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日期: 2024-10-04

These are the life-changing apps that will help you build better habits in 2022.


Streaks lets you create up to 24 different tasks that you can complete each day. Complete a task, mark it on the app, and you'll start building your progress. Streaks also has other features available, like reminders and statistics.to help you keep your habits on track. It collects no fees.


Strides makes your goals easy and attainable. You'll be able to track your progress and see how far along you are with progress reports and charts that'll show you your advancement and your success rate on any given goal. You can create unlimited reminders and build up your routine from the ground up. The app asks you to join their monthly subscription.


With ATracker, time all your activities and stop wasting time on unimportant tasks. You can create and define your daily and weekly goals to avoid losing track of your good and bad habits. Having tracked, you can see what you've done in a beautiful chart. You can also see a goal report to make sure you're staying on track with your new year's resolutions. The app is $4.99, but it's only a one-time payment.


Coach.me is mostly free. You'll get to track your progress and get bonus points for achieving your goals. What's cool about Coach.me is that you can join a community of people like you where they are willing to help out each other. You can even take it one step further by hiring a coach, although that's going to cost you extra.


Gabby Goodwin and her mother, Rozalynn, had a problem: Even after careful styling, barrettes (发夹) kept slipping out of the 5-year-old's hair. Gabby hated losing bows, and her mom was tired of buying replacements. As Rozalynn shared her frustration with other parents on social media, someone suggested that the Goodwins try creating their own barrettes.

"I was super excited," said Gabby, now l4. "I was nagging (唠叨) my mom every single day about these barrettes." Gabby's persistence persuaded her mother, and they began to deal with the problem.

First they examined Gabby's hair bows to see why they were falling out. Then they came up with a design for a double-face, double-snap barrette that attaches securely to hair.

When the Goodwins first showed their design to business investors, it was rejected. The product wasn't the right fit or the business plan wasn't good, companies told them. The setbacks made Gabby more determined.

Gabby and her mother didn't give up, and in 2014 they began selling the bows online. The barrettes were so popular that the Goodwins received a patent. Today Gabby is chief of Confidence by GaBBY Goodwin, and the barrettes-called GaBBY Bows-are available online and in 74 Target stores across the country. In 2018 Black Enterprise selected Gabbyas its Teenpreneur of the year. The following year, Gabby and Rozalynn set up a virtual academy to help girls learn business skills.

If you watch Gabby deliver a speech on a Facebook video, it's hard to imagine the South Carolina eighth-grader as anything other than confident. But learning to be the public face of her company was "really hard at first," she said.

Over the years, with a lot of practice speaking to audiences, Gabby grew more comfortable in her role. She offers this advice to kids: "Keep doing what you're passionate about, then you'll be able to grow in confidence."


The idea of low material desire, low consumption and refusing to work, marry and have children, concluded as a "lying down" lifestyle, recentlystruck a chord withmany young Chinese who are eager to take pause to breathe in this fast-paced and highly-competitive society.

Many millennials (千禧一代) and generation Zs complained to the Global Times that burdens, including work stress, family disputes (纷争) and financial strains, have pushed them "against the wall". They said they hate the "involution (内卷)," joking that they would rather give up some of what they have than get trapped in an endless competition against peers.

"Instead of always following the 'virtues' of struggle, endure and sacrifice to bear the stresses, they prefer a temporary lying down as catharsis (宣泄) and adjustment," said a scholar. "It is no wonder that some young people, under the growing pressures from child-raising to paying the mortgage (按揭) today, would try to live in a simple way and leave the worries behind."

Interestingly, the majority of millennials and Gen Zs reached by the Global Times, who claim to be big fans of the lying down philosophy, acknowledged that they only accept a temporary lying down as a short rest. It is true that with the great improvement of living conditions, some Chinese youth have partially lost the spirit of hardship and are not willing to bear too much hard work. But in fact, lying down is not entirely comfortable. Young people who lie down always feel guilty about their constant loss of morale (士气) far beyond their reach.

"Young people on campus have both aspirations and confusion about their future, but most of us have rejected setting ourselves up in chains to waste opportunities and challenges," a postgraduate student told the Global Times. "It's no use running away. I have to 'stand up' and face the reality sooner or later."


Humans' overconsumption of resources is a leading contributor to global climate change, says University of Arizona researcher Sabrina Helm. Therefore, it's increasingly important to understand the choices consumers make and how those decisions affect the health of a planet with limited resources. In a new study, published in the journal Young Consumers, Helm and her colleagues explore how materialistic values influence pro-environmental (环保的)  behaviors in millennials, who are now the nation's most influential group of consumers.

