smiles. And after he's gone to bed, instead of fixing my eyes on the 14, I light candles, grab a book and 15 the atmosphere of the room I'm in.


I'm smaller than everyone else my age. When I walk in the halls at school, I have to squeeze in between the bigger kids to get by. At the playground, sometimes even little kids try to boss me around. Mia, my best friend, is so tall that when she walks, I have to jog to keep up with her.

I used to try to make myself taller whenever I could. My posture was perfect, straight as an arrow. I hung from the tree in our backyard to stretch out my arms and legs. I even ate all my vegetables. Every day I measured myself, but I was the same height every time. Frustrating!

"Don't worry," Mom always said. "Being small has its advantages." "Really? I could never notice any."

One day, Mrs. Alvarez announced to the class that we'd be putting on a spring play. I practiced all the lines. But at the audition (试演), when I walked up to the stage, Mrs. Alvarez cried, "You'll be perfect as the elf (小精灵)! You're just the right size for the costume." I even never got a chance to deliver the practiced lines. Back home I grumbled (咕哝) to mum that I was made an elf. But she bet I would be the best elf. To please her, I went to rehearsals (排练), though I only had two lines.

Mia got the lead role-a girl wandering through a magical fairy forest in search of her lost dog. In the last scene, she finds a box under a giant mushroom, and when she opens it, her dog jumps out. Mrs. Alvarez's dog, Prince, played the dog role. She brought him to all the rehearsals, and when he wasn't onstage, we got to play with him, but he seemed to like me best.

The night of the show, my first line came early, "Let's ask the Fairy Queen!" Since my only other line was toward the end, I waited offstage, playing with Prince.




Finally, the grand end came, and Prince was brought onstage inside the box.


"How can we get Prince out from beneath the stage?" Mrs. Alvarez asked.
