组卷题库 > 初中英语试卷库


日期: 2024-10-05

A funny thing happened last week on my aunt Jen's farm. It's not about friends or trading cards,1about apples and goats(山羊). It feels like a good2to share right now.

My little brother and sister, Tex and Indi were so excited about picking up apples and they talked the whole drive there. When we3arrived there, we kids hurried to the farm with Aunt Jen. First, we stopped to visit the cutest baby goats in the world. Their names were Blossom, Bluebell and Sam. We said hello to them. After that, we went to begin our work. When we found the perfect picking place, we all worked with4.

When our picking baskets were5, we put them into a big box on the ground. But as I finished my third basket, I found6surprising.

"Hey!" I call to Tex and Indi. "Why are you taking bites(咬) out of all the7in this box? If you're hungry, can't you just8one apple?" "I didn't take the bites out of any apples!" Tex said. "Me neither!" said Indi. I couldn't believe their words.

Just then, we heard a sound beside us.9, it was the baby goats that were eating the apples, with bits of apples all over their faces.

"I10you it wasn't me," said Tex. "So did I," said Indi.

"I'm sorry I thought you were lying," I said. "11there's something strange, I'll wait until I have a few more details before deciding I know the right answer."

I learned a good12that day.13you jump to conclusions(结论) without lots of looking, talking to your friend, you won't find the truth. It14works better to ask than to accuse(指责). Would you15for a while before you draw a conclusion?


Most children are taught the virtue(美德) of honesty from stories. The famous story of Pinocchio teaches the importance of telling the truth. Every time Pinocchio lies, his nose grows longer and longer. Another story is about the boy who "cried wolf." In the end, he loses all his sheep and the trust of his villagers because he tells lies many times. These types of stories show children that "honesty is the best policy(策略)". Ifthis is true, then why do so many people lie? The fact is that people lie for many reasons.

One reason people lie is to minimize(使最小化) a mistake. It is true that everyone does something wrong from time to time. However, some people aren't brave enough to tell others that they have made a mistake because they are afraid they will be blamed(责备). For example, students might lie to their teachers about unfinished homework. They might say that they left the work at home. In fact, they didn't do the work at all. These students don't want to get into trouble or seem irresponsible(无责任感的), so they tell a lie to save face.

Another reason for lying has something to do with self-protection. Parents, particularly(尤其) those with young children, may teach their children to use this type of "protective" lie in certain situations. What should children do if a stranger calls while the parents are out? Many parents teach their children to tell the stranger that their parents are too busy to come to the phone at that time. In this situation, protective lying can mean greater safety.

People lie for many reasons, both good and bad. Lying to keep the peace or to stay safe can have good results. However, lying to stay out of trouble can cause more trouble in the end. Understanding the reasons behind the action to lie might minimize this habit of lying.


When Yang Fan was taking a walk around the Yuliang Island, she saw a black swan in the grass. Yang Fan knew that swans could be fierce(凶猛的). But as she got close to this one. It didn't move.

She was sure that the swan needed help. So Yang covered the bird's head with her jacket to keep its cool, picked it up carefully, and held it in her arms. She decided to send it to the Animal Care Center, but the center was across the Han River, far from the park. She didn't know how to carry the swan there. Luckily, some strangers driving by gave her and the swan a lift to a nearby bus stop.

On the bus, no one seemed surprised by "the unusual passenger(乘客)". Instead they were worried. Someone helped Yang Fan call the center on the way. And Li Tao, an animal-care manager, picked her up at the bus stop and drove them to the center. There, the animal doctors found that the swan was poisoned, caused by eating something used to kill mice. The swan was well looked after at the center. She even made a friend —a little dog. Thanks to people's love and care, luckily she was cured(治愈) two months later.

"It's a moving story. Yang Fan travelled about two hours and it was really a long way." says Li Tao. "And all the strangers wanted to give her and the swan a hand. " He adds, "I am happy to see that more and more people have realized the importance of protecting the wild life since Xiangyang began to build the civilized(文明) city".


Have you touched a cute dog recently? If that dog touches you with its nose, you may find how wet and cold it is. If dogs are so warm and fluffy (毛茸茸的), then why are their noses so cold?

Before, people thought that dogs had cold noses to help them control their body temperature(温度). But, a new study has shown some interesting findings about dogs' noses. The study finds that when the air temperature is 30℃, the tip of a dog's nose is about five degrees cooler than the air. But why is this?

The researchers believe that the tip of a dog's nose has a special sensory function (探测功能). So, they do an experiment to test it. The study shows that dogs can find weak heat sources—like a small animal—with their noses from 1. 5 meters away.

The research team studies three dogs named Charlie, Delfi and Kevin. For the experiment, the dogs have to tell the difference between two objects. The two objects are heated to different temperatures. Amazingly, all three dogs are able to sense the temperature difference between both objects.

The study also finds that the heat from the objects in the experiment is too weak to be felt by human hands, even at very short distances. The dogs are able to sense these heated objects from a distance, but humans are only able to feel the warmth of the object if they touch it.

To know more about it, the research team also studies the brain activity of 13 dogs. When a warm object is put near their noses, there is an increase in brain activity.


Jan puts her time capsule(胶囊) inside a plastic bag and takes it into the garden. She looks up at the night sky and tries to see the sbut the clouds and the light pollution(污染)from the town make it impossible. So she watches a plane fly past to Apsworth airport.

She makes a hin the ground beside the apple tree and puts the time capsule inside. Then she ccovers the hole and looks around her to check that no one is watching her. The location of the time capsule is a s. Don't tell anyone.

Jan can see the apple tree from her bedroom window and half an hour later she's looking out of her window down at the tree and the place where she lthe time capsule. She tries to imagine(想像) the scene in the future. "I wonder who's going to find my time capsule," she thinks.  "I wonder wis going to be here in the future. A shopping centre? A new university? Probably a new runway for the airport," she thinks as aplane flies past.

She goes to bed and dreams of the future. In the future Jan's house is in the middle of a big city. There are lots of tall buildings fof lights. It's night but there's light and colour everywhere.

The next morning, Jan wakes up five minutes before the alarm clock rings. She remembers her d.

"The future is an exciting place," she thinks as she gets out of bed and looks out the window. The tree is still there. The other houses are still there. She isn't in the future. She's in the pand it's time to get ready for school.

—Taken from The Time Capsule