The researchers focused on two main categories of pro-environmental behaviors: reduced consumption, which includes actions like repairing instead of replacing older items; and "green buying," or purchasing products designed to limit environmental impacts. The researchers also looked at how engaging in pro-environmental behaviors affects consumer well-being.

More materialistic participants, the researchers found, were unlikely to engage in reduced consumption. However, materialism did not seem to have an effect on their likelihood of practicing "green buying." That's probably because "green buying," unlike reduced consumption, still offers a way for materialists to fulfill their desire to get new items, Helm said.

Study participants who reported having fewer materialistic values were much more likely to engage in reduced consumption. Consuming less was, in turn, linked to higher personal well-being and lower psychological suffering. Green buying—which may have some positive environmental effects, although to a smaller degree than reduced consumption—was not found to improve consumer well-being, Helm said.

The take-home message for consumers: "The key is to reduce consumption and not just buy green stuff. Having less and buying less can actually make us more satisfied and happier," Helm said. "If you have a lot of stuff, you have a lot on your mind," she said. "For example, it requires maintenance and there's a lot of burdens of ownership, and if you relieve yourself of that burden of ownership, most people report feeling a lot better and freer."

Helm and her colleagues additionally looked at how materialism affects millennial consumers' proactive (积极的)  financial behaviors, such as budgeting and saving. Examining financial behaviors alongside pro-environmental behaviors provides a picture of how young adults proactively deal with resource limitations in two contexts: environmental and financial, Helm said.

As expected, Helm and her colleagues found that those who reported having more materialistic values engaged in fewer proactive financial behaviors than their less materialistic counterparts (对应的人). The researchers also found that, consistent with previous studies, proactive financial behaviors were associated with better personal well-being, life satisfaction and financial satisfaction, as well as lower psychological suffering.

Understanding how materialistic values impact consumer behaviors, and how those behaviors in turn affect personal and environmental well-being, is important, Helm said. However, she acknowledges that for many consumers, shifting behaviors to be more financially proactive and consume less will be challenging.


Although Kobe Bryant is no longer with us, his unbreakable will on and off the basketball court lives on. In April 2020, it was announced that the late superstar would be chosen into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame, a prestigious (声誉高的) honor for basketball's best.

"His fierce competitiveness, work ethic and drive were unmatched," Jeanie Buss, owner of the Los Angles Lakers, told ESPN (Entertainment and Sports Programs Network). "And they have now brought him to the Hall of Fame, where he will be remembered with the greatest who have ever played the game. No one deserves it more."

Indeed, it was his unmatchable commitment to be the best. He was merciless in his pursuit of dominating his opponents. He called it the "mamba mentality" after the black mamba, one of the world's deadliest snakes—and also after the top killer from the 2003 movie Kill Bill, according to The New Yorker.

"Mamba mentality is all about focusing on the process and trusting in the hard work," he wrote in his book The Mamba Mentality: How I Play. "You could say I encouraged people to be their best selves.That's what leads to introspection (内省) and that's what leads to improvement."

Though Kobe is gone,. No one can deny the Kobe's power to inspire people to be their best selves.

A. What made Kobe superior to his peers?

B. Many people felt shocked and sad when he died.

C. Those qualities helped Kobe lead us to five titles.

D. he will never feel sorry for himself.

E. I liked challenging people.

F. he has left the world valuable spirits of persistence.

G. Alongside Kobe, eight others will be chosen at a ceremony in May 2021.


The year 2020 was supposed to be great for me. I had finally gotten my 1 on track and arranged some incredible international 2 I had dreamed of for years. And then, almost in an instant, everything fell apart.

Since the beginning of the lockdowns(封城), all the projects I had worked so hard for were 3 by the day. Trips were canceled or 4 as international borders were shut. Our normal way of life had almost ceased (停止) to 5 .

At that moment, I realized I had to make a 6, and fast. I was going to look into 7 career options. I had been a personal trainer before, and the 8 of getting back into something health and wellness 9 interested me.

Of course I had 10. How was I going to do this? Was I too old? Was I 11 enough? I had to put those 12 aside. If there is anything that 2020 taught me, it's to 13 the unknown. So, with great enthusiasm and a hint of anxiety, I 14 for an EMT course to begin my journey.

From the first day, I devoted my time to 15 everything I could about health and wellness both in class and at home. And the passion and hard work 16. At the end of the year, I had 17 my EMT license and began to look for options in the industry.

I learned much from this experience. Life can change overnight, so it's important to get 18 and adapt to the new situations. Learning new skills will open your mind and doors to new 19 . So the year 2020 was great for me, just in a 20 way from I had planned.

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